blob: e85f3f8205621168614ef0664fc0d08f153034f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
package netstack
import (
zxtime ""
syslog ""
const (
defaultInterfaceMetric routetypes.Metric = 100
lowPriorityRoute routetypes.Metric = 99999
dhcpAcquisition = 60 * zxtime.Second
dhcpBackoff = 1 * zxtime.Second
dhcpRetransmission = 4 * zxtime.Second
// Devices do not support multiple queues yet.
numQDiscFIFOQueues = 1
// A multiplier to apply to a device's TX Depth to calculate qdisc's queue
// length.
// A large enough value was chosen through experimentation to handle sudden
// bursts of traffic.
qdiscTxDepthMultiplier = 20
var (
ipv4Loopback = tcpip.AddrFrom4([4]byte{127, 0, 0, 1})
ipv6Loopback = tcpip.AddrFrom16([16]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01})
func ipv6LinkLocalOnLinkRoute(nicID tcpip.NICID) tcpip.Route {
return onLinkV6Route(nicID, header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.Subnet())
// The IPv4 Multicast Subnet (, as defined in RFC 1112 section 4.
func ipv4MulticastSubnet() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
Address: util.Parse(""),
PrefixLen: 4,
// The IPv6 Multicast Subnet (ff00::/8), as defined in RFC 4291 section 2.7.
func ipv6MulticastSubnet() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
Address: util.Parse("ff00::"),
PrefixLen: 8,
type MaxSocketOptionStats struct {
func (s *MaxSocketOptionStats) updateMax(sockOptStats socketOptionStats) {
updateMax := func(max, candidate any) {
maxValue := reflect.ValueOf(max).Elem()
candidateValue := reflect.ValueOf(candidate).Elem()
for i := 0; i < maxValue.NumField(); i++ {
candidateValue := candidateValue.Field(i).Addr().Interface().(*atomicUint32Stat).Load()
max := maxValue.Field(i).Addr().Interface().(*atomicUint32Stat)
for {
if maxOld := max.Load(); candidateValue > maxOld {
if max.CompareAndSwap(maxOld, candidateValue) {
} else {
switch sockOptStats := sockOptStats.(type) {
case *NetworkSocketOptionStats:
updateMax(&s.NetworkSocketOptionStats, sockOptStats)
case *streamSocketOptionStats:
updateMax(&s.NetworkSocketOptionStats, sockOptStats.NetworkSocketOptionStats)
updateMax(&s.StreamSocketSpecificOptionStats, &sockOptStats.StreamSocketSpecificOptionStats)
case *rawSocketOptionStats:
updateMax(&s.NetworkSocketOptionStats, sockOptStats.NetworkSocketOptionStats)
updateMax(&s.RawSocketSpecificOptionStats, &sockOptStats.RawSocketSpecificOptionStats)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown socket option stat type: %T", sockOptStats))
type stats struct {
SocketCount tcpip.StatCounter
SocketsCreated tcpip.StatCounter
SocketsDestroyed tcpip.StatCounter
DHCPv6 struct {
NoConfiguration tcpip.StatCounter
ManagedAddress tcpip.StatCounter
OtherConfiguration tcpip.StatCounter
IPv6AddressConfig struct {
NoGlobalSLAACOrDHCPv6ManagedAddress tcpip.StatCounter
GlobalSLAACOnly tcpip.StatCounter
DHCPv6ManagedAddressOnly tcpip.StatCounter
GlobalSLAACAndDHCPv6ManagedAddress tcpip.StatCounter
// MaxSocketOptionStats holds the stack-wide maximum of each socket option
// stat across the lifetime of the stack.
// Note that because this is updated whenever a socket is closed, and on every
// inspect fetch, the values returned via inspect are always accurate, but the
// values contained within may not be the stack-wide max at any moment in time.
MaxSocketOptionStats MaxSocketOptionStats
type endpointAndStats struct {
ep tcpip.Endpoint
sockOptStats socketOptionStats
// endpointsMap is a map from a monotonically increasing uint64 value to
// endpointAndStats.
// It is a typesafe wrapper around sync.Map.
type endpointsMap struct {
nextKey uint64
inner sync.Map
func (m *endpointsMap) CompareAndSwap(key uint64, old, new endpointAndStats) bool {
return m.inner.CompareAndSwap(key, old, new)
func (m *endpointsMap) Load(key uint64) (endpointAndStats, bool) {
if value, ok := m.inner.Load(key); ok {
return value.(endpointAndStats), true
return endpointAndStats{}, false
func (m *endpointsMap) Store(key uint64, value endpointAndStats) {
m.inner.Store(key, value)
func (m *endpointsMap) LoadOrStore(key uint64, value endpointAndStats) (endpointAndStats, bool) {
// Create a scope to allow `value` to be shadowed below.
value, ok := m.inner.LoadOrStore(key, value)
return value.(endpointAndStats), ok
func (m *endpointsMap) LoadAndDelete(key uint64) (endpointAndStats, bool) {
if value, ok := m.inner.LoadAndDelete(key); ok {
return value.(endpointAndStats), ok
return endpointAndStats{}, false
func (m *endpointsMap) Delete(key uint64) {
func (m *endpointsMap) Range(f func(key uint64, value endpointAndStats) bool) {
m.inner.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return f(key.(uint64), value.(endpointAndStats))
// NICRemovedHandler is an interface implemented by types that are interested
// in NICs that have been removed.
type NICRemovedHandler interface {
// RemovedNIC informs the receiver that the specified NIC has been removed.
// A Netstack tracks all of the running state of the network stack.
type Netstack struct {
dnsConfig dns.ServersConfig
interfaceEventChan chan<- interfaceEvent
stack *stack.Stack
routeTable routes.RouteTable
mu struct {
countNIC tcpip.NICID
destinationCacheMu struct {
destinationCache destinationCache
stats stats
endpoints endpointsMap
nicRemovedHandlers []NICRemovedHandler
featureFlags featureFlags
// Flags for turning on functionality in select environments.
type featureFlags struct {
enableFastUDP bool
// Each ifState tracks the state of a network interface.
type ifState struct {
ns *Netstack
// Implements administrative control of link status.
