blob: 4e92e96aa1eadc7b5a9086c3d0bea29da5e145f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
package netstack
import (
syslog ""
const metricNotSet uint32 = 0
var _ stack.StackWithCtx = (*stackImpl)(nil)
type stackImpl struct {
ns *Netstack
// validateSubnet returns true if the prefix length is valid and no
// address bits are set beyond the prefix length.
func validateSubnet(subnet net.Subnet) bool {
var ipBytes []uint8
switch typ := subnet.Addr.Which(); typ {
case net.IpAddressIpv4:
ipBytes = subnet.Addr.Ipv4.Addr[:]
case net.IpAddressIpv6:
ipBytes = subnet.Addr.Ipv6.Addr[:]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown IpAddress type %d", typ))
if int(subnet.PrefixLen) > len(ipBytes)*8 {
return false
prefixBytes := subnet.PrefixLen / 8
ipBytes = ipBytes[prefixBytes:]
if prefixBits := subnet.PrefixLen - (prefixBytes * 8); prefixBits > 0 {
// prefixBits is only greater than zero when ipBytes is non-empty.
mask := uint8((1 << (8 - prefixBits)) - 1)
ipBytes[0] &= mask
for _, byte := range ipBytes {
if byte != 0 {
return false
return true
func (ns *Netstack) addForwardingEntry(entry stack.ForwardingEntry) stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResult {
var result stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResult
if !validateSubnet(entry.Subnet) {
return result
metric := func() *routetypes.Metric {
if entry.Metric != metricNotSet {
metric := routetypes.Metric(entry.Metric)
return &metric
} else {
return nil
route := fidlconv.ForwardingEntryToTCPIPRoute(entry)
if _, err := ns.AddRoute(route, metric, false /* not dynamic */, true /* replaceMatchingGvisorRoutes */, routetypes.GlobalRouteSet()); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, routes.ErrNoSuchNIC) {
} else {
_ = syslog.Errorf("adding route %s to route table failed: %s", route, err)
return result
return result
func (ns *Netstack) delForwardingEntry(entry stack.ForwardingEntry) stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResult {
if !validateSubnet(entry.Subnet) {
return stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithErr(stack.ErrorInvalidArgs)
route := fidlconv.ForwardingEntryToTCPIPRoute(entry)
if routesDeleted := ns.DelRoute(route, routetypes.GlobalRouteSet()); len(routesDeleted) == 0 {
return stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithErr(stack.ErrorNotFound)
return stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithResponse(stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResponse{})
func (ni *stackImpl) AddForwardingEntry(_ fidl.Context, entry stack.ForwardingEntry) (stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResult, error) {
return ni.ns.addForwardingEntry(entry), nil
func (ni *stackImpl) DelForwardingEntry(_ fidl.Context, entry stack.ForwardingEntry) (stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResult, error) {
return ni.ns.delForwardingEntry(entry), nil
// TODO( Remove this.
func (ni *stackImpl) SetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecated(_ fidl.Context, id uint64, ip net.IpVersion, enabled bool) (stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResult, error) {
netProto, ok := fidlconv.ToTCPIPNetProto(ip)
if !ok {
return stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResultWithErr(stack.ErrorInvalidArgs), nil
nicInfo, ok := ni.ns.stack.NICInfo()[tcpip.NICID(id)]
if !ok {
return stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResultWithErr(stack.ErrorNotFound), nil
// Lock the interface to synchronize changes with
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
// Invalidate all clients' destination caches, as disabling forwarding may
// cause an existing cached route to become invalid.
// We ignore the returned previous forwarding configuration as this FIDL
// method has no use for it.
switch _, err := ni.ns.stack.SetNICForwarding(tcpip.NICID(id), netProto, enabled); err.(type) {
case nil:
return stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResultWithResponse(stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResponse{}), nil
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
return stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResultWithErr(stack.ErrorNotFound), nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ni.ns.stack.SetNICForwarding(tcpip.NICID(%d), %d, %t): %s", id, netProto, enabled, err))
func (ni *stackImpl) SetDhcpClientEnabled(ctx_ fidl.Context, id uint64, enable bool) (stack.StackSetDhcpClientEnabledResult, error) {
var r stack.StackSetDhcpClientEnabledResult
nicInfo, ok := ni.ns.stack.NICInfo()[tcpip.NICID(id)]
if !ok {
return stack.StackSetDhcpClientEnabledResultWithErr(stack.ErrorNotFound), nil
ifState := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
ifState.setDHCPStatus(nicInfo.Name, enable)
return r, nil
func (ni *stackImpl) BridgeInterfaces(_ fidl.Context, interfaces []uint64, bridge admin.ControlWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
_ = syslog.Infof("received request to bridge %v", interfaces)
nics := make([]tcpip.NICID, len(interfaces))
for i, n := range interfaces {
nics[i] = tcpip.NICID(n)
ifs, err := ni.ns.Bridge(nics)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.Warnf("failed to bridge interfaces %s", err)
proxy := admin.ControlEventProxy{
Channel: bridge.Channel,
if err := proxy.OnInterfaceRemoved(admin.InterfaceRemovedReasonBadPort); err != nil {
_ = syslog.Warnf("failed to write terminal event: %s", err)
_ = bridge.Close()
return nil
ifs.addAdminConnection(bridge, true /* strong */)
return nil
var _ stack.LogWithCtx = (*logImpl)(nil)
type logImpl struct {
logPackets *atomicbitops.Uint32
func (li *logImpl) SetLogPackets(_ fidl.Context, enabled bool) error {
var val uint32
if enabled {
val = 1
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "fuchsia_net_stack", "SetLogPackets: %t", enabled)
return nil