blob: 5ddd51f6964c001acb26141f0ba26735ce985200 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/WeaveDeviceConfig.h>
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/internal/GenericConfigurationManagerImpl.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// clang-format on
#include <fuchsia/factory/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hwinfo/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/weave/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include "src/connectivity/weave/adaptation/environment_config.h"
#include "src/connectivity/weave/adaptation/weave_config_manager.h"
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace DeviceLayer {
* Defines the ConfigurationManager singleton object for OpenWeave. This class
* internally proxies calls on ConfigurationMgr to either the delegate that
* contains the platform-specific implementation, or default implementations
* provided by GenericConfigurationManagerImpl.
* This class and its name scheme is enforced by the adaptation layer.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT ConfigurationManagerImpl final
: public ConfigurationManager,
public Internal::GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigurationManagerImpl>,
private Internal::EnvironmentConfig {
// Allow the ConfigurationManager interface class to delegate method calls to
// the implementation methods provided by this class.
friend class ConfigurationManager;
// Allow the GenericConfigurationManagerImpl base class to access helper methods and types
// defined on this class.
friend class Internal::GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<ConfigurationManagerImpl>;
* Delegate class to handle platform-specific implementations of the
* ConfigurationManager API surface. This enables tests to swap out the
* implementation of the static ConfigurationManager instance.
class Delegate {
using GroupKeyStoreBase = ::nl::Weave::Profiles::Security::AppKeys::GroupKeyStoreBase;
using Key = ::nl::Weave::Platform::PersistedStorage::Key;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Provides a handle to ConfigurationManagerImpl object that this delegate
// was attached to. This allows the delegate to invoke functions on
// GenericConfigurationManagerImpl if required.
void SetConfigurationManagerImpl(ConfigurationManagerImpl* impl) { impl_ = impl; }
// ConfigurationManager APIs.
// Performs any required initialization for the delegate. This method must
// be called before other methods.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR Init(void) = 0;
// Populates |device_id| with the weave device ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetDeviceId(uint64_t& device_id) = 0;
// Populates |buf| with the firmware revision, where |buf_size| is the
// length of |buf| in bytes. If |buf| does not have enough capacity to hold
// the firmware revision, |out_len| is not modified. Otherwise, |out_len|
// contains the size of the data.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetFirmwareRevision(char* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len) = 0;
// Populates |buf| with the manufacturer device certificate, where
// |buf_size| is the length of |buf| in bytes. If |buf| does not have
// enough capacity to hold the firmware revision, |out_len| is not modified.
// Otherwise, |out_len| contains the size of the data.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetManufacturerDeviceCertificate(uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size,
size_t& out_len) = 0;
// Populates |product_id| with the weave product ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetProductId(uint16_t& product_id) = 0;
// Populates |product_id_description| with the weave product ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetProductIdDescription(char* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len) = 0;
// Populates |vendor_id| with the weave vendor ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetVendorId(uint16_t& vendor_id) = 0;
// Populates |vendor_id_description| with the weave vendor ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetVendorIdDescription(char* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len) = 0;
// Gets the instance of group key store used by this ConfigurationManager.
virtual GroupKeyStoreBase* GetGroupKeyStore(void) = 0;
// Returns whether factory reset is supported.
virtual bool CanFactoryReset(void) = 0;
// Erases all mutable configuration held by the delegate.
virtual void InitiateFactoryReset(void) = 0;
// Reads stored K/V int pairs and writes them to |value|. If the key is not
// found or is not of 'uint32_t' type, |value| is unmodified.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ReadPersistedStorageValue(Key key, uint32_t& value) = 0;
// Writes K/V int pair to store.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR WritePersistedStorageValue(Key key, uint32_t value) = 0;
// Acquires the BLE device name prefix and populates it in
// |device_name_prefix|, with the length in |out_len|. If the provided
// |buf_size| is not sufficient, |out_len| will not be modified.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetBleDeviceNamePrefix(char* device_name_prefix,
size_t device_name_prefix_size, size_t* out_len) = 0;
// Returns whether Weave is fully provisioned as configured.
virtual bool IsFullyProvisioned() = 0;
// Returns whether Weave is paired to an account.
virtual bool IsPairedToAccount() = 0;
// Returns whether this device is a member of a fabric.
virtual bool IsMemberOfFabric() = 0;
// Returns whether Thread is enabled.
// When enabled, ThreadStackManager will attempt to support Thread
// operations and fail if it is unable to provide such support.
virtual bool IsThreadEnabled() = 0;
// Returns whether IPv6 Forwarding is enabled.
// When true, weavestack will enable IPv6 forwarding.
virtual bool IsIPv6ForwardingEnabled() = 0;
// Returns whether WoBLE is enabled.
// When enabled, weavestack will publish GATT service for WoBLE.
virtual bool IsWoBLEEnabled() = 0;
// Returns whether WoBLE advertisement enabled.
// When enabled, weavestack will do WoBLE advertisement on startup.
virtual bool IsWoBLEAdvertisementEnabled() = 0;
// Acquires the device descriptor in Weave TLV format and populates it in
// |buf|, with the length in |encoded_len|. If the provided |buf_size| is
// not sufficient, |encoded_len| will not be modified.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetDeviceDescriptorTLV(uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size,
size_t& encoded_len) = 0;
// Get the primary WiFi MAC address. Supplied buffer must be 6 bytes long.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetPrimaryWiFiMACAddress(uint8_t* mac_address) = 0;
// Retrieves test private key for signing test cert in |signing_key|,
// returns ZX_OK on success.
virtual zx_status_t GetPrivateKeyForSigning(std::vector<uint8_t>* signing_key) = 0;
// Reads the list of applets from the config file and populates |out| with the same.
virtual zx_status_t GetAppletPathList(std::vector<std::string>& out) = 0;
// Gets the configured duration for Thread to remain joinable when asked to
// enter joinable mode (in seconds).