// Non-nil iff the underlying link status can be toggled.
controller link.Controller
// Implements observation of link status.
// Non-nil iff the underlying link status can be observed.
observer link.Observer
nicid tcpip.NICID
// TODO( This lock is unnecessary in that we would
// rather reuse `` if not for the fact that mutexes cannot be used
// with select. Consolidate and remove this lock.
// Lock for DHCP client's access to ifState.
// Must write to this channel before acquiring on all paths that
// may cancel the DHCP client. Before the DHCP client needs to hold
//, it will select on this channel and its context done
// channel, and only proceed if it is able to write to the channel.
dhcpLock chan struct{}
mu struct {
adminUp, linkOnline, removed bool
dhcp struct {
// running must not be nil.
running func() bool
// cancelLocked must not be nil.
// must be locked before calling this function.
cancelLocked context.CancelFunc
// Used to restart the DHCP client when we go from down to up.
enabled bool
// metric is used by default for routes that originate from this NIC.
metric routetypes.Metric
adminControls adminControlCollection
// authorizationToken is a Zircon object used to prove client ownership of
// this interface.
authorizationToken zx.Event
dns struct {
mu struct {
servers []tcpip.Address
// The "outermost" LinkEndpoint implementation (the composition of link
// endpoint functionality happens by wrapping other link endpoints).
endpoint stack.LinkEndpoint
bridgeable *bridge.BridgeableEndpoint
// TODO( Bridged interfaces are disabled within
// gVisor upon creation and thus the bridge must keep track of them
// in order to re-enable them when the bridge is removed. This is a
// hack, and should be replaced with a proper bridging implementation.
bridgedInterfaces []tcpip.NICID
func (ifs *ifState) LinkOnlineLocked() bool {
return == nil ||
func (ifs *ifState) IsUpLocked() bool {
return && ifs.LinkOnlineLocked()
// defaultV4Route returns a default IPv4 route through gateway on the specified
// NIC.
func defaultV4Route(nicid tcpip.NICID, gateway tcpip.Address) tcpip.Route {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: header.IPv4EmptySubnet,
Gateway: gateway,
NIC: nicid,
// onLinkV6Route returns an on-link route to dest through the specified NIC.
// dest must be a subnet that is directly reachable by the specified NIC as
// an on-link route is a route to a subnet that a NIC is directly connected to.
func onLinkV6Route(nicID tcpip.NICID, dest tcpip.Subnet) tcpip.Route {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: dest,
NIC: nicID,
func addressWithPrefixRoute(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) tcpip.Route {
mask := net.CIDRMask(addr.PrefixLen, addr.Address.BitLen())
destination, err := tcpip.NewSubnet(tcpip.AddrFromSlice(net.IP(addr.Address.AsSlice()).Mask(mask)), tcpip.MaskFromBytes(mask))
if err != nil {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: destination,
NIC: nicid,
func (ns *Netstack) resetDestinationCache() {
trace.AsyncBegin("net", "netstack.resetDestinationCache", trace.AsyncID(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ns))))
trace.AsyncEnd("net", "netstack.resetDestinationCache", trace.AsyncID(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ns))))
func (ns *Netstack) name(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
name := ns.stack.FindNICNameFromID(nicid)
if len(name) == 0 {
name = fmt.Sprintf("unknown(NICID=%d)", nicid)
return name
func (ns *Netstack) fillRouteNIC(r tcpip.Route) (tcpip.Route, error) {
// If we don't have an interface set, find it using the gateway address.
if r.NIC == 0 {
nic, err := ns.routeTable.FindNIC(r.Gateway)
if err != nil {
return tcpip.Route{}, fmt.Errorf("error finding NIC for gateway %s: %w", r.Gateway, err)
r.NIC = nic
return r, nil
// AddRoute adds a single route to the route table in a sorted fashion.
func (ns *Netstack) AddRoute(r tcpip.Route, metric *routetypes.Metric, dynamic, replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes bool, addingSet *routetypes.RouteSetId) (routes.AddResult, error) {
return ns.addRouteWithPreference(r, routetypes.MediumPreference, metric, dynamic, replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes, addingSet)
func (ns *Netstack) addRouteWithPreference(r tcpip.Route, prf routetypes.Preference, metric *routetypes.Metric, dynamic, replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes bool, addingSet *routetypes.RouteSetId) (routes.AddResult, error) {
r, err := ns.fillRouteNIC(r)
if err != nil {
return routes.AddResult{}, err
return ns.addRoutesWithPreference(r.NIC, []tcpip.Route{r}, prf, metric, dynamic, replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes, addingSet)
// addRoutesWithPreference adds routes for the same interface to the route table
// with a configurable preference value.
// All routes in `rs` will have their NICID rewritten to `nicid`.
func (ns *Netstack) addRoutesWithPreference(nicid tcpip.NICID, rs []tcpip.Route, prf routetypes.Preference, metric *routetypes.Metric, dynamic, replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes bool, addingSet *routetypes.RouteSetId) (routes.AddResult, error) {
nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[nicid]
if !ok {
return routes.AddResult{}, fmt.Errorf("error getting nicInfo for NIC %d, not in map: %w", nicid, routes.ErrNoSuchNIC)
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
return ifs.addRoutesWithPreferenceLocked(rs, prf, metric, dynamic, replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes, addingSet), nil
// addRoutesWithPreferenceLocked returns an AddResult OR-ed across the AddResults for each individual route added.
