blob: cad6ffd729f90b8f9ddcc914d8fc0032cb842a9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
package netstack
import (
syslog ""
inspect "fidl/fuchsia/inspect/deprecated"
// An infallible version of fuchsia.inspect.Inspect with FIDL details omitted.
type inspectInner interface {
ReadData() inspect.Object
ListChildren() []string
GetChild(string) inspectInner
const (
statsLabel = "Stats"
socketOptionStatsLabel = "Socket Option Stats"
networkEndpointStatsLabel = "Network Endpoint Stats"
socketInfo = "Socket Info"
dhcpInfo = "DHCP Info"
dhcpStateRecentHistoryLabel = "DHCP State Recent History"
neighborsLabel = "Neighbors"
netdeviceInfo = "Network Device Info"
rxReads = "RxReads"
rxWrites = "RxWrites"
txReads = "TxReads"
txWrites = "TxWrites"
// An adapter that implements fuchsia.inspect.InspectWithCtx using the above.
var _ inspect.InspectWithCtx = (*inspectImpl)(nil)
type inspectImpl struct {
inner inspectInner
func (impl *inspectImpl) ReadData(fidl.Context) (inspect.Object, error) {
return impl.inner.ReadData(), nil
func (impl *inspectImpl) ListChildren(fidl.Context) ([]string, error) {
return impl.inner.ListChildren(), nil
func (impl *inspectImpl) OpenChild(ctx fidl.Context, childName string, childChannel inspect.InspectWithCtxInterfaceRequest) (bool, error) {
if child := impl.inner.GetChild(childName); child != nil {
svc := (&inspectImpl{
inner: child,
// The child's lifetime is not tied to the parent's.
ctx := context.Background()
return true, svc.AddFn(ctx, childChannel.Channel)
_ = childChannel.Close()
return false, nil
func (impl *inspectImpl) asService() *component.Service {
stub := inspect.InspectWithCtxStub{Impl: impl}
return &component.Service{
AddFn: func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(inspect.InspectName, "%s", err)
return nil
// Inspect implementations are exposed as directories containing a node called "inspect".
var _ component.Directory = (*inspectDirectory)(nil)
type inspectDirectory struct {
asService func() *component.Service
func (dir *inspectDirectory) Get(name string) (component.Node, bool) {
if name == inspect.InspectName {
return dir.asService(), true
return nil, false
func (dir *inspectDirectory) ForEach(fn func(string, component.Node) error) error {
return fn(inspect.InspectName, dir.asService())
var _ inspectInner = (*rootInspectImpl)(nil)
type rootInspectImpl struct {
name string
health healthInspectImpl
// This node is important for testing purposes even though we always return
// OK as the health check status as it's the only node that is common to both
// NS2 and NS3. See for the issue that such testing
// guards against.
func (impl *rootInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Properties: nil,
func (impl *rootInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return []string{}
func (impl *rootInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
if childName != {
return nil
return &
type healthInspectImpl struct {
name string
func (impl *healthInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "status", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr("OK")},
func (impl *healthInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (impl *healthInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*configInspectImpl)(nil)
type configInspectImpl struct {
name string
logPackets *atomicBool
logLevel syslog.LogLevel
socketStatsTimerPeriod time.Duration
noOpaqueIID bool
fastUDP bool
config configDataInspectImpl
func (impl *configInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "log-packets", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.logPackets.String())},
{Key: "verbosity", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.logLevel.String())},
{Key: "socket-stats-sampling-interval", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(fmt.Sprintf("%s", impl.socketStatsTimerPeriod))},
{Key: "no-opaque-iids", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.noOpaqueIID))},
{Key: "fast-udp", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.fastUDP))},
func (impl *configInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return []string{}
func (impl *configInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
if childName != {
return nil
return &impl.config
var _ inspectInner = (*configDataInspectImpl)(nil)
type configDataInspectImpl struct {
name string
file string
data *config
numCPU int
func (impl *configDataInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
properties := []inspect.Property{
{Key: "file", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.file)},
{Key: "num-cpu", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatInt(int64(impl.numCPU), 10))},
if != nil && != nil {
properties = append(properties, inspect.Property{
Key: "max-procs",
Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatInt(int64(*, 10)),
return inspect.Object{
Properties: properties,
func (_ *configDataInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (_ *configDataInspectImpl) GetChild(_ string) inspectInner {
return nil
// statCounter enables *tcpip.StatCounters and other types in this
// package to be accessed via the same interface.
