blob: 6908c91a8f29cbe7dd0d2bd2d0caf2dbe87ed88d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Testing-related utilities.
#![cfg(any(test, feature = "testutils"))]
use alloc::borrow::ToOwned;
use alloc::collections::HashMap;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::convert::Infallible as Never;
use core::ffi::CStr;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::hash::Hash;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use core::time::Duration;
use derivative::Derivative;
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{
AddrSubnet, AddrSubnetEither, GenericOverIp, Ip, IpAddr, IpAddress, IpInvariant, IpVersion,
Ipv4, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6, Ipv6Addr, Mtu, Subnet, SubnetEither,
use net_types::{MulticastAddr, SpecifiedAddr, UnicastAddr, Witness as _};
use netstack3_base::sync::{DynDebugReferences, Mutex};
use netstack3_base::testutil::{
FakeCryptoRng, FakeFrameCtx, FakeInstant, FakeNetwork, FakeNetworkLinks, FakeNetworkSpec,
FakeTimerCtx, FakeTimerCtxExt, MonotonicIdentifier, TestAddrs, WithFakeFrameContext,
use netstack3_base::{
AddressResolutionFailed, CtxPair, DeferredResourceRemovalContext, EventContext,
FrameDestination, InstantBindingsTypes, InstantContext, LinkDevice, NotFoundError,
ReferenceNotifiers, RemoveResourceResult, RngContext, TimerBindingsTypes, TimerContext,
TimerHandler, TracingContext, WorkQueueReport,
use netstack3_device::ethernet::{
EthernetCreationProperties, EthernetDeviceId, EthernetLinkDevice, EthernetWeakDeviceId,
use netstack3_device::loopback::{LoopbackCreationProperties, LoopbackDevice, LoopbackDeviceId};
use netstack3_device::pure_ip::{PureIpDeviceId, PureIpWeakDeviceId};
use netstack3_device::queue::{ReceiveQueueBindingsContext, TransmitQueueBindingsContext};
use netstack3_device::socket::{DeviceSocketBindingsContext, DeviceSocketTypes};
use netstack3_device::testutil::IPV6_MIN_IMPLIED_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
use netstack3_device::{
self as device, DeviceId, DeviceLayerEventDispatcher, DeviceLayerStateTypes, DeviceLayerTypes,
DeviceSendFrameError, WeakDeviceId,
use netstack3_filter::{FilterBindingsTypes, FilterTimerId};
use netstack3_icmp_echo::{IcmpEchoBindingsContext, IcmpEchoBindingsTypes, IcmpSocketId};
use netstack3_ip::device::{
IpDeviceConfiguration, IpDeviceConfigurationUpdate, IpDeviceEvent,
Ipv4DeviceConfigurationUpdate, Ipv6DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
use netstack3_ip::nud::{self, LinkResolutionContext, LinkResolutionNotifier};
use netstack3_ip::raw::{RawIpSocketId, RawIpSocketsBindingsContext, RawIpSocketsBindingsTypes};
use netstack3_ip::{
self as ip, AddRouteError, AddableEntryEither, AddableMetric, IpLayerEvent, IpLayerTimerId,
use netstack3_tcp::testutil::{ClientBuffers, ProvidedBuffers, TestSendBuffer};
use netstack3_tcp::{BufferSizes, RingBuffer, TcpBindingsTypes};
use netstack3_udp::{UdpBindingsTypes, UdpReceiveBindingsContext, UdpSocketId};
use packet::{Buf, BufferMut};
use zerocopy::ByteSlice;
use crate::api::CoreApi;
use crate::context::prelude::*;
use crate::context::UnlockedCoreCtx;
use crate::state::{StackState, StackStateBuilder};
use crate::time::{TimerId, TimerIdInner};
use crate::{BindingsContext, BindingsTypes, IpExt};
/// The default interface routing metric for test interfaces.
pub const DEFAULT_INTERFACE_METRIC: RawMetric = RawMetric(100);
/// Context available during the execution of the netstack.
pub type Ctx<BT> = CtxPair<StackState<BT>, BT>;
/// Extensions to [`CtxPair`] when it holds a full stack state.
pub trait CtxPairExt<BC: BindingsContext> {
/// Retrieves the core and bindings context, respectively.
/// This function can be used to call into non-api core functions that want
/// a core context.
fn contexts(&mut self) -> (UnlockedCoreCtx<'_, BC>, &mut BC);
/// Retrieves a [`CoreApi`] from this context pair.
fn core_api(&mut self) -> CoreApi<'_, &mut BC> {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
CoreApi::new(CtxPair { core_ctx, bindings_ctx })
/// Like [`CtxPairExt::contexts`], but retrieves only the core context.
fn core_ctx(&self) -> UnlockedCoreCtx<'_, BC>;
/// Retrieves a [`TestApi`] from this context pair.
fn test_api(&mut self) -> TestApi<'_, BC> {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
TestApi(core_ctx, bindings_ctx)
/// Shortcut for [`FakeTimerCtxExt::trigger_next_timer`].