// If metric is nil, the route's metric tracks its interface's metric.
func (ifs *ifState) addRoutesWithPreferenceLocked(rs []tcpip.Route, prf routetypes.Preference, metric *routetypes.Metric, dynamic, overwriteIfAlreadyExist bool, addingSet *routetypes.RouteSetId) routes.AddResult {
metricTracksInterface := false
if metric == nil {
metricTracksInterface = true
enabled := ifs.IsUpLocked()
if metricTracksInterface {
metric = &ifs.metric
defer ifs.ns.routeTable.Unlock()
var v4DefaultRouteAdded, v6DefaultRouteAdded bool
var aggregateAddResult routes.AddResult
// We avoid computing the set of NICs with default routes unless necessary,
// and then cache the result to avoid computing it more than once.
var nicsWithDefaultV4Route map[tcpip.NICID]struct{}
var nicsWithDefaultV6Route map[tcpip.NICID]struct{}
hasDefaultRouteV4 := func(nic tcpip.NICID) bool {
if nicsWithDefaultV4Route == nil {
nicsWithDefaultV4Route = ifs.ns.routeTable.GetNICsWithDefaultV4RoutesLocked()
_, ok := nicsWithDefaultV4Route[nic]
return ok
hasDefaultRouteV6 := func(nic tcpip.NICID) bool {
if nicsWithDefaultV6Route == nil {
nicsWithDefaultV6Route = ifs.ns.routeTable.GetNICsWithDefaultV6RoutesLocked()
_, ok := nicsWithDefaultV6Route[nic]
return ok
for _, r := range rs {
r.NIC = ifs.nicid
if enabled {
// It's possible that a default route with a different metric has
// previously been added, so we should check that there wasn't already
// a default route before deciding to send an event indicating that we
// have newly acquired a default route.
if r.Destination.Equal(header.IPv4EmptySubnet) && !hasDefaultRouteV4(r.NIC) {
v4DefaultRouteAdded = true
} else if r.Destination.Equal(header.IPv6EmptySubnet) && !hasDefaultRouteV6(r.NIC) {
v6DefaultRouteAdded = true
addResult := ifs.ns.routeTable.AddRouteLocked(r, prf, *metric, metricTracksInterface, dynamic, enabled, overwriteIfAlreadyExist, addingSet)
aggregateAddResult.NewlyAddedToSet = aggregateAddResult.NewlyAddedToSet || addResult.NewlyAddedToSet
aggregateAddResult.NewlyAddedToTable = aggregateAddResult.NewlyAddedToTable || addResult.NewlyAddedToTable
_ = syslog.Infof("adding route [%s] prf=%d metric=%d dynamic=%t", r, prf, metric, dynamic)
ifs.ns.routeTable.UpdateStackLocked(ifs.ns.stack, ifs.ns.resetDestinationCache)
if v4DefaultRouteAdded {
ifs.ns.onDefaultIPv4RouteChangeLocked(ifs.nicid, true /* hasDefaultRoute */)
if v6DefaultRouteAdded {
ifs.ns.onDefaultIPv6RouteChangeLocked(ifs.nicid, true /* hasDefaultRoute */)
return aggregateAddResult
// DelRouteExactMatch deletes a route from the routing table if there is an
// extended route with the same tcpip.Route and metric, and default preference.
// If metric is nil, the route's metric tracks its interface's metric.
func (ns *Netstack) DelRouteExactMatch(r tcpip.Route, metric *routetypes.Metric, set *routetypes.RouteSetId) (routes.DelResult, error) {
if r.NIC == 0 {
return routes.DelResult{}, fmt.Errorf("unspecified NIC in route %#v", r)
nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[r.NIC]
if !ok {
return routes.DelResult{}, fmt.Errorf("nonexistent NIC in route %#v", r)
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
metricTracksInterface := false
if metric == nil {
metricTracksInterface = true
if metricTracksInterface {
metric = &ifs.metric
defer ns.routeTable.Unlock()
delResult := ns.routeTable.DelRouteExactMatchLocked(r, routetypes.MediumPreference, *metric, metricTracksInterface, set)
if delResult.NewlyRemovedFromTable {
ns.routeTable.UpdateStackLocked(ns.stack, ns.resetDestinationCache)
if r.Destination.Equal(header.IPv4EmptySubnet) {
if _, ok := ns.routeTable.GetNICsWithDefaultV4RoutesLocked()[r.NIC]; !ok {
ns.onDefaultIPv4RouteChangeLocked(r.NIC, false /* hasDefaultRoute */)
} else if r.Destination.Equal(header.IPv6EmptySubnet) {
if _, ok := ns.routeTable.GetNICsWithDefaultV6RoutesLocked()[r.NIC]; !ok {
ns.onDefaultIPv6RouteChangeLocked(r.NIC, false /* hasDefaultRoute */)
return delResult, nil
// DelRouteSet deletes a route set, decrementing the reference count for every
// route in the set. If the route set is global, then no changes are made.
func (ns *Netstack) DelRouteSet(set *routetypes.RouteSetId) {
// There is a check for IsGlobal in (*RouteTable.DelRouteSetLocked) to
// prevent accidentally deleting all routes. This is just to prevent
// useless work from being done.
if set.IsGlobal() {
// Needed to get consistent iteration order.
var ifStates []*ifState
for _, nicInfo := range ns.stack.NICInfo() {
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
ifStates = append(ifStates, ifs)
sort.Slice(ifStates, func(i, j int) bool {
return ifStates[i].nicid < ifStates[j].nicid
for _, ifs := range ifStates {
defer ns.routeTable.Unlock()
routesDeleted := ns.routeTable.DelRouteSetLocked(set)
if len(routesDeleted) > 0 {
ns.routeTable.UpdateStackLocked(ns.stack, ns.resetDestinationCache)
nicsWithDeletedV4DefaultRoutes := make(map[tcpip.NICID]struct{})
nicsWithDeletedV6DefaultRoutes := make(map[tcpip.NICID]struct{})
for _, route := range routesDeleted {
if route.Route.Destination.Equal(header.IPv4EmptySubnet) {
nicsWithDeletedV4DefaultRoutes[route.Route.NIC] = struct{}{}
if route.Route.Destination.Equal(header.IPv6EmptySubnet) {
nicsWithDeletedV6DefaultRoutes[route.Route.NIC] = struct{}{}
// It's possible that there were multiple copies of the default route with different
// metrics, so we need to check whether there are any default routes still present
// after these routes were removed.