type statCounter interface {
Value() uint64
var _ statCounter = (*tcpip.StatCounter)(nil)
var statCounterType = reflect.TypeOf((*statCounter)(nil)).Elem()
type atomicUint32Stat struct {
var _ statCounter = (*atomicUint32Stat)(nil)
func (s *atomicUint32Stat) Value() uint64 {
return uint64(s.Load())
// Recursive reflection-based implementation for structs containing other
// structs, stat counters, or maps of stat counters.
var _ inspectInner = (*statCounterInspectImpl)(nil)
type statCounterInspectImpl struct {
name string
value reflect.Value
func (impl *statCounterInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Metrics: impl.asMetrics(),
func (impl *statCounterInspectImpl) asMetrics() []inspect.Metric {
var metrics []inspect.Metric
typ := impl.value.Type()
for i := 0; i < impl.value.NumField(); i++ {
// PkgPath is empty for exported field names.
if field := typ.Field(i); len(field.PkgPath) == 0 {
v := impl.value.Field(i)
counter, ok := v.Interface().(statCounter)
if !ok && v.CanAddr() {
counter, ok = v.Addr().Interface().(statCounter)
if ok {
metrics = append(metrics, inspect.Metric{
Key: field.Name,
Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(counter.Value()),
} else if field.Anonymous {
metrics = append(metrics, (&statCounterInspectImpl{value: reflect.Indirect(v)}).asMetrics()...)
return metrics
func (impl *statCounterInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
var children []string
typ := impl.value.Type()
for i := 0; i < impl.value.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
// PkgPath is empty for exported field names.
if len(field.PkgPath) != 0 {
if _, ok := extractIntegralStatCounterMap(impl.value.Field(i)); ok {
children = append(children, field.Name)
} else if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && !field.Type.Implements(statCounterType) && !reflect.PtrTo(field.Type).Implements(statCounterType) {
if field.Anonymous {
children = append(children, (&statCounterInspectImpl{value: impl.value.Field(i)}).ListChildren()...)
} else {
children = append(children, field.Name)
return children
func (impl *statCounterInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
if typ, ok := impl.value.Type().FieldByName(childName); ok {
// PkgPath is empty for exported field names.
if len(typ.PkgPath) != 0 {
return nil
if child := impl.value.FieldByName(childName); child.IsValid() {
if counterMap, ok := extractIntegralStatCounterMap(child); ok {
return &integralStatCounterMapInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: counterMap,
if typ.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
return &statCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: child,
return nil
func extractIntegralStatCounterMap(value reflect.Value) (*tcpip.IntegralStatCounterMap, bool) {
// IntegralStatCounterMap holds a lock. If we accept a Value that holds an
// instance of it, then the instance will contain a reference to the same
// underlying map data but a separate lock. Accessing the map would result
// in run-time concurrency bugs like Prevent this
// by only allowing Value objects that hold pointers to maps.
switch t := value.Interface().(type) {
case *tcpip.IntegralStatCounterMap:
return t, true
return nil, false
var _ inspectInner = (*logEntryInspectImpl)(nil)
type logEntryInspectImpl struct {
index string
entry util.LogEntry
func (impl *logEntryInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Name: impl.index,
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "@time", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatInt(int64(impl.entry.Timestamp), 10))},
{Key: "value", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.entry.Content)},
func (impl *logEntryInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (impl *logEntryInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*circularLogsInspectImpl)(nil)
type circularLogsInspectImpl struct {
name string
value []util.LogEntry
func (impl *circularLogsInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
func (impl *circularLogsInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
children := make([]string, 0, len(impl.value))
for i := range impl.value {
children = append(children, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10))
return children
func (impl *circularLogsInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
index, err := strconv.ParseUint(childName, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, inspect.InspectName, "GetChild(): %s", err)
return nil
if index >= uint64(len(impl.value)) {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(
"GetChild(%s): index %d out of bounds, there are %d entries in the circular logs",
return nil
return &logEntryInspectImpl{
index: childName,
entry: impl.value[index],
var _ inspectInner = (*integralStatCounterMapInspectImpl)(nil)
type integralStatCounterMapInspectImpl struct {
name string
value *tcpip.IntegralStatCounterMap
const integralStatMapTotalFieldName = "Total"
func (impl *integralStatCounterMapInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
func (impl *integralStatCounterMapInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
var children []string
children = append(children, integralStatMapTotalFieldName)
for _, key := range impl.value.Keys() {
children = append(children, strconv.FormatUint(key, 10))
return children
func (impl *integralStatCounterMapInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
if childName == integralStatMapTotalFieldName {
var total uint64
for _, key := range impl.value.Keys() {
if counter, ok := impl.value.Get(key); ok {
total += counter.Value()
return &singleStatCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: total,
} else {
