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// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The transport layer.
//! # Listeners and connections
//! Some transport layer protocols (notably TCP and UDP) follow a common pattern
//! with respect to registering listeners and connections. There are some
//! subtleties here that are worth pointing out.
//! ## Connections
//! A connection has simpler semantics than a listener. It is bound to a single
//! local address and port and a single remote address and port. By virtue of
//! being bound to a local address, it is also bound to a local interface. This
//! means that, regardless of the entries in the forwarding table, all traffic
//! on that connection will always egress over the same interface. [^1] This
//! also means that, if the interface's address changes, any connections bound
//! to it are severed.
//! ## Listeners
//! A listener, on the other hand, can be bound to any number of local addresses
//! (although it is still always bound to a particular port). From the
//! perspective of this crate, there are two ways of registering a listener:
//! - By specifying one or more local addresses, the listener will be bound to
//! each of those local addresses.
//! - By specifying zero local addresses, the listener will be bound to all
//! addresses. These are referred to in our documentation as "wildcard
//! listeners".
//! The algorithm for figuring out what listener to deliver a packet to is as
//! follows: If there is any listener bound to the specific local address and
//! port addressed in the packet, deliver the packet to that listener.
//! Otherwise, if there is a wildcard listener bound the port addressed in the
//! packet, deliver the packet to that listener. This implies that if a listener
//! is removed which was bound to a particular local address, it can "uncover" a
//! wildcard listener bound to the same port, allowing traffic which would
//! previously have been delivered to the normal listener to now be delivered to
//! the wildcard listener.
//! If desired, clients of this crate can implement a different mechanism for
//! registering listeners on all local addresses - enumerate every local
//! address, and then specify all of the local addresses when registering the
//! listener. This approach will not support shadowing, as a different listener
//! binding to the same port will explicitly conflict with the existing
//! listener, and will thus be rejected. In other words, from the perspective of
//! this crate's API, such listeners will appear like normal listeners that just
//! happen to bind all of the addresses, rather than appearing like wildcard
//! listeners.
//! [^1]: It is an open design question as to whether incoming traffic on the
//! connection will be accepted from a different interface. This is part
//! of the "weak host model" vs "strong host model" discussion.
mod integration;
use derivative::Derivative;
use net_types::ip::{Ip, Ipv4, Ipv6};
use netstack3_base::{HandleableTimer, TimerHandler};
use netstack3_datagram as datagram;
use netstack3_device::WeakDeviceId;
use netstack3_icmp_echo::IcmpSockets;
use netstack3_tcp::{self as tcp, TcpCounters, TcpState, TcpTimerId};
use netstack3_udp::{UdpCounters, UdpState, UdpStateBuilder};
use crate::{BindingsContext, BindingsTypes};
/// A builder for transport layer state.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct TransportStateBuilder {
udp: UdpStateBuilder,
impl TransportStateBuilder {
/// Get the builder for the UDP state.
pub fn udp_builder(&mut self) -> &mut UdpStateBuilder {
&mut self.udp
pub(crate) fn build_with_ctx<BC: BindingsContext>(
bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
) -> TransportLayerState<BC> {
let now =;
let mut rng = bindings_ctx.rng();
TransportLayerState {
udpv4: self.udp.clone().build(),
tcpv4: TcpState::new(now, &mut rng),
tcpv6: TcpState::new(now, &mut rng),
icmp_echo_v4: Default::default(),
icmp_echo_v6: Default::default(),
/// The state associated with the transport layer.
pub struct TransportLayerState<BT: BindingsTypes> {
udpv4: UdpState<Ipv4, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>,
udpv6: UdpState<Ipv6, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>,
tcpv4: TcpState<Ipv4, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>,
tcpv6: TcpState<Ipv6, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>,
icmp_echo_v4: IcmpSockets<Ipv4, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>,
icmp_echo_v6: IcmpSockets<Ipv6, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>,
impl<BT: BindingsTypes> TransportLayerState<BT> {
fn tcp_state<I: tcp::DualStackIpExt>(&self) -> &TcpState<I, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT> {
I::map_ip((), |()| &self.tcpv4, |()| &self.tcpv6)
fn udp_state<I: datagram::IpExt>(&self) -> &UdpState<I, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT> {
I::map_ip((), |()| &self.udpv4, |()| &self.udpv6)
pub(crate) fn icmp_echo_state<I: datagram::IpExt>(
) -> &IcmpSockets<I, WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT> {
I::map_ip((), |()| &self.icmp_echo_v4, |()| &self.icmp_echo_v6)
pub(crate) fn udp_counters<I: Ip>(&self) -> &UdpCounters<I> {
I::map_ip((), |()| &self.udpv4.counters, |()| &self.udpv6.counters)
pub(crate) fn tcp_counters<I: Ip>(&self) -> &TcpCounters<I> {
I::map_ip((), |()| &self.tcpv4.counters, |()| &self.tcpv6.counters)
/// The identifier for timer events in the transport layer.
Clone(bound = ""),
Eq(bound = ""),
PartialEq(bound = ""),
Hash(bound = ""),
Debug(bound = "")
pub(crate) enum TransportLayerTimerId<BT: BindingsTypes> {
Tcp(TcpTimerId<WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>),
impl<CC, BT> HandleableTimer<CC, BT> for TransportLayerTimerId<BT>
BT: BindingsTypes,
CC: TimerHandler<BT, TcpTimerId<WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>>,
fn handle(self, core_ctx: &mut CC, bindings_ctx: &mut BT) {
match self {
TransportLayerTimerId::Tcp(id) => core_ctx.handle_timer(bindings_ctx, id),
impl<BT: BindingsTypes> From<TcpTimerId<WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>> for TransportLayerTimerId<BT> {
fn from(id: TcpTimerId<WeakDeviceId<BT>, BT>) -> Self {