fn trigger_next_timer<Id>(&mut self) -> Option<Id>
BC: FakeTimerCtxExt<Id>,
for<'a> UnlockedCoreCtx<'a, BC>: TimerHandler<BC, Id>,
let (mut core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
bindings_ctx.trigger_next_timer(&mut core_ctx)
/// Shortcut for [`FakeTimerCtxExt::trigger_timers_for`].
fn trigger_timers_for<Id>(&mut self, duration: Duration) -> Vec<Id>
BC: FakeTimerCtxExt<Id>,
for<'a> UnlockedCoreCtx<'a, BC>: TimerHandler<BC, Id>,
let (mut core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
bindings_ctx.trigger_timers_for(duration, &mut core_ctx)
/// Shortcut for [`FaketimerCtx::trigger_timers_until_instant`].
fn trigger_timers_until_instant<Id>(&mut self, instant: FakeInstant) -> Vec<Id>
BC: FakeTimerCtxExt<Id>,
for<'a> UnlockedCoreCtx<'a, BC>: TimerHandler<BC, Id>,
let (mut core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
bindings_ctx.trigger_timers_until_instant(instant, &mut core_ctx)
/// Shortcut for [`FakeTimerCtxExt::trigger_timers_until_and_expect_unordered`].
fn trigger_timers_until_and_expect_unordered<Id, I: IntoIterator<Item = Id>>(
&mut self,
instant: FakeInstant,
timers: I,
) where
Id: Debug + Hash + Eq,
BC: FakeTimerCtxExt<Id>,
for<'a> UnlockedCoreCtx<'a, BC>: TimerHandler<BC, Id>,
let (mut core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
bindings_ctx.trigger_timers_until_and_expect_unordered(instant, timers, &mut core_ctx)
impl<CC, BC> CtxPairExt<BC> for CtxPair<CC, BC>
CC: Borrow<StackState<BC>>,
BC: BindingsContext,
fn contexts(&mut self) -> (UnlockedCoreCtx<'_, BC>, &mut BC) {
let Self { core_ctx, bindings_ctx } = self;
(UnlockedCoreCtx::new(CC::borrow(core_ctx)), bindings_ctx)
fn core_ctx(&self) -> UnlockedCoreCtx<'_, BC> {
/// An API struct for test utilities.
pub struct TestApi<'a, BT: BindingsTypes>(UnlockedCoreCtx<'a, BT>, &'a mut BT);
impl<'l, BC> TestApi<'l, BC>
BC: BindingsContext,
fn contexts(&mut self) -> (&mut UnlockedCoreCtx<'l, BC>, &mut BC) {
let Self(core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self;
(core_ctx, bindings_ctx)
fn core_api(&mut self) -> CoreApi<'_, &mut BC> {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
let core_ctx = core_ctx.as_owned();
CoreApi::new(CtxPair { core_ctx, bindings_ctx })
/// Joins the multicast group `multicast_addr` for `device`.
#[netstack3_macros::context_ip_bounds(A::Version, BC, crate)]
pub fn join_ip_multicast<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<BC>,
multicast_addr: MulticastAddr<A>,
) where
A::Version: IpExt,
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
ip::device::join_ip_multicast::<A::Version, _, _>(
/// Leaves the multicast group `multicast_addr` for `device`.
#[netstack3_macros::context_ip_bounds(A::Version, BC, crate)]
pub fn leave_ip_multicast<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<BC>,
multicast_addr: MulticastAddr<A>,
) where
A::Version: IpExt,
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
ip::device::leave_ip_multicast::<A::Version, _, _>(
/// Returns whether `device` is in the multicast group `addr`.
#[netstack3_macros::context_ip_bounds(A::Version, BC, crate)]
pub fn is_in_ip_multicast<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<BC>,
addr: MulticastAddr<A>,
) -> bool
A::Version: IpExt,
use ip::{
AddressStatus, IpDeviceStateContext, IpLayerIpExt, Ipv4PresentAddressStatus,
let (core_ctx, _) = self.contexts();
let addr_status = IpDeviceStateContext::<A::Version, _>::address_status_for_device(
let status = match addr_status {
AddressStatus::Present(p) => p,
AddressStatus::Unassigned => return false,
#[generic_over_ip(I, Ip)]
struct Wrap<I: IpLayerIpExt>(I::AddressStatus);
|Wrap(v4)| match v4 {
Ipv4PresentAddressStatus::Multicast => true,
| Ipv4PresentAddressStatus::SubnetBroadcast
| Ipv4PresentAddressStatus::LoopbackSubnet
| Ipv4PresentAddressStatus::Unicast => false,
|Wrap(v6)| match v6 {
Ipv6PresentAddressStatus::Multicast => true,
| Ipv6PresentAddressStatus::UnicastTentative => false,
/// Receive an IP packet from a device.
