blob: 96763e8dee8b31857d2c78933aca545529d16ebe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/inspect/component/cpp/component.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/PlatformManager.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include "utils.h"
namespace nl::Weave {
namespace testing {
class WeaveInspectorTest;
} // namespace testing
// This class defines the structure of the Inspect hierarchy for Weave. Components
// of WeaveStack can invoke the WeaveInspector to log events pertaining to status
// and tunnel state changes. For example:
// auto inspector = nl::Weave::WeaveInspector::GetWeaveInspector();
// inspector.NotifyPairingStateChange(
// nl::Weave::WeaveInspector::WeaveStatusNode::kPairingState_FabricCreatedOrJoined);
// The WeaveInspector holds types of WeaveStatusNode and TunnelStatusNode as sub-nodes
// of the Inspect hierarchy. WeaveStatusNode will contain multiple WeaveStatusEntry
// sub-nodes. These sub-nodes are added whenever a Weave status change is notified by
// WeaveStack and will contain complete information of current weave status. To obtain
// history of Weave status changes WeaveStatusNode will hold last |kMaxWeaveStatusEntries|.
// TunnelStatusNode will contain information on tunnel status changes. TunnelStatusNode will
// be updated whenever Tunnel status change is notified by WeaveStack.
// Sample Inspect hierarchy:
// "root": {
// "weave_status": {
// "0x13": {
// "setup_state": "CASESessionEstablished",
// "pairing_state": "RegisterServiceCompleted",
// "@time": 479097104375,
// "tunnel_state": {
// "state": "PrimaryTunMode",
// "type": "Primary",
// "is_restricted": false
// },
// "failsafe_state": {
// "state": "Disarmed",
// "reason": "Nominal"
// }
// },
// "0x12": {
// ..
// ..
// },
// ..
// ..
// },
// "tunnel_status": {
// "last_time_tunnel_down": 0,
// "last_time_tunnel_established": 478702584208
// }
// }
// }
class WeaveInspector final {
// Failsafe state & Reasons
using WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason = std::string;
static const WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason kFailSafeReason_Init;
static const WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason kFailSafeReason_Nominal;
static const WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason kFailSafeReason_FailsafeArmFailed;
static const WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason kFailSafeReason_FailsafeDisarmFailed;
using WeaveStatus_FailSafeState = std::string;
static const WeaveStatus_FailSafeState kFailSafeState_Armed;
static const WeaveStatus_FailSafeState kFailSafeState_Disarmed;
// Paring State
using WeaveStatus_PairingState = std::string;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_Initialized;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_FabricCreatedOrJoined;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_ThreadNetworkCreatedOrJoined;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_RegisterServicePending;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_RegisterServiceCompleted;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_ServiceConfigUpdated;
static const WeaveStatus_PairingState kPairingState_LeftFabric;
// Setup State
using WeaveStatus_SetupState = std::string;
static const WeaveStatus_SetupState kSetupState_Initialized;
static const WeaveStatus_SetupState kSetupState_BLEConnected;
static const WeaveStatus_SetupState kSetupState_PASESessionEstablished;
static const WeaveStatus_SetupState kSetupState_CASESessionEstablished;
// Tunnel state
using WeaveStatus_TunnelState = std::string;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelState kTunnelState_NoTunnel;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelState kTunnelState_PrimaryTunMode;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelState kTunnelState_BkupOnlyTunMode;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelState kTunnelState_PrimaryAndBkupTunMode;
// Tunnel type
using WeaveStatus_TunnelType = std::string;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelType kTunnelType_None;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelType kTunnelType_Primary;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelType kTunnelType_Backup;
static const WeaveStatus_TunnelType kTunnelType_Shortcut;
// Creates/Returns the pointer to WeaveInspector singleton object.
static WeaveInspector& GetWeaveInspector();
WeaveInspector(WeaveInspector const&) = delete;
void operator=(WeaveInspector const&) = delete;
// Function to be called on WeaveStack Init.