nicsWithV4DefaultRoutes := ns.routeTable.GetNICsWithDefaultV4RoutesLocked()
nicsWithV6DefaultRoutes := ns.routeTable.GetNICsWithDefaultV6RoutesLocked()
for nic := range nicsWithDeletedV4DefaultRoutes {
if _, ok := nicsWithV4DefaultRoutes[nic]; !ok {
ns.onDefaultIPv4RouteChangeLocked(nic, false /* hasDefaultRoute */)
for nic := range nicsWithDeletedV6DefaultRoutes {
if _, ok := nicsWithV6DefaultRoutes[nic]; !ok {
ns.onDefaultIPv6RouteChangeLocked(nic, false /* hasDefaultRoute */)
// delRouteLocked deletes routes from a single interface identified by `r.NIC`.
// The `ifState` of the interface identified by `r.NIC` must be locked for the
// duration of this function.
func (ns *Netstack) delRouteLocked(r tcpip.Route, deletingSet *routetypes.RouteSetId) []routetypes.ExtendedRoute {
defer ns.routeTable.Unlock()
routesDeleted := ns.routeTable.DelRouteLocked(r, deletingSet)
if len(routesDeleted) == 0 {
return nil
ns.routeTable.UpdateStackLocked(ns.stack, ns.resetDestinationCache)
for _, er := range routesDeleted {
if er.Enabled {
if er.Route.Destination.Equal(header.IPv4EmptySubnet) {
ns.onDefaultIPv4RouteChangeLocked(er.Route.NIC, false /* hasDefaultRoute */)
} else if er.Route.Destination.Equal(header.IPv6EmptySubnet) {
ns.onDefaultIPv6RouteChangeLocked(er.Route.NIC, false /* hasDefaultRoute */)
return routesDeleted
// DelRoute deletes all routes matching r from the route table.
func (ns *Netstack) DelRoute(r tcpip.Route, deletingSet *routetypes.RouteSetId) []routetypes.ExtendedRoute {
_ = syslog.Infof("deleting route %s", r)
nicInfoMap := ns.stack.NICInfo()
delRoute := func(nicInfo stack.NICInfo, r tcpip.Route) []routetypes.ExtendedRoute {
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
return ns.delRouteLocked(r, deletingSet)
if r.NIC == 0 {
var routesDeleted []routetypes.ExtendedRoute
for nicid, nicInfo := range nicInfoMap {
r.NIC = nicid
routesDeleted = append(routesDeleted, delRoute(nicInfo, r)...)
return routesDeleted
} else {
nicInfo, ok := nicInfoMap[r.NIC]
if !ok {
return nil
return delRoute(nicInfo, r)
// GetExtendedRouteTable returns a copy of the current extended route table.
func (ns *Netstack) GetExtendedRouteTable() []routetypes.ExtendedRoute {
return ns.routeTable.GetExtendedRouteTable()
// UpdateRoutesByInterface applies update actions to the routes for a
// given interface.
func (ns *Netstack) UpdateRoutesByInterfaceLocked(nicid tcpip.NICID, action routetypes.Action) {
defer ns.routeTable.Unlock()
ns.routeTable.UpdateRoutesByInterfaceLocked(nicid, action)
hasDefaultIPv4Route, hasDefaultIPv6Route := ns.routeTable.HasDefaultRouteLocked(nicid)
ns.onDefaultRouteChangeLocked(nicid, hasDefaultIPv4Route, hasDefaultIPv6Route)
ns.routeTable.UpdateStackLocked(ns.stack, ns.resetDestinationCache)
func (ifs *ifState) removeAddress(protocolAddr tcpip.ProtocolAddress) zx.Status {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %d: removing IP %s", ifs.nicid, protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix)
switch err := ifs.ns.stack.RemoveAddress(ifs.nicid, protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix.Address); err.(type) {
case nil:
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
_ = syslog.Warnf("stack.RemoveAddress(%d, %s): NIC not found", ifs.nicid, protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix)
return zx.ErrBadState
case *tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress:
return zx.ErrNotFound
panic(fmt.Sprintf("stack.RemoveAddress(%d, %s) = %s", ifs.nicid, protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix, err))
return zx.ErrOk
type addressChanged struct {
nicid tcpip.NICID
protocolAddr tcpip.ProtocolAddress
lifetimes stack.AddressLifetimes
state stack.AddressAssignmentState
var _ interfaceEvent = (*addressChanged)(nil)
func (*addressChanged) isInterfaceEvent() {}
func (a addressChanged) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"{nicid:%d addr:%s lifetimes:{Deprecated:%t PreferredUntil:boot+%s ValidUntil:boot+%s} state:%s}",
type addressRemoved struct {
nicid tcpip.NICID
protocolAddr tcpip.ProtocolAddress
reason stack.AddressRemovalReason
var _ interfaceEvent = (*addressRemoved)(nil)
func (*addressRemoved) isInterfaceEvent() {}
func (a addressRemoved) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{nicid:%d addr:%s reason:%s}", a.nicid, a.protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix, a.reason)
var _ stack.AddressDispatcher = (*watcherAddressDispatcher)(nil)
type watcherAddressDispatcher struct {
nicid tcpip.NICID
protocolAddr tcpip.ProtocolAddress
ch chan<- interfaceEvent
// OnChanged is called when the address this AddressDispatcher is registered
// on is assigned or changed.
// Note that this function is called while locked inside gVisor, so care should
// be taken to avoid deadlock.
func (ad *watcherAddressDispatcher) OnChanged(lifetimes stack.AddressLifetimes, state stack.AddressAssignmentState) {
_ = syslog.Debugf("NIC=%d addr=%s changed lifetimes=%#v state=%s",
ad.nicid, ad.protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix, lifetimes, state)
if != nil { <- &addressChanged{
nicid: ad.nicid,
protocolAddr: ad.protocolAddr,
lifetimes: lifetimes,
state: state,
// OnRemoved is called when the address this AddressDispatcher is registered
// on is removed.