/// `receive_ip_packet` injects a packet directly at the IP layer for this
/// context.
pub fn receive_ip_packet<I: Ip, B: BufferMut>(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<BC>,
frame_dst: Option<FrameDestination>,
buffer: B,
) {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
match I::VERSION {
IpVersion::V4 => {
ip::receive_ipv4_packet(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, device, frame_dst, buffer)
IpVersion::V6 => {
ip::receive_ipv6_packet(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, device, frame_dst, buffer)
/// Add a route directly to the forwarding table.
pub fn add_route(
&mut self,
entry: AddableEntryEither<DeviceId<BC>>,
) -> Result<(), AddRouteError> {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
match entry {
AddableEntryEither::V4(entry) => {
ip::testutil::add_route::<Ipv4, _, _>(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, entry)
AddableEntryEither::V6(entry) => {
ip::testutil::add_route::<Ipv6, _, _>(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, entry)
/// Delete a route from the forwarding table, returning `Err` if no route
/// was found to be deleted.
pub fn del_routes_to_subnet(
&mut self,
subnet: net_types::ip::SubnetEither,
) -> Result<(), NotFoundError> {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
match subnet {
SubnetEither::V4(subnet) => {
ip::testutil::del_routes_to_subnet::<Ipv4, _, _>(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, subnet)
SubnetEither::V6(subnet) => {
ip::testutil::del_routes_to_subnet::<Ipv6, _, _>(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, subnet)
/// Deletes all routes targeting `device`.
pub fn del_device_routes(&mut self, device: &DeviceId<BC>) {
let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
ip::testutil::del_device_routes::<Ipv4, _, _>(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, device);
ip::testutil::del_device_routes::<Ipv6, _, _>(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, device);
/// Removes all of the routes through the device, then removes the device.
pub fn clear_routes_and_remove_ethernet_device(
&mut self,
ethernet_device: EthernetDeviceId<BC>,
) {
let device_id = ethernet_device.into();
let ethernet_device = assert_matches!(device_id, DeviceId::Ethernet(id) => id);
match self.core_api().device().remove_device(ethernet_device) {
RemoveResourceResult::Removed(_external_state) => {}
RemoveResourceResult::Deferred(_reference_receiver) => {
panic!("failed to remove ethernet device")
/// Enables or disables the device for IP version `I` and returns whether it
/// was enabled before.
#[netstack3_macros::context_ip_bounds(I, BC, crate)]
pub fn set_ip_device_enabled<I: IpExt>(
&mut self,
device: &DeviceId<BC>,
enabled: bool,
) -> bool {
let update =
IpDeviceConfigurationUpdate { ip_enabled: Some(enabled), ..Default::default() };
let prev =
self.core_api().device_ip::<I>().update_configuration(device, update.into()).unwrap();
/// Enables `device`.
pub fn enable_device(&mut self, device: &DeviceId<BC>) {
let _was_enabled: bool = self.set_ip_device_enabled::<Ipv4>(device, true);
let _was_enabled: bool = self.set_ip_device_enabled::<Ipv6>(device, true);
/// Enables or disables IP packet routing on `device`.
#[netstack3_macros::context_ip_bounds(I, BC, crate)]
pub fn set_forwarding_enabled<I: IpExt>(&mut self, device: &DeviceId<BC>, enabled: bool) {
let _config = self
IpDeviceConfigurationUpdate {
forwarding_enabled: Some(enabled),
/// Returns whether IP packet routing is enabled on `device`.
#[netstack3_macros::context_ip_bounds(I, BC, crate)]
pub fn is_forwarding_enabled<I: IpExt>(&mut self, device: &DeviceId<BC>) -> bool {
let configuration = self.core_api().device_ip::<I>().get_configuration(device);
let IpDeviceConfiguration { forwarding_enabled, .. } = configuration.as_ref();
/// Adds a loopback device with the IPv4/IPv6 loopback addresses assigned.
pub fn add_loopback(&mut self) -> LoopbackDeviceId<BC>
<BC as DeviceLayerStateTypes>::DeviceIdentifier: Default,
<BC as DeviceLayerStateTypes>::LoopbackDeviceState: Default,
let loopback_id = self.core_api().device::<LoopbackDevice>().add_device_with_default_state(
LoopbackCreationProperties { mtu: Mtu::new(u32::MAX) },
let device_id: DeviceId<_> = loopback_id.clone().into();
AddrSubnet::from_witness(Ipv4::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS, Ipv4::LOOPBACK_SUBNET.prefix())
AddrSubnet::from_witness(Ipv6::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS, Ipv6::LOOPBACK_SUBNET.prefix())
impl<'a> TestApi<'a, FakeBindingsCtx> {
/// Handles any pending frames and returns true if any frames that were in
/// the RX queue were processed.
pub fn handle_queued_rx_packets(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut handled = false;
loop {
let (_, bindings_ctx) = self.contexts();
let rx_available = core::mem::take(&mut bindings_ctx.state_mut().rx_available);
if rx_available.len() == 0 {
break handled;
handled = true;
for id in rx_available.into_iter() {
loop {
match self.core_api().receive_queue().handle_queued_frames(&id) {
WorkQueueReport::AllDone => break,
WorkQueueReport::Pending => (),
/// Bindings context state held by [`FakeBindingsCtx`].
pub struct FakeBindingsCtxState {
HashMap<IcmpSocketId<Ipv4, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<Vec<u8>>>,
HashMap<IcmpSocketId<Ipv6, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<Vec<u8>>>,
HashMap<UdpSocketId<Ipv4, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<Vec<u8>>>,
HashMap<UdpSocketId<Ipv6, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<Vec<u8>>>,
/// IDs with rx queue signaled available.
