blob: 437dcc7ea6937a5c7197f5ab5539f2c328f4fe1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a renamed binary based on network_unified_binary.
# network_unified_binary is a single binary that merges together multiple
# networking Rust programs. The entry point to the combined program can identify
# which sub-program the caller intends to run based on the filename of the
# invocation (`argv[0]`).
# Takes the same arguments as rustc_binary. And:
# - bin_remove_configs: applies `configs -= bin_remove_configs` on the generated
# binary target.
# - bin_add_configs: applies `configs += bin_add_configs` on the generated
# binary target.
# - add_configs: applies `configs += add_configs` on the generated
# binary and library targets.
template("network_unified_binary") {
_bin_remove_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.bin_remove_configs)) {
_bin_remove_configs += invoker.bin_remove_configs
_bin_add_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.bin_add_configs)) {
_bin_add_configs += invoker.bin_add_configs
_add_configs = []
if (defined(invoker.add_configs)) {
_add_configs += invoker.add_configs
# Always emit a rust binary with the incoming arguments. Because this is used
# for networking binaries, always remove allow unused results.
rustc_binary(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "bin_remove_configs" ])
configs -= [ "//build/config/rust/lints:allow_unused_results" ]
configs -= _bin_remove_configs
configs += _bin_add_configs
configs += _add_configs
output_name = target_name
if (defined( {
output_name =
_source_root = "src/"
if (defined(invoker.source_root)) {
_source_root = invoker.source_root
library_target_name = target_name + "_gub_lib"
rustc_library(library_target_name) {
# Let only the binary unit tests be generated.
name = output_name
source_root = _source_root
configs += _add_configs
configs -= [ "//build/config/rust/lints:allow_unused_results" ]
# The unified binary builds with LTO so avoid unnecessary work
# when generating the library for it.
configs += [ "//build/config/rust:linker_plugin_lto" ]
gub_target_name = target_name + "_gub"
renamed_binary(gub_target_name) {
source_deps =
[ "//src/connectivity/network/unified_binary:network_unified_binary" ]
deps = [ ":$library_target_name" ]
# Force a barrier on the library target, which prevents includes from all
# the dependencies of the unified binary from causing check_includes to
# bubble up to dependent components.
metadata = {
expect_includes_barrier = [ ":$library_target_name" ]
source = "$root_out_dir/network_unified_binary"
dest = "bin/$output_name"
# A handy rule to create regular and unified binary components. To be used in
# conjunction with network_unified_binary and network_unified_binary_package.
# Takes the same arguments as fuchsia_component and creates two separate
# component rules: one for the regular binary and one for the gub binary.
# For clarity, it does not take a `deps` argument, but splits it into gub and
# non_gub dependencies.
# Extra arguments:
# - gub_deps: Dependencies that should be transformed for the GUB component.
# - non_gub_deps: Dependencies that should not be transformed for the GUB
# component.
template("network_unified_binary_regular_and_gub_components") {
_gub_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.gub_deps)) {
_gub_deps += invoker.gub_deps
_non_gub_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.non_gub_deps)) {
_non_gub_deps += invoker.non_gub_deps
# Declare the regular fuchsia component, which uses all the deps
# untransformed.
fuchsia_component(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "deps" ])
deps = _gub_deps + _non_gub_deps
# Transform all the gub deps appending the gub suffix.
_gub_target_name = target_name + "_gub"
_gub_transformed_deps = []
foreach(dep, _gub_deps) {
_gub_transformed_deps += [ dep + "_gub" ]
# Mimic what fuchsia_component does to ensure we get the same component name.
_gub_component_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.component_name)) {
_gub_component_name = invoker.component_name
# Declare the gub fuchsia component, which uses the transformed gub deps and
# the passthrough non-gub deps.
fuchsia_component(_gub_target_name) {
component_name = _gub_component_name
deps = _gub_transformed_deps + _non_gub_deps
# A handy rule to create a regular and unified binary packages. To be used in
# conjunction with network_unified_binary and network_unified_binary_package.
# Takes the same arguments as fuchsia_package and creates two separate package
# rules: one for the regular package and one for the gub package.
# For clarity, it does not take a `deps` argument, but splits it into gub and
# non_gub dependencies.
# Extra arguments:
# - gub_deps: Dependencies that should be transformed for the GUB package.
# - non_gub_deps: Dependencies that should not be transformed for the GUB
# package.
template("network_unified_binary_regular_and_gub_packages") {
_gub_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.gub_deps)) {
_gub_deps += invoker.gub_deps
_non_gub_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.non_gub_deps)) {
_non_gub_deps += invoker.non_gub_deps
# Declare the regular fuchsia package, which uses all the deps untransformed.
fuchsia_package(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "deps" ])
deps = _gub_deps + _non_gub_deps
# Transform all the gub deps appending the gub suffix.
_gub_target_name = target_name + "_gub"
_gub_transformed_deps = []
foreach(dep, _gub_deps) {
_gub_transformed_deps += [ dep + "_gub" ]
# Mimic what fuchsia_package does to ensure we get the same package name.
_gup_package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
_gup_package_name = invoker.package_name
# Declare the gub fuchsia package, which uses the transformed gub deps and
# the passthrough non-gub deps.
fuchsia_package(_gub_target_name) {
package_name = _gup_package_name
# Coverage builders OOM when building GUB binaries (see
# Setting the dependencies to an empty list
# ensures that GUB binaries aren't built on the coverage builders, which is
# is fine given no tests currently run against GUB binaries. Should that
# change in the future, we'll see test failures and can re-evaluate this
# decision.
if (!is_coverage) {
deps = _gub_transformed_deps + _non_gub_deps
} else {
deps = []