blob: ed085e5f8af93b7e08ac9bfc1d9073ca1ac10e5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Testing-related utilities.
// TODO( this import seems actually necessary. Is this a bug on the
// lint?
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::num::NonZeroU16;
use core::ops::Range;
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
use packet::{ParsablePacket, ParseBuffer};
use tracing::debug;
use crate::error::{IpParseResult, ParseError, ParseResult};
use crate::ethernet::{EtherType, EthernetFrame, EthernetFrameLengthCheck};
use crate::icmp::{IcmpIpExt, IcmpMessage, IcmpPacket, IcmpParseArgs};
use crate::ip::{IpExt, Ipv4Proto};
use crate::ipv4::{Ipv4FragmentType, Ipv4Header, Ipv4Packet};
use crate::ipv6::{Ipv6Header, Ipv6Packet};
use crate::tcp::options::TcpOption;
use crate::tcp::TcpSegment;
use crate::udp::UdpPacket;
pub(crate) use crateonly::*;
/// Metadata of an Ethernet frame.
pub struct EthernetFrameMetadata {
pub src_mac: Mac,
pub dst_mac: Mac,
pub ethertype: Option<EtherType>,
/// Metadata of an IPv4 packet.
pub struct Ipv4PacketMetadata {
pub dscp: u8,
pub ecn: u8,
pub id: u16,
pub dont_fragment: bool,
pub more_fragments: bool,
pub fragment_offset: u16,
pub fragment_type: Ipv4FragmentType,
pub ttl: u8,
pub proto: Ipv4Proto,
pub src_ip: Ipv4Addr,
pub dst_ip: Ipv4Addr,
/// Metadata of an IPv6 packet.
pub struct Ipv6PacketMetadata {
pub ds: u8,
pub ecn: u8,
pub flowlabel: u32,
pub hop_limit: u8,
pub src_ip: Ipv6Addr,
pub dst_ip: Ipv6Addr,
/// Metadata of a TCP segment.
pub struct TcpSegmentMetadata {
pub src_port: u16,
pub dst_port: u16,
pub seq_num: u32,
pub ack_num: Option<u32>,
pub flags: u16,
pub psh: bool,
pub rst: bool,
pub syn: bool,
pub fin: bool,
pub window_size: u16,
pub options: &'static [TcpOption<'static>],
/// Metadata of a UDP packet.
pub struct UdpPacketMetadata {
pub src_port: u16,
pub dst_port: u16,
/// Represents a packet (usually from a live capture) used for testing.
/// Includes the raw bytes, metadata of the packet (currently just fields from the packet header)
/// and the range which indicates where the body is.
pub struct TestPacket<M> {
pub bytes: &'static [u8],
pub metadata: M,
pub body_range: Range<usize>,
/// Verify that a parsed Ethernet frame is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub fn verify_ethernet_frame(
frame: &EthernetFrame<&[u8]>,
expected: TestPacket<EthernetFrameMetadata>,
) {
assert_eq!(frame.src_mac(), expected.metadata.src_mac);
assert_eq!(frame.dst_mac(), expected.metadata.dst_mac);
assert_eq!(frame.ethertype(), expected.metadata.ethertype);
assert_eq!(frame.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed IPv4 packet is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub fn verify_ipv4_packet(packet: &Ipv4Packet<&[u8]>, expected: TestPacket<Ipv4PacketMetadata>) {
assert_eq!(packet.dscp(), expected.metadata.dscp);
assert_eq!(packet.ecn(), expected.metadata.ecn);
assert_eq!(packet.df_flag(), expected.metadata.dont_fragment);
assert_eq!(packet.mf_flag(), expected.metadata.more_fragments);
assert_eq!(packet.fragment_offset(), expected.metadata.fragment_offset);
assert_eq!(packet.ttl(), expected.metadata.ttl);
assert_eq!(packet.proto(), expected.metadata.proto);
assert_eq!(packet.src_ip(), expected.metadata.src_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.dst_ip(), expected.metadata.dst_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed IPv6 packet is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub fn verify_ipv6_packet(packet: &Ipv6Packet<&[u8]>, expected: TestPacket<Ipv6PacketMetadata>) {
assert_eq!(packet.ds(), expected.metadata.ds);
assert_eq!(packet.ecn(), expected.metadata.ecn);
assert_eq!(packet.flowlabel(), expected.metadata.flowlabel);
assert_eq!(packet.hop_limit(), expected.metadata.hop_limit);
assert_eq!(packet.src_ip(), expected.metadata.src_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.dst_ip(), expected.metadata.dst_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed UDP packet is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub fn verify_udp_packet(packet: &UdpPacket<&[u8]>, expected: TestPacket<UdpPacketMetadata>) {
assert_eq!(packet.src_port().map(NonZeroU16::get).unwrap_or(0), expected.metadata.src_port);
assert_eq!(packet.dst_port().get(), expected.metadata.dst_port);
assert_eq!(packet.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed TCP segment is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub fn verify_tcp_segment(segment: &TcpSegment<&[u8]>, expected: TestPacket<TcpSegmentMetadata>) {
assert_eq!(segment.src_port().get(), expected.metadata.src_port);
assert_eq!(segment.dst_port().get(), expected.metadata.dst_port);
assert_eq!(segment.seq_num(), expected.metadata.seq_num);
assert_eq!(segment.ack_num(), expected.metadata.ack_num);
assert_eq!(segment.rst(), expected.metadata.rst);
assert_eq!(segment.syn(), expected.metadata.syn);
assert_eq!(segment.fin(), expected.metadata.fin);
assert_eq!(segment.window_size(), expected.metadata.window_size);
assert_eq!(segment.iter_options().collect::<Vec<_>>().as_slice(), expected.metadata.options);
assert_eq!(segment.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Parse an ethernet frame.