pub rx_available: Vec<LoopbackDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>>,
/// IDs with tx queue signaled available.
pub tx_available: Vec<DeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>>,
impl FakeBindingsCtxState {
pub(crate) fn udp_state_mut<I: IpExt>(
&mut self,
) -> &mut HashMap<UdpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<Vec<u8>>>
#[generic_over_ip(I, Ip)]
struct Wrapper<'a, I: IpExt>(
&'a mut HashMap<
UdpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>,
let Wrapper(map) = I::map_ip_out::<_, Wrapper<'_, I>>(
|this| Wrapper(&mut this.udpv4_received),
|this| Wrapper(&mut this.udpv6_received),
/// Shorthand for [`Ctx`] with a [`FakeBindingsCtx`].
pub type FakeCtx = Ctx<FakeBindingsCtx>;
/// Shorthand for [`StackState`] that uses a [`FakeBindingsCtx`].
pub type FakeCoreCtx = StackState<FakeBindingsCtx>;
type InnerFakeBindingsCtx = netstack3_base::testutil::FakeBindingsCtx<
/// Test-only implementation of [`BindingsContext`].
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct FakeBindingsCtx(Arc<Mutex<InnerFakeBindingsCtx>>);
/// A wrapper type that makes it easier to implement `Deref` (and optionally
/// `DerefMut`) for a value that is protected by a lock.
/// The first field is the type that provides access to the inner value,
/// probably a lock guard. The second and third fields are functions that, given
/// the first field, provide shared and mutable access (respectively) to the
/// inner value.
// TODO( Replace this with
// mapped mutex guards once stable.
struct Wrapper<S, Callback, CallbackMut>(S, Callback, CallbackMut);
impl<T: ?Sized, S: Deref, Callback: for<'a> Fn(&'a <S as Deref>::Target) -> &'a T, CallbackMut>
Deref for Wrapper<S, Callback, CallbackMut>
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
let Self(guard, f, _) = self;
let target = guard.deref();
T: ?Sized,
S: DerefMut,
Callback: for<'a> Fn(&'a <S as Deref>::Target) -> &'a T,
CallbackMut: for<'a> Fn(&'a mut <S as Deref>::Target) -> &'a mut T,
> DerefMut for Wrapper<S, Callback, CallbackMut>
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
let Self(guard, _, f) = self;
let target = guard.deref_mut();
impl FakeBindingsCtx {
fn with_inner<F: FnOnce(&InnerFakeBindingsCtx) -> O, O>(&self, f: F) -> O {
let Self(this) = self;
let locked = this.lock();
fn with_inner_mut<F: FnOnce(&mut InnerFakeBindingsCtx) -> O, O>(&self, f: F) -> O {
let Self(this) = self;
let mut locked = this.lock();
f(&mut *locked)
/// Gets the fake timer context.
pub fn timer_ctx(&self) -> impl Deref<Target = FakeTimerCtx<TimerId<Self>>> + '_ {
// NB: Helper function is required to satisfy lifetime requirements of
// borrow.
fn get_timers<'a>(
i: &'a InnerFakeBindingsCtx,
) -> &'a FakeTimerCtx<TimerId<FakeBindingsCtx>> {
Wrapper(self.0.lock(), get_timers, ())
/// Returns a mutable reference guard to [`FakeBindingsCtxState`].
pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> impl DerefMut<Target = FakeBindingsCtxState> + '_ {
// NB: Helper functions are required to satisfy lifetime requirements of
// borrow.
fn get_state<'a>(i: &'a InnerFakeBindingsCtx) -> &'a FakeBindingsCtxState {
fn get_state_mut<'a>(i: &'a mut InnerFakeBindingsCtx) -> &'a mut FakeBindingsCtxState {
&mut i.state
Wrapper(self.0.lock(), get_state, get_state_mut)
/// Copy all ethernet frames sent so far.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the there are non-Ethernet frames stored.
pub fn copy_ethernet_frames(
&mut self,
) -> Vec<(EthernetWeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<u8>)> {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| {
.map(|(meta, frame)| match meta {
DispatchedFrame::Ethernet(eth) => (eth.clone(), frame.clone()),
DispatchedFrame::PureIp(ip) => panic!("unexpected IP packet {ip:?}: {frame:?}"),
/// Take all ethernet frames sent so far.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the there are non-Ethernet frames stored.
pub fn take_ethernet_frames(
&mut self,
) -> Vec<(EthernetWeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<u8>)> {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| {
.map(|(meta, frame)| match meta {
DispatchedFrame::Ethernet(eth) => (eth, frame),
DispatchedFrame::PureIp(ip) => panic!("unexpected IP packet {ip:?}: {frame:?}"),
/// Take all IP frames sent so far.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the there are non-IP frames stored.
pub fn take_ip_frames(&mut self) -> Vec<(PureIpDeviceAndIpVersion<FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<u8>)> {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| {
.map(|(meta, frame)| match meta {
DispatchedFrame::Ethernet(eth) => {
panic!("unexpected Ethernet frame {eth:?}: {frame:?}")
DispatchedFrame::PureIp(ip) => (ip, frame),
/// Takes all the events stored in the fake context.
pub fn take_events(&mut self) -> Vec<DispatchedEvent> {
/// Takes all the received ICMP replies for a given `conn`.
pub fn take_icmp_replies<I: IpExt>(
&mut self,
conn: &IcmpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>,
) -> Vec<Vec<u8>> {
(IpInvariant(self), conn),
|(IpInvariant(this), conn)| this.state_mut().icmpv4_replies.remove(conn),
|(IpInvariant(this), conn)| this.state_mut().icmpv6_replies.remove(conn),
/// Takes all received UDP frames from the fake bindings context.
pub fn take_udp_received<I: IpExt>(
&mut self,
conn: &UdpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>,
) -> Vec<Vec<u8>> {
impl FilterBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type DeviceClass = ();
impl WithFakeTimerContext<TimerId<FakeBindingsCtx>> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn with_fake_timer_ctx<O, F: FnOnce(&FakeTimerCtx<TimerId<FakeBindingsCtx>>) -> O>(
f: F,
) -> O {
self.with_inner(|ctx| f(&ctx.timers))
fn with_fake_timer_ctx_mut<O, F: FnOnce(&mut FakeTimerCtx<TimerId<FakeBindingsCtx>>) -> O>(
&mut self,
f: F,
) -> O {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| f(&mut ctx.timers))
impl WithFakeFrameContext<DispatchedFrame> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn with_fake_frame_ctx_mut<O, F: FnOnce(&mut FakeFrameCtx<DispatchedFrame>) -> O>(
&mut self,
f: F,
) -> O {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| f(&mut ctx.frames))
impl InstantBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type Instant = FakeInstant;
impl InstantContext for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn now(&self) -> FakeInstant {
impl TimerBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type Timer = <FakeTimerCtx<TimerId<Self>> as TimerBindingsTypes>::Timer;
type DispatchId = TimerId<Self>;
impl TimerContext for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn new_timer(&mut self, id: Self::DispatchId) -> Self::Timer {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| ctx.new_timer(id))
fn schedule_timer_instant(
&mut self,
time: Self::Instant,
timer: &mut Self::Timer,
) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
// Filter out conntrack GC timers. We don't need conntrack GC in most
// tests, and this causes issues with tests that are expecting the
// netstack to quiesce.
match timer.dispatch_id.0 {
| TimerIdInner::IpLayer(IpLayerTimerId::FilterTimerv6(FilterTimerId::ConntrackGc(_))) => {
return None
_ => {}
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| ctx.schedule_timer_instant(time, timer))
fn cancel_timer(&mut self, timer: &mut Self::Timer) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| ctx.cancel_timer(timer))
fn scheduled_instant(&self, timer: &mut Self::Timer) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| ctx.scheduled_instant(timer))
impl RngContext for FakeBindingsCtx {
type Rng<'a> = FakeCryptoRng;
fn rng(&mut self) -> Self::Rng<'_> {
let Self(this) = self;
impl<T: Into<DispatchedEvent>> EventContext<T> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn on_event(&mut self, event: T) {
impl TracingContext for FakeBindingsCtx {
type DurationScope = ();
fn duration(&self, _: &'static CStr) {}
impl TcpBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type ReceiveBuffer = Arc<Mutex<RingBuffer>>;
type SendBuffer = TestSendBuffer;
type ReturnedBuffers = ClientBuffers;
type ListenerNotifierOrProvidedBuffers = ProvidedBuffers;
fn new_passive_open_buffers(
buffer_sizes: BufferSizes,
) -> (Self::ReceiveBuffer, Self::SendBuffer, Self::ReturnedBuffers) {
let client = ClientBuffers::new(buffer_sizes);
TestSendBuffer::new(Arc::clone(&client.send), RingBuffer::default()),
fn default_buffer_sizes() -> BufferSizes {
// Use the test-only default impl.
impl ReferenceNotifiers for FakeBindingsCtx {
type ReferenceReceiver<T: 'static> = Never;
type ReferenceNotifier<T: Send + 'static> = Never;
fn new_reference_notifier<T: Send + 'static>(
debug_references: DynDebugReferences,
) -> (Self::ReferenceNotifier<T>, Self::ReferenceReceiver<T>) {
// NB: We don't want deferred destruction in core tests. These are
// always single-threaded and single-task, and we want to encourage
// explicit cleanup.
"FakeBindingsCtx can't create deferred reference notifiers for type {}: \
impl DeferredResourceRemovalContext for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn defer_removal<T: Send + 'static>(&mut self, receiver: Self::ReferenceReceiver<T>) {
match receiver {}
/// A link resolution notifier that ignores all notifications.
pub struct NoOpLinkResolutionNotifier;
impl<D: LinkDevice> LinkResolutionContext<D> for FakeBindingsCtx {
type Notifier = NoOpLinkResolutionNotifier;
impl<D: LinkDevice> LinkResolutionNotifier<D> for NoOpLinkResolutionNotifier {
type Observer = ();
fn new() -> (Self, Self::Observer) {
(NoOpLinkResolutionNotifier, ())
fn notify(self, _result: Result<D::Address, AddressResolutionFailed>) {}
struct DeviceConfig {
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
addr_subnet: Option<AddrSubnetEither>,
ipv4_config: Option<Ipv4DeviceConfigurationUpdate>,
ipv6_config: Option<Ipv6DeviceConfigurationUpdate>,
/// A builder for `FakeCtx`s.
/// A `FakeCtxBuilder` is capable of storing the configuration of a network
/// stack including forwarding table entries, devices and their assigned
/// addresses and configurations, ARP table entries, etc. It can be built using
/// `build`, producing a `FakeCtx` with all of the appropriate state configured.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct FakeCtxBuilder {
devices: Vec<DeviceConfig>,
// TODO( Use NeighborAddr when available.
arp_table_entries: Vec<(usize, SpecifiedAddr<Ipv4Addr>, UnicastAddr<Mac>)>,
ndp_table_entries: Vec<(usize, UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>, UnicastAddr<Mac>)>,
// usize refers to index into devices Vec.
device_routes: Vec<(SubnetEither, usize)>,
impl FakeCtxBuilder {
/// Construct a `FakeCtxBuilder` from a `TestAddrs`.
pub fn with_addrs<A: IpAddress>(addrs: TestAddrs<A>) -> FakeCtxBuilder {
let mut builder = FakeCtxBuilder::default();
builder.devices.push(DeviceConfig {
mac: addrs.local_mac,
addr_subnet: Some(
AddrSubnetEither::new(addrs.local_ip.get().into(), addrs.subnet.prefix()).unwrap(),
ipv4_config: None,
ipv6_config: None,
match addrs.remote_ip.into() {
IpAddr::V4(ip) => builder.arp_table_entries.push((0, ip, addrs.remote_mac)),
IpAddr::V6(ip) => builder.ndp_table_entries.push((
// Even with fixed ipv4 address we can have IPv6 link local addresses
// pre-cached.
builder.device_routes.push((addrs.subnet.into(), 0));
/// Add a device.
/// `add_device` returns a key which can be used to refer to the device in
/// future calls to `add_arp_table_entry` and `add_device_route`.
pub fn add_device(&mut self, mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>) -> usize {
let idx = self.devices.len();
self.devices.push(DeviceConfig {
addr_subnet: None,
ipv4_config: None,
ipv6_config: None,
/// Add a device with an IPv4 and IPv6 configuration.
/// `add_device_with_config` is like `add_device`, except that it takes an
/// IPv4 and IPv6 configuration to apply to the device when it is enabled.
pub fn add_device_with_config(
&mut self,
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
ipv4_config: Ipv4DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
ipv6_config: Ipv6DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
) -> usize {
let idx = self.devices.len();
self.devices.push(DeviceConfig {
addr_subnet: None,
ipv4_config: Some(ipv4_config),
ipv6_config: Some(ipv6_config),
/// Add a device with an associated IP address.
/// `add_device_with_ip` is like `add_device`, except that it takes an
/// associated IP address and subnet to assign to the device.
pub fn add_device_with_ip<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
ip: A,
subnet: Subnet<A>,
) -> usize {
let idx = self.devices.len();
self.devices.push(DeviceConfig {
addr_subnet: Some(AddrSubnetEither::new(ip.into(), subnet.prefix()).unwrap()),
ipv4_config: None,
ipv6_config: None,
self.device_routes.push((subnet.into(), idx));
/// Add a device with an associated IP address and a particular IPv4 and
/// IPv6 configuration.
/// `add_device_with_ip_and_config` is like `add_device`, except that it
/// takes an associated IP address and subnet to assign to the device, as
/// well as IPv4 and IPv6 configurations to apply to the device when it is
/// enabled.
pub fn add_device_with_ip_and_config<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
ip: A,
subnet: Subnet<A>,
ipv4_config: Ipv4DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
ipv6_config: Ipv6DeviceConfigurationUpdate,
) -> usize {
let idx = self.devices.len();
self.devices.push(DeviceConfig {
addr_subnet: Some(AddrSubnetEither::new(ip.into(), subnet.prefix()).unwrap()),
ipv4_config: Some(ipv4_config),
ipv6_config: Some(ipv6_config),
self.device_routes.push((subnet.into(), idx));
/// Add an ARP table entry for a device's ARP table.
pub fn add_arp_table_entry(
&mut self,
device: usize,
// TODO( Use NeighborAddr when available.
ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv4Addr>,
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
) {
self.arp_table_entries.push((device, ip, mac));
/// Add an NDP table entry for a device's NDP table.
pub fn add_ndp_table_entry(
&mut self,
device: usize,
// TODO( Use NeighborAddr when available.
ip: UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
) {
self.ndp_table_entries.push((device, ip, mac));
/// Add either an NDP entry (if IPv6) or ARP entry (if IPv4) to a
/// `FakeCtxBuilder`.
pub fn add_arp_or_ndp_table_entry<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
device: usize,
// TODO( Use NeighborAddr when available.
ip: SpecifiedAddr<A>,
mac: UnicastAddr<Mac>,
) {
match ip.into() {
IpAddr::V4(ip) => self.add_arp_table_entry(device, ip, mac),
IpAddr::V6(ip) => {
self.add_ndp_table_entry(device, UnicastAddr::new(ip.get()).unwrap(), mac)
/// Builds a `Ctx` from the present configuration with a default dispatcher.
pub fn build(self) -> (FakeCtx, Vec<EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>>) {
self.build_with_modifications(|_| {})
/// `build_with_modifications` is equivalent to `build`, except that after
/// the `StackStateBuilder` is initialized, it is passed to `f` for further
/// modification before the `Ctx` is constructed.
pub fn build_with_modifications<F: FnOnce(&mut StackStateBuilder)>(
f: F,
) -> (FakeCtx, Vec<EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>>) {
let mut stack_builder = StackStateBuilder::default();
f(&mut stack_builder);
/// Build a `Ctx` from the present configuration with a caller-provided
/// dispatcher and `StackStateBuilder`.
pub fn build_with(
state_builder: StackStateBuilder,
) -> (FakeCtx, Vec<EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>>) {
let mut ctx = Ctx::new_with_builder(state_builder);
let FakeCtxBuilder { devices, arp_table_entries, ndp_table_entries, device_routes } = self;
let idx_to_device_id: Vec<_> = devices
.map(|DeviceConfig { mac, addr_subnet: ip_and_subnet, ipv4_config, ipv6_config }| {
let eth_id =
EthernetCreationProperties {
mac: mac,
let id = eth_id.clone().into();
if let Some(ipv4_config) = ipv4_config {
let _previous = ctx
.update_configuration(&id, ipv4_config)
if let Some(ipv6_config) = ipv6_config {
let _previous = ctx
.update_configuration(&id, ipv6_config)
match ip_and_subnet {
Some(addr_sub) => {
ctx.core_api().device_ip_any().add_ip_addr_subnet(&id, addr_sub).unwrap();
None => {}
for (idx, ip, mac) in arp_table_entries {
let device = &idx_to_device_id[idx];
.neighbor::<Ipv4, EthernetLinkDevice>()
.insert_static_entry(&device, ip.get(), mac.get())
.expect("error inserting static ARP entry");
for (idx, ip, mac) in ndp_table_entries {
let device = &idx_to_device_id[idx];
.neighbor::<Ipv6, EthernetLinkDevice>()
.insert_static_entry(&device, ip.get(), mac.get())
.expect("error inserting static NDP entry");
for (subnet, idx) in device_routes {
let device = &idx_to_device_id[idx];
.expect("add device route");
(ctx, idx_to_device_id)
/// The fake network spec to use in integration tests.
/// It creates an Ethernet network.
pub enum FakeCtxNetworkSpec {}
impl FakeNetworkSpec for FakeCtxNetworkSpec {
type Context = FakeCtx;
type TimerId = TimerId<FakeBindingsCtx>;
type SendMeta = DispatchedFrame;
type RecvMeta = EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>;
fn handle_frame(ctx: &mut FakeCtx, device_id: Self::RecvMeta, data: Buf<Vec<u8>>) {
.receive_frame(RecvEthernetFrameMeta { device_id }, data)
fn handle_timer(ctx: &mut FakeCtx, timer: Self::TimerId) {
fn process_queues(ctx: &mut FakeCtx) -> bool {
fn fake_frames(ctx: &mut FakeCtx) -> &mut impl WithFakeFrameContext<Self::SendMeta> {
&mut ctx.bindings_ctx
impl<I: IpExt> UdpReceiveBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn receive_udp<B: BufferMut>(
&mut self,
id: &UdpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<Self>, FakeBindingsCtx>,
_device: &DeviceId<Self>,
_dst_addr: (<I>::Addr, core::num::NonZeroU16),
_src_addr: (<I>::Addr, Option<core::num::NonZeroU16>),
body: &B,
) {
let mut state = self.state_mut();
let received =
(&mut *state).udp_state_mut::<I>().entry(id.clone()).or_insert_with(Vec::default);
impl UdpBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type ExternalData<I: Ip> = ();
impl<I: IpExt> IcmpEchoBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn receive_icmp_echo_reply<B: BufferMut>(
&mut self,
conn: &IcmpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, FakeBindingsCtx>,
_device: &DeviceId<Self>,
_src_ip: I::Addr,
_dst_ip: I::Addr,
_id: u16,
data: B,
) {
(IpInvariant(self.state_mut()), conn.clone()),
|(IpInvariant(mut state), conn)| {
let replies = state.icmpv4_replies.entry(conn).or_insert_with(Vec::default);
|(IpInvariant(mut state), conn)| {
let replies = state.icmpv6_replies.entry(conn).or_insert_with(Vec::default);
impl IcmpEchoBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type ExternalData<I: Ip> = ();
impl DeviceSocketTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type SocketState = Mutex<Vec<(WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Vec<u8>)>>;
impl RawIpSocketsBindingsTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type RawIpSocketState<I: Ip> = ();
impl DeviceSocketBindingsContext<DeviceId<Self>> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn receive_frame(
state: &Self::SocketState,
device: &DeviceId<Self>,
_frame: device::socket::Frame<&[u8]>,
raw_frame: &[u8],
) {
state.lock().push((device.downgrade(), raw_frame.into()));
impl<I: IpExt> RawIpSocketsBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn receive_packet<B: ByteSlice>(
_socket: &RawIpSocketId<I, WeakDeviceId<Self>, Self>,
_packet: &I::Packet<B>,
_device: &DeviceId<Self>,
) {
impl DeviceLayerStateTypes for FakeBindingsCtx {
type LoopbackDeviceState = ();
type EthernetDeviceState = ();
type PureIpDeviceState = ();
type DeviceIdentifier = MonotonicIdentifier;
impl ReceiveQueueBindingsContext<LoopbackDeviceId<Self>> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn wake_rx_task(&mut self, device: &LoopbackDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>) {
impl<D: Clone + Into<DeviceId<Self>>> TransmitQueueBindingsContext<D> for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn wake_tx_task(&mut self, device: &D) {
impl DeviceLayerEventDispatcher for FakeBindingsCtx {
fn send_ethernet_frame(
&mut self,
device: &EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>,
frame: Buf<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<(), DeviceSendFrameError<Buf<Vec<u8>>>> {
let frame_meta = DispatchedFrame::Ethernet(device.downgrade());
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| ctx.frames.push(frame_meta, frame.into_inner()));
fn send_ip_packet(
&mut self,
device: &PureIpDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>,
packet: Buf<Vec<u8>>,
ip_version: IpVersion,
) -> Result<(), DeviceSendFrameError<Buf<Vec<u8>>>> {
let frame_meta = DispatchedFrame::PureIp(PureIpDeviceAndIpVersion {
device: device.downgrade(),
version: ip_version,
self.with_inner_mut(|ctx| ctx.frames.push(frame_meta, packet.into_inner()));
/// Wraps all events emitted by Core into a single enum type.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, GenericOverIp)]
pub enum DispatchedEvent {
IpDeviceIpv4(IpDeviceEvent<WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Ipv4, FakeInstant>),
IpDeviceIpv6(IpDeviceEvent<WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Ipv6, FakeInstant>),
IpLayerIpv4(IpLayerEvent<WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Ipv4>),
IpLayerIpv6(IpLayerEvent<WeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Ipv6>),
NeighborIpv4(nud::Event<Mac, EthernetWeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Ipv4, FakeInstant>),
NeighborIpv6(nud::Event<Mac, EthernetWeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, Ipv6, FakeInstant>),
/// A tuple of device ID and IP version.
#[derivative(Debug(bound = ""))]
pub struct PureIpDeviceAndIpVersion<BT: DeviceLayerTypes> {
pub device: PureIpWeakDeviceId<BT>,
pub version: IpVersion,
/// A frame that's been dispatched to Bindings to be sent out the device driver.
pub enum DispatchedFrame {
/// A frame that's been dispatched to an Ethernet device.
/// A frame that's been dispatched to a PureIp device.
impl<I: Ip> From<IpDeviceEvent<DeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, I, FakeInstant>> for DispatchedEvent {
fn from(e: IpDeviceEvent<DeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, I, FakeInstant>) -> DispatchedEvent {
let e = e.map_device(|d| d.downgrade());
I::map_ip(e, |e| DispatchedEvent::IpDeviceIpv4(e), |e| DispatchedEvent::IpDeviceIpv6(e))
impl<I: Ip> From<IpLayerEvent<DeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, I>> for DispatchedEvent {
fn from(e: IpLayerEvent<DeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, I>) -> DispatchedEvent {
let e = e.map_device(|d| d.downgrade());
I::map_ip(e, |e| DispatchedEvent::IpLayerIpv4(e), |e| DispatchedEvent::IpLayerIpv6(e))
impl<I: Ip> From<nud::Event<Mac, EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, I, FakeInstant>>
for DispatchedEvent
fn from(
e: nud::Event<Mac, EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, I, FakeInstant>,
) -> DispatchedEvent {
let e = e.map_device(|d| d.downgrade());
I::map_ip(e, |e| DispatchedEvent::NeighborIpv4(e), |e| DispatchedEvent::NeighborIpv6(e))
/// Creates a new [`FakeNetwork`] of [`Ctx`]s in a simple two-host
/// configuration.
/// Two hosts are created with the given names. Packets emitted by one
/// arrive at the other and vice-versa.
pub fn new_simple_fake_network<CtxId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq>(
a_id: CtxId,
a: FakeCtx,
a_device_id: EthernetWeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>,
b_id: CtxId,
b: FakeCtx,
b_device_id: EthernetWeakDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>,
) -> FakeNetwork<
impl FakeNetworkLinks<DispatchedFrame, EthernetDeviceId<FakeBindingsCtx>, CtxId>,
> {
let contexts = vec![(a_id, a), (b_id, b)].into_iter();
FakeNetwork::new(contexts, move |net, _frame: DispatchedFrame| {
if net == a_id {
.map(|device_id| (b_id, device_id, None))
} else {
.map(|device_id| (a_id, device_id, None))