// This will record initialization status to inspect data.
void NotifyInit();
// Function to be called when pairing state change.
// This will add a new entry with all current status to weave_status node.
void NotifyPairingStateChange(const WeaveStatus_PairingState& new_state);
// Function to be called when failsafe state change.
// This will add a new entry with all current status to weave_status node.
void NotifyFailSafeStateChange(const WeaveStatus_FailSafeState& new_state,
const WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason& reason);
// Function to be called when setup state change.
// This will add a new entry with all current status to weave_status node.
void NotifySetupStateChange(const WeaveStatus_SetupState& new_state);
// Function to be called when tunnel state change.
// This will add a new entry with all current status to weave_status node.
void NotifyTunnelStateChange(const WeaveStatus_TunnelState& new_state,
const WeaveStatus_TunnelType& tunnel_type, bool is_restricted);
friend class testing::WeaveInspectorTest;
WeaveInspector() : WeaveInspector(async_get_default_dispatcher()) {}
explicit WeaveInspector(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
class WeaveStatusNode {
explicit WeaveStatusNode(inspect::Node& parent_node);
// This structure holds current Weave status at any point of time.
struct WeaveCurrentStatus {
bool tunnel_restricted_;
WeaveStatus_TunnelState tunnel_state_;
WeaveStatus_TunnelType tunnel_type_;
WeaveStatus_FailSafeState failsafe_state_;
WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason failsafe_state_reason_;
WeaveStatus_PairingState pairing_state_;
WeaveStatus_SetupState setup_state_;
// An entry in WeaveStatusNode. Each entry is timestamped.
struct WeaveStatusEntry {
WeaveStatusEntry(inspect::Node& parent_node, const WeaveCurrentStatus& current_status);
inspect::Node weave_status_entry_node_;
inspect::StringProperty setup_state_property_;
inspect::StringProperty pairing_state_property_;
struct {
inspect::Node state_node_;
inspect::StringProperty state_property_;
inspect::StringProperty reason_property_;
} failsafe_state_;
struct {
inspect::Node state_node_;
inspect::StringProperty state_property_;
inspect::StringProperty type_property_;
inspect::BoolProperty is_restricted_property_;
} tunnel_state_;
inspect::UintProperty timestamp_property_;
// Add a new entry in weave_status with current status values.
void LogCurrentStatus();
// Return current weave status.
WeaveCurrentStatus GetCurrentWeaveStatus() { return current_status_; }
// Update current pairing state and add a new entry for weave status.
void RecordPairingStateChange(const WeaveStatus_PairingState& new_state);
// Update current failsafe state and add a new entry for weave status.
void RecordFailSafeStateChange(const WeaveStatus_FailSafeState& new_state,
const WeaveStatus_FailSafeReason& reason);
// Update current setup state and add a new entry for weave status.
void RecordSetupStateChange(const WeaveStatus_SetupState& new_state);
// Update current tunnel state and add a new entry for weave status.
void RecordTunnelStateChange(const WeaveStatus_TunnelState& new_state,
const WeaveStatus_TunnelType& tunnel_type, bool is_restricted);
inspect::Node node_;
BoundedQueue<WeaveStatusEntry> weave_status_entries_;
WeaveCurrentStatus current_status_;
// A Node which contains tunnel_status information.
class TunnelStatusNode {
explicit TunnelStatusNode(inspect::Node& parent_node);
// Update last time when Tunnel established.
void RecordTunnelEstablishedTime(uint64_t time_value);
// Update last time when Tunnel went down.
void RecordTunnelDownTime(uint64_t time_value);
inspect::Node node_;
inspect::UintProperty tunnel_established_time_property_;
inspect::UintProperty tunnel_down_time_property_;
std::unique_ptr<inspect::ComponentInspector> inspector_;
TunnelStatusNode tunnel_status_;
WeaveStatusNode weave_status_;
} // namespace nl::Weave