/// `parse_ethernet_frame` parses an ethernet frame, returning the body along
/// with some important header fields.
pub fn parse_ethernet_frame(
mut buf: &[u8],
ethernet_length_check: EthernetFrameLengthCheck,
) -> ParseResult<(&[u8], Mac, Mac, Option<EtherType>)> {
let frame = (&mut buf).parse_with::<_, EthernetFrame<_>>(ethernet_length_check)?;
let src_mac = frame.src_mac();
let dst_mac = frame.dst_mac();
let ethertype = frame.ethertype();
Ok((buf, src_mac, dst_mac, ethertype))
/// Parse an IP packet.
/// `parse_ip_packet` parses an IP packet, returning the body along with some
/// important header fields.
pub fn parse_ip_packet<I: IpExt>(
mut buf: &[u8],
) -> IpParseResult<I, (&[u8], I::Addr, I::Addr, I::Proto, u8)> {
use crate::ip::IpPacket;
let packet = (&mut buf).parse::<I::Packet<_>>()?;
let src_ip = packet.src_ip();
let dst_ip = packet.dst_ip();
let proto = packet.proto();
let ttl = packet.ttl();
// Because the packet type here is generic, Rust doesn't know that it
// doesn't implement Drop, and so it doesn't know that it's safe to drop as
// soon as it's no longer used and allow buf to no longer be borrowed on the
// next line. It works fine in parse_ethernet_frame because EthernetFrame is
// a concrete type which Rust knows doesn't implement Drop.
Ok((buf, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl))
/// Parse an ICMP packet.
/// `parse_icmp_packet` parses an ICMP packet, returning the body along with
/// some important fields. Before returning, it invokes the callback `f` on the
/// parsed packet.
pub fn parse_icmp_packet<
I: IcmpIpExt,
M: IcmpMessage<I, Code = C>,
F: for<'a> FnOnce(&IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>),
mut buf: &[u8],
src_ip: I::Addr,
dst_ip: I::Addr,
f: F,
) -> ParseResult<(M, C)>
for<'a> IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>:
ParsablePacket<&'a [u8], IcmpParseArgs<I::Addr>, Error = ParseError>,
let packet =
(&mut buf).parse_with::<_, IcmpPacket<I, _, M>>(IcmpParseArgs::new(src_ip, dst_ip))?;
let message = *packet.message();
let code = packet.code();
Ok((message, code))
/// Parse an IP packet in an Ethernet frame.
/// `parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame` parses an IP packet in an Ethernet
/// frame, returning the body of the IP packet along with some important fields
/// from both the IP and Ethernet headers.
pub fn parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame<I: IpExt>(
buf: &[u8],
ethernet_length_check: EthernetFrameLengthCheck,
) -> IpParseResult<I, (&[u8], Mac, Mac, I::Addr, I::Addr, I::Proto, u8)> {
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, ethertype) = parse_ethernet_frame(buf, ethernet_length_check)?;
if ethertype != Some(I::ETHER_TYPE) {
debug!("unexpected ethertype: {:?}", ethertype);
return Err(ParseError::NotExpected.into());
let (body, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl) = parse_ip_packet::<I>(body)?;
Ok((body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl))
/// Parse an ICMP packet in an IP packet in an Ethernet frame.
/// `parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame` parses an ICMP packet in
/// an IP packet in an Ethernet frame, returning the message and code from the
/// ICMP packet along with some important fields from both the IP and Ethernet
/// headers. Before returning, it invokes the callback `f` on the parsed packet.
pub fn parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame<
I: IpExt,
M: IcmpMessage<I, Code = C>,
F: for<'a> FnOnce(&IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>),
buf: &[u8],
ethernet_length_check: EthernetFrameLengthCheck,
f: F,
) -> IpParseResult<I, (Mac, Mac, I::Addr, I::Addr, u8, M, C)>
for<'a> IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>:
ParsablePacket<&'a [u8], IcmpParseArgs<I::Addr>, Error = ParseError>,
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl) =
parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame::<I>(buf, ethernet_length_check)?;
if proto != I::ICMP_IP_PROTO {
debug!("unexpected IP protocol: {} (wanted {})", proto, I::ICMP_IP_PROTO);
return Err(ParseError::NotExpected.into());
let (message, code) = parse_icmp_packet(body, src_ip, dst_ip, f)?;
Ok((src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, ttl, message, code))
mod crateonly {
use std::sync::Once;
static LOGGER_ONCE: Once = Once::new();
/// Install a logger for tests.
/// Call this method at the beginning of the test for which logging is desired.
/// This function sets global program state, so all tests that run after this
/// function is called will use the logger.
pub(crate) fn set_logger_for_test() {
// `init` will panic if called multiple times; using a Once makes
// set_logger_for_test idempotent
LOGGER_ONCE.call_once(|| {
/// Utilities to allow running benchmarks as tests.
/// Our benchmarks rely on the unstable `test` feature, which is disallowed in
/// Fuchsia's build system. In order to ensure that our benchmarks are always
/// compiled and tested, this module provides mocks that allow us to run our
/// benchmarks as normal tests when the `benchmark` feature is disabled.
/// See the `bench!` macro for details on how this module is used.
pub(crate) mod benchmarks {
/// A trait to allow mocking of the `test::Bencher` type.
pub(crate) trait Bencher {
fn iter<T, F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, inner: F);
#[cfg(feature = "benchmark")]
impl Bencher for test::Bencher {
fn iter<T, F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, inner: F) {
test::Bencher::iter(self, inner)
/// A `Bencher` whose `iter` method runs the provided argument once.
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
pub(crate) struct TestBencher;
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
impl Bencher for TestBencher {
fn iter<T, F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, mut inner: F) {
let _: T = inner();
pub(crate) fn black_box<T>(dummy: T) -> T {
#[cfg(feature = "benchmark")]
return test::black_box(dummy);
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
return dummy;
mod tests {
use net_types::ip::{Ipv4, Ipv6};
use crate::icmp::{IcmpDestUnreachable, IcmpEchoReply, Icmpv4DestUnreachableCode};
use crate::ip::Ipv6Proto;
use super::*;
fn test_parse_ethernet_frame() {
use crate::testdata::arp_request::*;
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, ethertype) =
parse_ethernet_frame(ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes, EthernetFrameLengthCheck::Check).unwrap();
assert_eq!(body, &ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes[14..]);
assert_eq!(src_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.src_mac);
assert_eq!(dst_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.dst_mac);
assert_eq!(ethertype, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.ethertype);
fn test_parse_ip_packet() {
use crate::testdata::icmp_redirect::IP_PACKET_BYTES;
let (body, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl) = parse_ip_packet::<Ipv4>(IP_PACKET_BYTES).unwrap();
assert_eq!(body, &IP_PACKET_BYTES[20..]);
assert_eq!(src_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([10, 123, 0, 2]));
assert_eq!(dst_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([10, 123, 0, 1]));
assert_eq!(proto, Ipv4Proto::Icmp);
assert_eq!(ttl, 255);
use crate::testdata::icmp_echo_v6::REQUEST_IP_PACKET_BYTES;
let (body, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl) =
assert_eq!(body, &REQUEST_IP_PACKET_BYTES[40..]);
assert_eq!(src_ip, Ipv6Addr::new([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
assert_eq!(dst_ip, Ipv6Addr::new([0xfec0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert_eq!(proto, Ipv6Proto::Icmpv6);
assert_eq!(ttl, 64);
fn test_parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame() {
use crate::testdata::tls_client_hello_v4::*;
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, proto, ttl) =
assert_eq!(body, &IPV4_PACKET.bytes[IPV4_PACKET.body_range]);
assert_eq!(src_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.src_mac);
assert_eq!(dst_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.dst_mac);
assert_eq!(src_ip, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.src_ip);
assert_eq!(dst_ip, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.dst_ip);
assert_eq!(proto, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.proto);
assert_eq!(ttl, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.ttl);
fn test_parse_icmp_packet() {
use crate::testdata::icmp_dest_unreachable::*;
let (body, ..) = parse_ip_packet::<Ipv4>(&IP_PACKET_BYTES).unwrap();
let (_, code) = parse_icmp_packet::<Ipv4, _, IcmpDestUnreachable, _>(
Ipv4Addr::new([172, 217, 6, 46]),
Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 105]),
|_| {},
assert_eq!(code, Icmpv4DestUnreachableCode::DestHostUnreachable);
fn test_parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame() {
use crate::testdata::icmp_echo_ethernet::*;
let (src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, _, _, _) =
parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame::<Ipv4, _, IcmpEchoReply, _>(
|_| {},
assert_eq!(src_mac, Mac::new([0x50, 0xc7, 0xbf, 0x1d, 0xf4, 0xd2]));
assert_eq!(dst_mac, Mac::new([0x8c, 0x85, 0x90, 0xc9, 0xc9, 0x00]));
assert_eq!(src_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([172, 217, 6, 46]));
assert_eq!(dst_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 105]));