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetThreadJoinableDuration(uint32_t* duration) = 0;
// Gets the fail safe armed state of the device.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetFailSafeArmed(bool& fail_safe_armed) = 0;
// Sets the fail safe armed state of the device.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SetFailSafeArmed(bool fail_safe_armed) = 0;
// Sets the weave fabric ID the device.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR StoreFabricId(uint64_t fabric_id) = 0;
// Store service provisioning data.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR StoreServiceProvisioningData(uint64_t service_id,
const uint8_t* service_config,
size_t service_config_len,
const char* account_id,
size_t account_id_len) = 0;
// Store service config.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR StoreServiceConfig(const uint8_t* service_config,
size_t service_config_len) = 0;
// Store paired account ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR StorePairedAccountId(const char* accountId, size_t accountIdLen) = 0;
ConfigurationManagerImpl* impl_;
// Sets the delegate containing the platform-specific implementation. It is
// invalid to invoke the ConfigurationManager without setting a delegate
// first. However, the OpenWeave surface requires a no-constructor
// instantiation of this class, so it is up to the caller to enforce this.
void SetDelegate(std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate);
// Gets the delegate currently in use. This may return nullptr if no delegate
// was set on this class.
Delegate* GetDelegate();
// Reads the BLE device name prefix, see definition in delegate.
WEAVE_ERROR GetBleDeviceNamePrefix(char* device_name_prefix, size_t device_name_prefix_size,
size_t* out_len);
// Returns whether Thread is enabled, see definition in delegate.
bool IsThreadEnabled();
// Returns whether IP forwarding is enabled, see definition in delegate.
bool IsIPv6ForwardingEnabled();
// Returns whether WoBLE is enabled, see definition in delegate.
bool IsWoBLEEnabled();
// Returns whether WoBLE advertisement is enabled on startup, see definition in delegate.
bool IsWoBLEAdvertisementEnabled();
// Retrieves test private key for signing test cert in |signing_key|,
// returns ZX_OK on success.
zx_status_t GetPrivateKeyForSigning(std::vector<uint8_t>* signing_key);
// Reads the list of applets from the config file and populates |out| with the same.
zx_status_t GetAppletPathList(std::vector<std::string>& out);
// Returns the Thread joinable duration, see definition in delegate.
WEAVE_ERROR GetThreadJoinableDuration(uint32_t* duration);
// Returns the fail safe armed state of the device.
WEAVE_ERROR GetFailSafeArmed(bool& fail_safe_armed);
using GroupKeyStoreBase = ::nl::Weave::Profiles::Security::AppKeys::GroupKeyStoreBase;
using Key = ::nl::Weave::Platform::PersistedStorage::Key;
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// ConfigurationManagerImpl APIs. These are proxy functions that invoke
// functions of the same prototype in the |delegate_|. The function prototype
// definitions are owned by ConfigurationManager in OpenWeave.
WEAVE_ERROR _Init(void);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetDeviceId(uint64_t& device_id);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetFirmwareRevision(char* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetManufacturerDeviceCertificate(uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetPrimaryWiFiMACAddress(uint8_t* mac_address);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetProductId(uint16_t& product_id);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetProductIdDescription(char* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetVendorId(uint16_t& vendor_id);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetVendorIdDescription(char* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& out_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _GetDeviceDescriptorTLV(uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size, size_t& encoded_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _SetFailSafeArmed(bool fail_safe_armed);
WEAVE_ERROR _StoreFabricId(uint64_t fabric_id);
WEAVE_ERROR _StoreServiceProvisioningData(uint64_t service_id, const uint8_t* service_config,
size_t service_config_len, const char* account_id,
size_t account_id_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _StoreServiceConfig(const uint8_t* service_config, size_t service_config_len);
WEAVE_ERROR _StorePairedAccountId(const char* account_id, size_t account_id_len);
bool _IsFullyProvisioned();
bool _IsPairedToAccount();
bool _IsMemberOfFabric();
GroupKeyStoreBase* _GetGroupKeyStore(void);
bool _CanFactoryReset(void);
void _InitiateFactoryReset(void);
WEAVE_ERROR _ReadPersistedStorageValue(::nl::Weave::Platform::PersistedStorage::Key key,
uint32_t& value);
WEAVE_ERROR _WritePersistedStorageValue(::nl::Weave::Platform::PersistedStorage::Key key,
uint32_t value);
// Friend functions that are used by OpenWeave core implementations to access
// the static instance of ConfigurationManager and ConfigurationManagerImpl.
friend ConfigurationManager& ConfigurationMgr(void);
friend ConfigurationManagerImpl& ConfigurationMgrImpl(void);
static ConfigurationManagerImpl sInstance;
* Returns the public interface of the ConfigurationManager singleton object.
* Weave applications should use this to access features of the ConfigurationManager object
* that are common to all platforms.
inline ConfigurationManager& ConfigurationMgr(void) { return ConfigurationManagerImpl::sInstance; }
* Returns the platform-specific implementation of the ConfigurationManager singleton object.
* Weave applications can use this to gain access to features of the ConfigurationManager
* that are specific to the Fuchsia platform.
inline ConfigurationManagerImpl& ConfigurationMgrImpl(void) {
return ConfigurationManagerImpl::sInstance;
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl