blob: daccc9d5bfded68e98e61e8e816b02eedb59e364 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Marker traits with blanket implementations.
//! Traits in this module exist to be exported as markers to bindings without
//! exposing the internal traits directly.
use net_types::ip::{Ipv4, Ipv6};
use netstack3_base::{
AnyDevice, CounterContext, DeviceIdContext, InstantBindingsTypes, ReferenceNotifiers,
RngContext, TimerBindingsTypes, TracingContext,
use netstack3_datagram as datagram;
use netstack3_device::ethernet::{EthernetDeviceId, EthernetLinkDevice, EthernetWeakDeviceId};
use netstack3_device::{self as device, DeviceId, DeviceLayerTypes, WeakDeviceId};
use netstack3_filter::{FilterBindingsContext, FilterBindingsTypes};
use netstack3_icmp_echo::{IcmpEchoBindingsContext, IcmpEchoBindingsTypes, IcmpEchoStateContext};
use netstack3_ip::device::{
IpDeviceBindingsContext, IpDeviceConfigurationContext, IpDeviceConfigurationHandler,
use netstack3_ip::icmp::{IcmpBindingsContext, IcmpBindingsTypes};
use netstack3_ip::nud::{NudBindingsContext, NudContext};
use netstack3_ip::raw::{
RawIpSocketMapContext, RawIpSocketStateContext, RawIpSocketsBindingsContext,
use netstack3_ip::socket::IpSocketContext;
use netstack3_ip::{self as ip, IpLayerBindingsContext, IpLayerContext, IpLayerIpExt};
use netstack3_tcp::{self as tcp, TcpBindingsContext, TcpBindingsTypes, TcpContext};
use netstack3_udp::{self as udp, UdpBindingsContext, UdpBindingsTypes, UdpCounters};
use crate::TimerId;
/// A marker for extensions to IP types.
pub trait IpExt:
+ IpDeviceIpExt
+ ip::icmp::IcmpIpExt
+ ip::device::IpDeviceIpExt
+ tcp::DualStackIpExt
+ datagram::DualStackIpExt
impl<O> IpExt for O where
O: ip::IpLayerIpExt
+ IpDeviceIpExt
+ ip::icmp::IcmpIpExt
+ ip::device::IpDeviceIpExt
+ tcp::DualStackIpExt
+ datagram::DualStackIpExt
/// A marker trait for core context implementations.
/// This trait allows bindings to express trait bounds on routines that have IP
/// type parameters. It is an umbrella of all the core contexts that must be
/// implemented by [`crate::context::UnlockedCoreCtx`] to satisfy all the API
/// objects vended by [`crate::api::CoreApi`].
pub trait CoreContext<I, BC>:
udp::StateContext<I, BC>
+ CounterContext<UdpCounters<I>>
+ TcpContext<I, BC>
+ IcmpEchoStateContext<I, BC>
+ ip::icmp::IcmpStateContext
+ IpLayerContext<I, BC>
+ NudContext<I, EthernetLinkDevice, BC>
+ IpDeviceConfigurationContext<I, BC>
+ IpDeviceConfigurationHandler<I, BC>
+ IpSocketContext<I, BC>
+ DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice, DeviceId = DeviceId<BC>, WeakDeviceId = WeakDeviceId<BC>>
+ DeviceIdContext<
DeviceId = EthernetDeviceId<BC>,
WeakDeviceId = EthernetWeakDeviceId<BC>,
> + RawIpSocketMapContext<I, BC>
+ RawIpSocketStateContext<I, BC>
I: IpExt,
BC: IpBindingsContext<I>,
impl<I, BC, O> CoreContext<I, BC> for O
I: IpExt,
BC: IpBindingsContext<I>,
O: udp::StateContext<I, BC>
+ CounterContext<UdpCounters<I>>
+ TcpContext<I, BC>
+ IcmpEchoStateContext<I, BC>
+ ip::icmp::IcmpStateContext
+ IpLayerContext<I, BC>
+ NudContext<I, EthernetLinkDevice, BC>
+ IpDeviceConfigurationContext<I, BC>
+ IpDeviceConfigurationHandler<I, BC>
+ IpSocketContext<I, BC>
+ DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice, DeviceId = DeviceId<BC>, WeakDeviceId = WeakDeviceId<BC>>
+ DeviceIdContext<
DeviceId = EthernetDeviceId<BC>,
WeakDeviceId = EthernetWeakDeviceId<BC>,
> + RawIpSocketMapContext<I, BC>
+ RawIpSocketStateContext<I, BC>,
/// A marker trait for all the types stored in core objects that are specified
/// by bindings.
pub trait BindingsTypes:
+ DeviceLayerTypes
+ TcpBindingsTypes
+ FilterBindingsTypes
+ IcmpEchoBindingsTypes
+ IcmpBindingsTypes
+ RawIpSocketsBindingsTypes
+ UdpBindingsTypes
+ TimerBindingsTypes<DispatchId = TimerId<Self>>
impl<O> BindingsTypes for O where
O: InstantBindingsTypes
+ DeviceLayerTypes
+ TcpBindingsTypes
+ FilterBindingsTypes
+ IcmpEchoBindingsTypes
+ IcmpBindingsTypes
+ RawIpSocketsBindingsTypes
+ UdpBindingsTypes
+ TimerBindingsTypes<DispatchId = TimerId<Self>>
/// The execution context provided by bindings for a given IP version.
pub trait IpBindingsContext<I: IpExt>:
+ RngContext
+ UdpBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ TcpBindingsContext
+ FilterBindingsContext
+ IcmpBindingsContext
+ IcmpEchoBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ RawIpSocketsBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ IpDeviceBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ IpLayerBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ NudBindingsContext<I, EthernetLinkDevice, EthernetDeviceId<Self>>
+ device::DeviceLayerEventDispatcher
+ device::socket::DeviceSocketBindingsContext<DeviceId<Self>>
+ ReferenceNotifiers
+ TracingContext
+ 'static
impl<I, BC> IpBindingsContext<I> for BC
I: IpExt,
BC: BindingsTypes
+ RngContext
+ UdpBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ TcpBindingsContext
+ FilterBindingsContext
+ IcmpBindingsContext
+ IcmpEchoBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ RawIpSocketsBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ IpDeviceBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ IpLayerBindingsContext<I, DeviceId<Self>>
+ NudBindingsContext<I, EthernetLinkDevice, EthernetDeviceId<Self>>
+ device::DeviceLayerEventDispatcher
+ device::socket::DeviceSocketBindingsContext<DeviceId<Self>>
+ ReferenceNotifiers
+ TracingContext
+ 'static,
/// The execution context provided by bindings.
pub trait BindingsContext: IpBindingsContext<Ipv4> + IpBindingsContext<Ipv6> {}
impl<BC> BindingsContext for BC where BC: IpBindingsContext<Ipv4> + IpBindingsContext<Ipv6> {}