// Note that this function is called while locked inside gVisor, so care should
// be taken to avoid deadlock.
func (ad *watcherAddressDispatcher) OnRemoved(reason stack.AddressRemovalReason) {
_ = syslog.Debugf("NIC=%d addr=%s removed reason=%s", ad.nicid, ad.protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix, reason)
if != nil { <- &addressRemoved{
nicid: ad.nicid,
protocolAddr: ad.protocolAddr,
reason: reason,
func (ifs *ifState) addAddress(protocolAddr tcpip.ProtocolAddress, properties stack.AddressProperties) (bool, admin.AddressRemovalReason) {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %d: adding address %s", ifs.nicid, protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix)
// properties.Disp is non-nil iff the caller is serving
// The
// AddressDispatcher implementation used serves both
// and
// If no dispatcher is passed, register one for serving
if properties.Disp == nil && ifs.ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
properties.Disp = &watcherAddressDispatcher{
nicid: ifs.nicid,
protocolAddr: protocolAddr,
ch: ifs.ns.interfaceEventChan,
switch err := ifs.ns.stack.AddProtocolAddress(ifs.nicid, protocolAddr, properties); err.(type) {
case nil:
return true, 0
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
return false, admin.AddressRemovalReasonInterfaceRemoved
case *tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress:
return false, admin.AddressRemovalReasonAlreadyAssigned
panic(fmt.Sprintf("stack.AddProtocolAddress(%d, %s, %#v) unexpected error: %s", ifs.nicid, protocolAddr.AddressWithPrefix, properties, err))
// onInterfaceAddLocked must be called with `` locked.
func (ns *Netstack) onInterfaceAddLocked(ifs *ifState, name string) {
e := interfaceAdded(initialProperties(ifs, name))
if ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
ns.interfaceEventChan <- &e
// onInterfaceRemoveLocked must be called with `` of the interface
// identified by `nicid` locked.
func (ns *Netstack) onInterfaceRemoveLocked(nicid tcpip.NICID) {
e := interfaceRemoved(nicid)
if ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
ns.interfaceEventChan <- &e
// onOnlineChangeLocked must be called with `` of the interface
// identified by `nicid` locked.
func (ns *Netstack) onOnlineChangeLocked(nicid tcpip.NICID, online bool) {
if ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
ns.interfaceEventChan <- &onlineChanged{
nicid: nicid,
online: online,
// onDefaultIPv4RouteChangeLocked must be called with the `` of the
// interface identified by `nicid` and the route table locked (in that order)
// to avoid races against other route changes.
func (ns *Netstack) onDefaultIPv4RouteChangeLocked(nicid tcpip.NICID, hasDefaultRoute bool) {
if ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
ns.interfaceEventChan <- &defaultRouteChanged{
nicid: nicid,
hasDefaultIPv4Route: &hasDefaultRoute,
// onDefaultIPv6RouteChangeLocked must be called with the `` of the
// interface identified by `nicid` and the route table locked (in that order)
// to avoid races against other route changes.
func (ns *Netstack) onDefaultIPv6RouteChangeLocked(nicid tcpip.NICID, hasDefaultRoute bool) {
if ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
ns.interfaceEventChan <- &defaultRouteChanged{
nicid: nicid,
hasDefaultIPv6Route: &hasDefaultRoute,
// onDefaultRouteChangeLocked must be called with the `` of the
// interface identified by `nicid` and the route table locked (in that order)
// to avoid races against other route changes.
func (ns *Netstack) onDefaultRouteChangeLocked(nicid tcpip.NICID, hasDefaultIPv4Route bool, hasDefaultIPv6Route bool) {
if ns.interfaceEventChan != nil {
ns.interfaceEventChan <- &defaultRouteChanged{
nicid: nicid,
hasDefaultIPv4Route: &hasDefaultIPv4Route,
hasDefaultIPv6Route: &hasDefaultIPv6Route,
func (ifs *ifState) dhcpLostLocked(lost tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
name :=
switch status := ifs.removeAddress(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
AddressWithPrefix: lost,
Protocol: header.IPv4ProtocolNumber,
}); status {
case zx.ErrOk:
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: removed DHCP address %s", name, lost)
case zx.ErrNotFound:
_ = syslog.Warnf("NIC %s: DHCP address %s to be removed not found", name, lost)
case zx.ErrBadState:
_ = syslog.Warnf("NIC %s: NIC not found when removing DHCP address %s", name, lost)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("NIC %s: unexpected error removing DHCP address %s: %s", name, lost, status))
// Remove the dynamic routes for this interface.
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterfaceLocked(ifs.nicid, routetypes.ActionDeleteDynamic)
func (ifs *ifState) dhcpAcquired(ctx context.Context, lost, acquired tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, config dhcp.Config) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case ifs.dhcpLock <- struct{}{}:
defer func() {
_ = <-ifs.dhcpLock
name :=
if lost == acquired {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: DHCP renewed address %s for %s", name, acquired, config.LeaseLength)
ifs.ns.stack.SetAddressLifetimes(ifs.nicid, acquired.Address, stack.AddressLifetimes{
Deprecated: false,
PreferredUntil: tcpip.MonotonicTime{}.Add(time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)),
ValidUntil: tcpip.MonotonicTime{}.Add(time.Duration(config.UpdatedAt.Add(config.LeaseLength.Duration()).MonotonicNano())),
} else {
if lost != (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}) {
if acquired != (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}) {
if ok, reason := ifs.addAddress(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: ipv4.ProtocolNumber,
AddressWithPrefix: acquired,
}, stack.AddressProperties{
Lifetimes: stack.AddressLifetimes{
PreferredUntil: tcpip.MonotonicTime{}.Add(time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)),
ValidUntil: tcpip.MonotonicTime{}.Add(time.Duration(config.UpdatedAt.Add(config.LeaseLength.Duration()).MonotonicNano())),
}); !ok {
_ = syslog.Errorf("NIC %s: failed to add DHCP acquired address %s: %s", name, acquired, reason)
} else {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: DHCP acquired address %s for %s", name, acquired, config.LeaseLength)
// Add a route for the local subnet.