if key, err := strconv.ParseUint(childName, 10, 64); err == nil {
if counter, ok := impl.value.Get(key); ok {
return &singleStatCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: counter.Value(),
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*singleStatCounterInspectImpl)(nil)
type singleStatCounterInspectImpl struct {
name string
value uint64
func (impl *singleStatCounterInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "Count", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatUint(impl.value, 10))},
func (*singleStatCounterInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (*singleStatCounterInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*fidlStatsInspectImpl)(nil)
type fidlStatsInspectImpl struct {
name string
fidlInterfaceWatcherStats *fidlInterfaceWatcherStats
fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics *fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics
func (impl *fidlStatsInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Metrics: []inspect.Metric{
Key: "InterfaceWatcherCount",
Value: inspect.MetricValueWithIntValue(impl.fidlInterfaceWatcherStats.count.Load()),
Key: "RoutesWatcherV4Count",
Value: inspect.MetricValueWithIntValue(impl.fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics.count_v4.Load()),
Key: "RoutesWatcherV6Count",
Value: inspect.MetricValueWithIntValue(impl.fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics.count_v6.Load()),
func (*fidlStatsInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (*fidlStatsInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*nicInfoMapInspectImpl)(nil)
// Picking info to inspect from ifState in netstack.
type ifStateInfo struct {
nicid tcpip.NICID
adminUp, linkOnline bool
dnsServers []tcpip.Address
dhcpEnabled bool
dhcpInfo dhcp.Info
dhcpStateRecentHistory []util.LogEntry
dhcpStats *dhcp.Stats
controller link.Controller
neighbors map[string]stack.NeighborEntry
networkEndpointStats map[string]stack.NetworkEndpointStats
type nicInfoMapInspectImpl struct {
value map[tcpip.NICID]ifStateInfo
func (*nicInfoMapInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Name: "NICs",
func (impl *nicInfoMapInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
var children []string
for nicID := range impl.value {
children = append(children, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(nicID), 10))
return children
func (impl *nicInfoMapInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(childName, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, inspect.InspectName, "GetChild(): %s", err)
return nil
if child, ok := impl.value[tcpip.NICID(id)]; ok {
return &nicInfoInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: child,
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*nicInfoInspectImpl)(nil)
type nicInfoInspectImpl struct {
name string
value ifStateInfo
func (impl *nicInfoInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
object := inspect.Object{
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "Name", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.value.Name)},
{Key: "NICID", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(impl.value.nicid), 10))},
{Key: "AdminUp", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.adminUp))},
{Key: "LinkOnline", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.linkOnline))},
{Key: "Up", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.Flags.Up))},
{Key: "Running", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.Flags.Running))},
{Key: "Loopback", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.Flags.Loopback))},
{Key: "Promiscuous", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.Flags.Promiscuous))},
Metrics: []inspect.Metric{
{Key: "MTU", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(uint64(impl.value.MTU))},
if linkAddress := impl.value.LinkAddress; len(linkAddress) != 0 {
object.Properties = append(object.Properties, inspect.Property{
Key: "LinkAddress",
Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(linkAddress.String()),
for i, protocolAddress := range impl.value.ProtocolAddresses {
protocol := "unknown"
switch protocolAddress.Protocol {
case header.IPv4ProtocolNumber:
protocol = "ipv4"
case header.IPv6ProtocolNumber:
protocol = "ipv6"
case header.ARPProtocolNumber:
protocol = "arp"
object.Properties = append(object.Properties, inspect.Property{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("ProtocolAddress%d", i),
Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", protocol, protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix)),
for i, addr := range impl.value.dnsServers {
object.Properties = append(object.Properties, inspect.Property{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("DNS server%d", i), Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(addr.String())})
object.Properties = append(object.Properties, inspect.Property{
Key: "DHCP enabled",
Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.dhcpEnabled)),
return object
func (impl *nicInfoInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
children := []string{
if len(impl.value.NetworkStats) != 0 {
children = append(children, networkEndpointStatsLabel)
if impl.value.dhcpEnabled {
children = append(children, dhcpInfo)
if impl.value.neighbors != nil {
children = append(children, neighborsLabel)
switch impl.value.controller.(type) {
case *netdevice.Port:
children = append(children, netdeviceInfo)
return children
func (impl *nicInfoInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
switch childName {
case statsLabel:
return &statCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: reflect.ValueOf(impl.value.Stats),
case networkEndpointStatsLabel:
return &networkEndpointStatsInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: impl.value.networkEndpointStats,
case dhcpInfo:
return &dhcpInfoInspectImpl{
name: childName,
info: impl.value.dhcpInfo,
stateRecentHistory: impl.value.dhcpStateRecentHistory,
stats: impl.value.dhcpStats,
case neighborsLabel:
return &neighborTableInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: impl.value.neighbors,
case netdeviceInfo:
return &netdevInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: impl.value.controller.(*netdevice.Port),
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*networkEndpointStatsInspectImpl)(nil)
type networkEndpointStatsInspectImpl struct {
name string
value map[string]stack.NetworkEndpointStats
func (impl *networkEndpointStatsInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
func (impl *networkEndpointStatsInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
children := make([]string, 0, len(impl.value))
for k := range impl.value {
children = append(children, k)
return children
func (impl *networkEndpointStatsInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
entry, ok := impl.value[childName]
if !ok {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, inspect.InspectName,
"GetChild(%s): no stats found",
return nil
return &statCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(entry)),
var _ inspectInner = (*dhcpInfoInspectImpl)(nil)
type dhcpInfoInspectImpl struct {
name string
info dhcp.Info
stateRecentHistory []util.LogEntry
stats *dhcp.Stats
func (impl *dhcpInfoInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
addrString := func(addr tcpip.Address) string {
if addr.Len() == 0 {
return "[none]"
return addr.String()
addrPrefixString := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) string {
if addr == (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}) {
return "[none]"
return addr.String()
maskString := func(mask tcpip.AddressMask) string {
if mask.Len() == 0 {
return "[none]"
return mask.String()
properties := []inspect.Property{
{Key: "State", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "AcquiredAddress", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(addrPrefixString(},
{Key: "AssignedAddress", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(addrPrefixString(},
{Key: "Acquisition", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "Backoff", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "Retransmission", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "LeaseExpiration", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "RenewTime", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "RebindTime", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "Config.ServerAddress", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(addrString(},
{Key: "Config.SubnetMask", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(maskString(},
for i, router := range {
properties = append(properties, inspect.Property{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("Config.Router%d", i),
Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(addrString(router)),
for i, dns := range {
properties = append(properties, inspect.Property{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("Config.DNS%d", i),
Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(addrString(dns)),
properties = append(properties, []inspect.Property{
{Key: "Config.LeaseLength", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "Config.RenewTime", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "Config.RebindTime", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(},
{Key: "Config.Declined", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(},
return inspect.Object{
Properties: properties,
func (*dhcpInfoInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return []string{
func (impl *dhcpInfoInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
switch childName {
case statsLabel:
return &statCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: reflect.ValueOf(impl.stats).Elem(),
case dhcpStateRecentHistoryLabel:
return &circularLogsInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: impl.stateRecentHistory,
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*netdevInspectImpl)(nil)
type netdevInspectImpl struct {
name string
value *netdevice.Port
func (impl *netdevInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Metrics: []inspect.Metric{
{Key: "TxDrops", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(impl.value.TxStats().Drops.Value())},
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "Class", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.value.Class().String())},
func (*netdevInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return []string{
func (impl *netdevInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
rx := impl.value.RxStats()
tx := impl.value.TxStats()
switch childName {
case rxReads:
return &fifoStatsInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: rx.Reads,
size: rx.Size(),
case rxWrites:
return &fifoStatsInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: rx.Writes,
size: rx.Size(),
case txReads:
return &fifoStatsInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: tx.Reads,
size: tx.Size(),
case txWrites:
return &fifoStatsInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: tx.Writes,
size: tx.Size(),
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*fifoStatsInspectImpl)(nil)
type fifoStatsInspectImpl struct {
name string
value func(uint32) *tcpip.StatCounter
size uint32
// We cap the number of Metrics in a response so that the FIDL
// response would fit in a single channel message.