rs := []tcpip.Route{
addressWithPrefixRoute(ifs.nicid, acquired),
// Add a default route through each router.
for _, router := range config.Router {
// Reject non-unicast addresses to avoid an explosion of traffic in
// case of misconfiguration.
if ip := net.IP(router.AsSlice()); !ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast() && !ip.IsGlobalUnicast() {
_ = syslog.Warnf("NIC %s: DHCP specified non-unicast router %s, skipping", name, ip)
rs = append(rs, defaultV4Route(ifs.nicid, router))
_ = syslog.Infof("adding routes %s with metric=<not-set> dynamic=true", rs)
ifs.addRoutesWithPreferenceLocked(rs, routetypes.MediumPreference, nil /* metric */, true /* dynamic */, true /* overwriteIfAlreadyExist */, routetypes.GlobalRouteSet())
if updated := ifs.setDNSServers(config.DNS); updated {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: set DNS servers: %s", name, config.DNS)
// setDNSServers updates the receiver's dnsServers if necessary and returns
// whether they were updated.
func (ifs *ifState) setDNSServers(servers []tcpip.Address) bool {
sameDNS := len( == len(servers)
if sameDNS {
for i := range {
sameDNS =[i] == servers[i]
if !sameDNS {
if !sameDNS { = servers
ifs.ns.dnsConfig.UpdateDhcpServers(ifs.nicid, &
return !sameDNS
// setDHCPStatusLocked updates the DHCP status on an interface and runs the DHCP
// client if it should be enabled.
// Precondition: and ifs.dhcpLock is held.
func (ifs *ifState) setDHCPStatusLocked(name string, enabled bool) { = enabled
if && ifs.IsUpLocked() {
// setDHCPStatus updates the DHCP status on an interface and runs the DHCP
// client if it should be enabled.
// Takes the ifState lock.
func (ifs *ifState) setDHCPStatus(name string, enabled bool) {
_ = syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "NIC %s: setDHCPStatus = %t", name, enabled)
ifs.dhcpLock <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
ifs.setDHCPStatusLocked(name, enabled)
// Runs the DHCP client with a fresh context and initializes
// Call the old cancel function before calling this function.
func (ifs *ifState) runDHCPLocked(name string) {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: run DHCP", name)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
completeCh := make(chan tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) = func() {
if addr := <-completeCh; addr != (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}) {
// Remove this address and cleanup routes.
} = func() bool {
return ctx.Err() == nil
if c :=; c != nil {
go func() {
defer cancel()
completeCh <- c.Run(ctx)
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("nil DHCP client on interface %s", name))
func (ifs *ifState) dhcpEnabled() bool {
func (ifs *ifState) onDownLocked(name string, closed bool) {
// Stop DHCP, this triggers the removal of all dynamically obtained configuration (IP, routes,
// DNS servers).
// Remove DNS servers through ifs.
if closed {
// The interface is removed, force all of its routes to be removed.
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterfaceLocked(ifs.nicid, routetypes.ActionDeleteAll)
} else {
// The interface is down, disable static routes (dynamic ones are handled
// by the cancelled DHCP server).
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterfaceLocked(ifs.nicid, routetypes.ActionDisableStatic)
_ = ifs.ns.delRouteLocked(ipv6LinkLocalOnLinkRoute(ifs.nicid), routetypes.GlobalRouteSet())
if closed {
switch err := ifs.ns.stack.RemoveNIC(ifs.nicid); err.(type) {
case nil:
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
_ = syslog.Warnf("error removing NIC %s in stack.Stack: %s", name, err)
for _, h := range ifs.ns.nicRemovedHandlers {
// TODO( Re-enabling bridged interfaces on removal
// of the bridge is a hack, and needs a proper implementation.
for _, nicid := range ifs.bridgedInterfaces {
nicInfo, ok := ifs.ns.stack.NICInfo()[nicid]
if !ok {
bridgedIfs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
if bridgedIfs.IsUpLocked() {
switch err := ifs.ns.stack.EnableNIC(nicid); err.(type) {
case nil, *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
_ = syslog.Errorf("failed to enable bridged interface %d after removing bridge: %s", nicid, err)
if err := ifs.authorizationToken.Close(); err != nil {
_ = syslog.Warnf("error closing authorization token for NIC %s: %s", name, err)
} else {
if err := ifs.ns.stack.DisableNIC(ifs.nicid); err != nil {
_ = syslog.Errorf("error disabling NIC %s in stack.Stack: %s", name, err)
func (ifs *ifState) stateChangeLocked(name string, adminUp, linkOnline bool) bool {
before := ifs.IsUpLocked()
after := adminUp && linkOnline
if after != before {
if after {
if ifs.bridgeable.IsBridged() {
_ = syslog.Warnf("not enabling NIC %s in stack.Stack because it is attached to a bridge", name)
} else if err := ifs.ns.stack.EnableNIC(ifs.nicid); err != nil {
_ = syslog.Errorf("error enabling NIC %s in stack.Stack: %s", name, err)
// Re-enable static routes out this interface.
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterfaceLocked(ifs.nicid, routetypes.ActionEnableStatic)
if {
if ifs.endpoint.Capabilities()&stack.CapabilityLoopback == 0 {
// Add an on-link route for the IPv6 link-local subnet to
// non-loopback interfaces. The route is added as a 'static'
// route because Netstack will remove dynamic routes on DHCPv4
// changes. See staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks for more
// details.
true, /* metricTracksInterface */
true, /* enabled */
ifs.ns.routeTable.UpdateStack(ifs.ns.stack, ifs.ns.resetDestinationCache)
} else {
ifs.onDownLocked(name, false /* closed */)
} = adminUp = linkOnline
return after != before
func (ifs *ifState) onLinkOnlineChanged(linkOnline bool) {
name :=
ifs.dhcpLock <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
changed := ifs.stateChangeLocked(name,, linkOnline)
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: observed linkOnline=%t when adminUp=%t, interfacesChanged=%t", name, linkOnline,, changed)
if changed {
ifs.ns.onOnlineChangeLocked(ifs.nicid, ifs.IsUpLocked())
func (ifs *ifState) setState(enabled bool) (bool, error) {
name :=
wasEnabled, err := func() (bool, error) {
ifs.dhcpLock <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
wasEnabled :=
if wasEnabled == enabled {
return wasEnabled, nil
if controller := ifs.controller; controller != nil {
fn := controller.Down
if enabled {
fn = controller.Up
if err := fn(); err != nil {
return wasEnabled, err
changed := ifs.stateChangeLocked(name, enabled, ifs.LinkOnlineLocked())
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: set adminUp=%t when linkOnline=%t, interfacesChanged=%t", name,, ifs.LinkOnlineLocked(), changed)
if changed {
ifs.ns.onOnlineChangeLocked(ifs.nicid, ifs.IsUpLocked())
return wasEnabled, nil
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: setting adminUp=%t failed: %s", name, enabled, err)
return wasEnabled, err
return wasEnabled, nil
func (ifs *ifState) Up() error {
_, err := ifs.setState(true)
return err
func (ifs *ifState) Down() error {
_, err := ifs.setState(false)
return err
func (ifs *ifState) RemoveByUser() {
func (ifs *ifState) RemoveByLinkClose() {
func (ifs *ifState) remove(reason admin.InterfaceRemovedReason) {
// Cannot hold `` across detaching and waiting for endpoint cleanup as
// link status changes blocks endpoint cleanup and will attempt to acquire
// ``.
if func() bool {
removed := = true
return removed
}() {
name :=
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: removing, reason=%s", name, reason)
// Close all open control channels with the interface before removing it from
// the stack. That prevents any further administrative action from happening.
pendingNotification := ifs.adminControls.stopServing()
// Detach the endpoint and wait for clean termination before we remove the
// NIC from the stack, that ensures that we can't be racing with other calls
// to onDown that are signalling link status changes.
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: waiting for endpoint cleanup...", name)
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: endpoint cleanup done", name)
ifs.dhcpLock <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
ifs.onDownLocked(name, true /* closed */)
sendControlTerminationReason(pendingNotification, reason)
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s: removed", name)
var nameProviderErrorLogged uint32 = 0
// TODO(stijlist): figure out a way to make it impossible to accidentally
// enable DHCP on loopback interfaces.
func (ns *Netstack) addLoopback() error {
ifs, err := ns.addEndpoint(
func(tcpip.NICID) string {
return "lo"
// To match linux behaviour, as per
nil, /* controller */
nil, /* observer */
if err != nil {
return err
nicid := ifs.nicid
// Loopback interfaces do not need NDP or DAD.
if err := func() tcpip.Error {
ep, err := ns.stack.GetNetworkEndpoint(nicid, ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
return err
// Must never fail, but the compiler can't tell.
ndpEP := ep.(ipv6.NDPEndpoint)
dadEP := ep.(stack.DuplicateAddressDetector)
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error setting NDP configurations to NIC ID %d: %s", nicid, err)
ipv4LoopbackPrefix := tcpip.MaskFromBytes(net.IP(ipv4Loopback.AsSlice()).DefaultMask()).Prefix()
ipv4LoopbackProtocolAddress := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: ipv4.ProtocolNumber,
AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
Address: ipv4Loopback,
PrefixLen: ipv4LoopbackPrefix,
ipv4LoopbackRoute := addressWithPrefixRoute(nicid, ipv4LoopbackProtocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix)
if ok, reason := ifs.addAddress(ipv4LoopbackProtocolAddress, stack.AddressProperties{}); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ifs.addAddress(%d, %s): %s", nicid, ipv4LoopbackProtocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix, reason)
ipv6LoopbackProtocolAddress := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: ipv6.ProtocolNumber,
AddressWithPrefix: ipv6Loopback.WithPrefix(),
if ok, reason := ifs.addAddress(ipv6LoopbackProtocolAddress, stack.AddressProperties{}); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ifs.addAddress(%d, %s): %s", nicid, ipv6LoopbackProtocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix, reason)
Destination: util.PointSubnet(ipv6Loopback),
NIC: nicid,
nil, /* metric */
false, /* dynamic */
true, /* overwriteIfAlreadyExist */
if err := ifs.Up(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ns *Netstack) Bridge(nics []tcpip.NICID) (*ifState, error) {
links := make([]*bridge.BridgeableEndpoint, 0, len(nics))
ifStates := make([]*ifState, 0, len(nics))
metric := defaultInterfaceMetric
for _, nicid := range nics {
nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[nicid]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find NIC %d", nicid)
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
ifStates = append(ifStates, ifs)
if controller := ifs.controller; controller != nil {
if err := controller.SetPromiscuousMode(true); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error enabling promiscuous mode for NIC %d in stack.Stack while bridging endpoint: %w", ifs.nicid, err)
links = append(links, ifs.bridgeable)
// TODO( Replace this with explicit
// configuration. For now, take the minimum default route
// metric across all the links because there is currently
// no way to specify it when creating the bridge.
if ifs.metric < metric {
metric = ifs.metric
b, err := bridge.New(links)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ifs, err := ns.addEndpoint(
func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("br%d", nicid)
nil, /* observer */
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ifs.bridgedInterfaces = nics
for _, ifs := range ifStates {
func() {
// Disabling the NIC and attaching interfaces to the bridge must be called
// under lock to avoid racing against admin/link status changes which may
// enable the NIC.
// TODO( Disabling bridged interfaces inside gVisor
// is a hack, and in need of a proper implementation.
switch err := ifs.ns.stack.DisableNIC(ifs.nicid); err.(type) {
case nil:
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
// TODO( Handle bridged interface removal.