const maxMetricsForFifoStats = 1024
func (impl *fifoStatsInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
var metrics []inspect.Metric
batchesPerMetrics := ((impl.size - 1) / maxMetricsForFifoStats) + 1
batch := uint32(1)
for batch <= impl.size {
startBatch := batch
v := uint64(0)
for i := uint32(0); i < batchesPerMetrics; i++ {
v += impl.value(batch).Value()
if batch > impl.size {
endBatch := batch - 1
if v != 0 {
var key string
if startBatch == endBatch {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%d", startBatch)
} else {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", startBatch, endBatch)
metrics = append(metrics, inspect.Metric{
Key: key,
Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(v),
return inspect.Object{
Metrics: metrics,
func (*fifoStatsInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (*fifoStatsInspectImpl) GetChild(string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*socketInfoMapInspectImpl)(nil)
type socketInfoMapInspectImpl struct {
value *endpointsMap
func (*socketInfoMapInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Name: socketInfo,
func (impl *socketInfoMapInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
var children []string
impl.value.Range(func(key uint64, _ endpointAndStats) bool {
children = append(children, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(key), 10))
return true
return children
func (impl *socketInfoMapInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
id, err := strconv.ParseUint(childName, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, inspect.InspectName, "GetChild(): %s", err)
return nil
if stats, ok := impl.value.Load(uint64(id)); ok {
return &socketInfoInspectImpl{
name: childName,
info: stats.ep.Info(),
state: stats.ep.State(),
stats: stats.ep.Stats(),
sockOptStats: stats.sockOptStats,
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*socketInfoInspectImpl)(nil)
type socketInfoInspectImpl struct {
name string
info tcpip.EndpointInfo
state uint32
stats tcpip.EndpointStats
sockOptStats socketOptionStats
func (impl *socketInfoInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
var common stack.TransportEndpointInfo
switch t := {
case *stack.TransportEndpointInfo:
common = *t
return inspect.Object{
var netString string
var zeroAddress net.IP
switch common.NetProto {
case header.IPv4ProtocolNumber:
netString = "IPv4"
zeroAddress = net.IPv4zero
case header.IPv6ProtocolNumber:
netString = "IPv6"
zeroAddress = net.IPv6zero
netString = "UNKNOWN"
var transString string
var state string
switch common.TransProto {
case header.TCPProtocolNumber:
transString = "TCP"
state = tcp.EndpointState(impl.state).String()
case header.UDPProtocolNumber:
transString = "UDP"
state = transport.DatagramEndpointState(impl.state).String()
case header.ICMPv4ProtocolNumber:
transString = "ICMPv4"
case header.ICMPv6ProtocolNumber:
transString = "ICMPv6"
transString = "UNKNOWN"
localAddress := net.IP(common.ID.LocalAddress.AsSlice())
if len(localAddress) == 0 {
localAddress = zeroAddress
remoteAddress := net.IP(common.ID.RemoteAddress.AsSlice())
if len(remoteAddress) == 0 {
remoteAddress = zeroAddress
localAddr := net.JoinHostPort(localAddress.String(), strconv.FormatUint(uint64(common.ID.LocalPort), 10))
remoteAddr := net.JoinHostPort(remoteAddress.String(), strconv.FormatUint(uint64(common.ID.RemotePort), 10))
properties := []inspect.Property{
{Key: "NetworkProtocol", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(netString)},
{Key: "TransportProtocol", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(transString)},
{Key: "State", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(state)},
{Key: "LocalAddress", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(localAddr)},
{Key: "RemoteAddress", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(remoteAddr)},
{Key: "BindAddress", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(common.BindAddr.String())},
{Key: "BindNICID", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(common.BindNICID), 10))},
{Key: "RegisterNICID", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(common.RegisterNICID), 10))},
return inspect.Object{
Properties: properties,
func (*socketInfoInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return []string{
statsLabel, socketOptionStatsLabel,
func (impl *socketInfoInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
var value reflect.Value
switch childName {
case statsLabel:
switch t := impl.stats.(type) {
case *tcp.Stats:
value = reflect.ValueOf(t).Elem()
case *tcpip.TransportEndpointStats:
value = reflect.ValueOf(t).Elem()
return nil
case socketOptionStatsLabel:
value = reflect.ValueOf(impl.sockOptStats).Elem()
return nil
return &statCounterInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: value,
var _ inspectInner = (*routingTableInspectImpl)(nil)
type routingTableInspectImpl struct {
value []routetypes.ExtendedRoute
func (*routingTableInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Name: "Routes",
func (impl *routingTableInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
children := make([]string, len(impl.value))
for i := range impl.value {
children[i] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10)
return children
func (impl *routingTableInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
routeIndex, err := strconv.ParseUint(childName, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, inspect.InspectName, "GetChild(): %s", err)
return nil
if routeIndex >= uint64(len(impl.value)) {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(
"GetChild(%s): index %d out of bounds, there are %d entries in the routing table",
return nil
return &routeInfoInspectImpl{
name: childName,
value: impl.value[routeIndex],
var _ inspectInner = (*routeInfoInspectImpl)(nil)
type routeInfoInspectImpl struct {
name string
value routetypes.ExtendedRoute
func (impl *routeInfoInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "Destination", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.value.Route.Destination.String())},
{Key: "Gateway", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.value.Route.Gateway.String())},
{Key: "NIC", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(impl.value.Route.NIC), 10))},
{Key: "Metric", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(impl.value.Metric), 10))},
{Key: "MetricTracksInterface", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.MetricTracksInterface))},
{Key: "Dynamic", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.Dynamic))},
{Key: "Enabled", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(strconv.FormatBool(impl.value.Enabled))},
func (*routeInfoInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (*routeInfoInspectImpl) GetChild(string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*neighborTableInspectImpl)(nil)
type neighborTableInspectImpl struct {
name string
value map[string]stack.NeighborEntry
func (impl *neighborTableInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
func (impl *neighborTableInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
children := make([]string, 0, len(impl.value))
for k := range impl.value {
children = append(children, k)
return children
func (impl *neighborTableInspectImpl) GetChild(childName string) inspectInner {
entry, ok := impl.value[childName]
if !ok {
_ = syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, inspect.InspectName,
"GetChild(%s): no entry found in the neighbor table",
return nil
return &neighborInfoInspectImpl{
value: entry,
var _ inspectInner = (*neighborInfoInspectImpl)(nil)
type neighborInfoInspectImpl struct {
value stack.NeighborEntry
func (impl *neighborInfoInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
return inspect.Object{
Name: impl.value.Addr.String(),
Properties: []inspect.Property{
{Key: "Link address", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.value.LinkAddr.String())},
{Key: "State", Value: inspect.PropertyValueWithStr(impl.value.State.String())},
Metrics: []inspect.Metric{
{Key: "Last updated", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithIntValue(int64(fidlconv.ToZxTime(impl.value.UpdatedAt)))},
func (*neighborInfoInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (*neighborInfoInspectImpl) GetChild(string) inspectInner {
return nil
var _ inspectInner = (*memstatsInspectImpl)(nil)
type memstatsInspectImpl struct {
func (*memstatsInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
var memstats runtime.MemStats
return inspect.Object{
Name: "memstats",
Metrics: []inspect.Metric{
{Key: "Alloc", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.Alloc)},
{Key: "TotalAlloc", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.TotalAlloc)},
{Key: "Sys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.Sys)},
{Key: "Lookups", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.Lookups)},
{Key: "Mallocs", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.Mallocs)},
{Key: "Frees", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.Frees)},
{Key: "HeapAlloc", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.HeapAlloc)},
{Key: "HeapSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.HeapSys)},
{Key: "HeapIdle", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.HeapIdle)},
{Key: "HeapInuse", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.HeapInuse)},
{Key: "HeapReleased", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.HeapReleased)},
{Key: "HeapObjects", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.HeapObjects)},
{Key: "StackInuse", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.StackInuse)},
{Key: "StackSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.StackSys)},
{Key: "MSpanInuse", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.MSpanInuse)},
{Key: "MSpanSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.MSpanSys)},
{Key: "MCacheInuse", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.MCacheInuse)},
{Key: "MCacheSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.MCacheSys)},
{Key: "BuckHashSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.BuckHashSys)},
{Key: "GCSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.GCSys)},
{Key: "OtherSys", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.OtherSys)},
{Key: "NextGC", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.NextGC)},
{Key: "LastGC", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.LastGC)},
{Key: "PauseTotalNs", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(memstats.PauseTotalNs)},
{Key: "NumGC", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(uint64(memstats.NumGC))},
{Key: "NumForcedGC", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithUintValue(uint64(memstats.NumForcedGC))},
{Key: "GCCPUFraction", Value: inspect.MetricValueWithDoubleValue(memstats.GCCPUFraction)},
func (*memstatsInspectImpl) ListChildren() []string {
return nil
func (*memstatsInspectImpl) GetChild(string) inspectInner {
return nil
type networkingStatCountersInspectImpl struct {
ns *Netstack
func (n *networkingStatCountersInspectImpl) ReadData() inspect.Object {
n.ns.endpoints.Range(func(_ uint64, stats endpointAndStats) bool {
return true
return n.statCounterInspectImpl.ReadData()