_ = syslog.Warnf("NIC %d removed while attaching to bridge", ifs.nicid)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error disabling NIC %d while attaching to bridge: %s", ifs.nicid, err))
return ifs, err
func makeEndpointName(prefix, configName string) func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
return func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
if len(configName) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", prefix, nicid)
return configName
type qdiscConfig struct {
numQueues int
queueLen int
// addEndpoint creates a new NIC with stack.Stack.
func (ns *Netstack) addEndpoint(
nameFn func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string,
ep stack.LinkEndpoint,
controller link.Controller,
observer link.Observer,
metric routetypes.Metric,
qdisc qdiscConfig,
) (*ifState, error) {
ifs := &ifState{
ns: ns,
controller: controller,
observer: observer,
metric: metric,
ifs.dhcpLock = make(chan struct{}, 1) = make(map[*adminControlImpl]struct{})
if observer != nil {
} = func() bool { return false } = func() {}
ifs.nicid = + 1
name := nameFn(ifs.nicid)
token, err := zx.NewEvent(0 /* options */)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while allocating authorization token for %s: %w", name, err)
ifs.authorizationToken = token
// LinkEndpoint chains:
// Put sniffer as close as the NIC.
// A wrapper LinkEndpoint should encapsulate the underlying
// one, and manifest itself to 3rd party netstack.
ifs.bridgeable = bridge.NewEndpoint(sniffer.NewWithPrefix(packetsocket.New(ep), fmt.Sprintf("[%s(id=%d)] ", name, ifs.nicid)))
ep = ifs.bridgeable
ifs.endpoint = ep
nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Name: name, Context: ifs, Disabled: true}
if qdisc.numQueues > 0 {
if qdisc.queueLen == 0 {
panic("attempted to configure qdisc with zero-length queue")
nicOpts.QDisc = fifo.New(ep, qdisc.numQueues, qdisc.queueLen)
if err := ns.stack.CreateNICWithOptions(ifs.nicid, ep, nicOpts); err != nil {
// Clean up memory held by qdisc.
if nicOpts.QDisc != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NIC %s: could not create NIC: %w", name, WrapTcpIpError(err))
_ = syslog.Infof("NIC %s added as nicID (%d)", name, ifs.nicid)
if linkAddr := ep.LinkAddress(); len(linkAddr) > 0 {
dhcpClient := dhcp.NewClient(ns.stack, ifs.nicid, linkAddr, dhcpAcquisition, dhcpBackoff, dhcpRetransmission, ifs.dhcpAcquired) = dhcpClient
ns.onInterfaceAddLocked(ifs, name)
if ifs.endpoint.Capabilities()&stack.CapabilityLoopback == 0 {
// Add initial routes to the IPv4 and IPv6 Multicast subnets. Note that
// these aren't strictly required to route multicast traffic bound to a
// particular interface (since gVisor has special-case logic in the
// forwarding pipeline to handle such traffic), but they are needed to
// forward multicast traffic when the interface is unspecified.
// They are also installed in Netstack3, so adding them here improves
// consistency between the two stacks.
tcpip.Route{Destination: ipv4MulticastSubnet().Subnet(), NIC: ifs.nicid},
true, /* metricTracksInterface */
false, /* dynamic */
true, /* enabled */
tcpip.Route{Destination: ipv6MulticastSubnet().Subnet(), NIC: ifs.nicid},
true, /* metricTracksInterface */
false, /* dynamic */
true, /* enabled */
ifs.ns.routeTable.UpdateStack(ifs.ns.stack, ifs.ns.resetDestinationCache)
return ifs, nil
func (ns *Netstack) getIfStateInfo(nicInfo map[tcpip.NICID]stack.NICInfo) map[tcpip.NICID]ifStateInfo {
ifStates := make(map[tcpip.NICID]ifStateInfo)
for id, ni := range nicInfo {
ifs := ni.Context.(*ifState)
dnsServers :=
info := ifStateInfo{
NICInfo: ni,
nicid: ifs.nicid,
linkOnline: ifs.LinkOnlineLocked(),
dnsServers: dnsServers,
if {
info.dhcpInfo =
info.dhcpStats =
info.dhcpStateRecentHistory =
for _, network := range []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{header.IPv4ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber} {
neighbors, err := ns.stack.Neighbors(id, network)
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
if info.neighbors == nil {
info.neighbors = make(map[string]stack.NeighborEntry)
for _, n := range neighbors {
info.neighbors[n.Addr.String()] = n
case *tcpip.ErrNotSupported:
// NIC does not have a neighbor table, skip.
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
_ = syslog.Warnf("getIfStateInfo: NIC removed before ns.stack.Neighbors(%d) could be called", id)
_ = syslog.Errorf("getIfStateInfo: unexpected error from ns.stack.Neighbors(%d) = %s", id, err)
info.networkEndpointStats = make(map[string]stack.NetworkEndpointStats, len(ni.NetworkStats))
for proto, netEPStats := range ni.NetworkStats {
info.networkEndpointStats[networkProtocolToString(proto)] = netEPStats
info.controller = ifs.controller
ifStates[id] = info
return ifStates
func networkProtocolToString(proto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) string {
switch proto {
case header.IPv4ProtocolNumber:
return "IPv4"
case header.IPv6ProtocolNumber:
return "IPv6"
case header.ARPProtocolNumber:
return "ARP"
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", proto)
type filterNicInfoProvider struct {
stack *stack.Stack
var _ filter.NicInfoProvider = (*filterNicInfoProvider)(nil)
// GetNicInfo implements filter.NicInfoProvider.
func (p *filterNicInfoProvider) GetNicInfo(nicid tcpip.NICID) (string, *network.DeviceClass) {
nicInfo, ok := p.stack.NICInfo()[nicid]
if !ok {
return "", nil
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
if ifs.controller == nil {
return nicInfo.Name, nil
deviceClass := ifs.controller.DeviceClass()
return nicInfo.Name, &deviceClass