blob: 27d877d07483648e74fdd038572371246d2f4e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Macros to define tests to run with both IPv4 and IPv6 from logic that
//! is parameterized over IP version.
extern crate quote;
extern crate syn;
use core::fmt::Display;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2};
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::parse::{ParseStream, Parser};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::visit_mut::{self, VisitMut};
use syn::{
Attribute, Error, Expr, ExprPath, FnArg, GenericParam, Ident, Pat, PatType, Path, TypePath,
/// Defines tests which call the annotated function with [`net_types::ip::Ipv4`]
/// and [`net_types::ip::Ipv6`] in place of the [`net_types::ip::Ip`] type
/// parameter.
/// Modulo interactions with other attribute macros, a function marked with
/// `#[ip_test]` must *always* receive zero arguments.
/// Note that due to how expansion works, the order in which attributes are
/// anchored to a function matters. `#[ip_test]` has smarts for handling
/// `test_case` attributes due to closely related functionality, but in general
/// any macro that will also emit code that is generic over IP should be placed
/// *before* `ip_test`.
/// ## Arguments
/// `ip_test` requires the identifier that represents the IP version to be given
/// as its first argument.
/// Optional arguments are in the form `arg = value` and are:
/// * `net_types`: controls the path where the `net_types` crate is available.
/// Example: `net_types = "crate::net_types_alias"`. If omitted defaults to
/// `net_types`.
/// * `test`: controls whether `#[test]` is emitted as part of the macro.
/// Defaults to automatic behavior based on detection of an existing
/// `test_case` attribute. Can be set as `test = false` in argument list.
/// Note
/// ## Example
/// The following code:
/// ```rust
/// #[ip_test(I)]
/// fn test_foo<I: Ip>() {
/// assert!(do_ip_specific_thing::<I>());
/// /* ... */
/// }
/// ```
/// generates the following:
/// ```rust
/// fn test_foo<I: Ip>() {
/// assert!(do_ip_specific_thing::<I>());
/// /* ... */
/// }
/// #[test]
/// fn test_foo_v4() {
/// test_foo::<Ipv4>();
/// }
/// #[test]
/// fn test_foo_v6() {
/// test_foo::<Ipv6>();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn ip_test(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let IpTestArgs { ip_ident, net_types, emit_test } = parse_macro_input!(attr as IpTestArgs);
let item = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::ItemFn);
let syn::ItemFn { mut attrs, vis, sig, block } = item;
if let Some(variadic) = &sig.variadic {
return Error::new(variadic.dots.spans[0], format!("ip_test entry may not be variadic"))
if !sig.generics.params.iter().any(|gen| match gen {
GenericParam::Type(tp) => tp.ident == ip_ident,
_ => false,
}) {
return Error::new(sig.generics.span(), format!("can't find generic parameter {ip_ident}"))
if emit_test.unwrap_or_else(|| !attrs.iter().any(|a| a.path.is_ident("test_case"))) {
attrs.push(Attribute {
path: syn::parse_quote!(test),
bracket_token: Default::default(),
pound_token: Default::default(),
style: syn::AttrStyle::Outer,
tokens: Default::default(),
// borrow here because `test_attrs` is used twice in `quote_spanned!` below.
let attrs = &attrs;
let span = sig.ident.span();
let output = &sig.output;
let ident = &sig.ident;
let arg_idents;
let mut errors = Vec::new();
arg_idents = make_arg_idents(sig.inputs.iter(), &mut errors);
if !errors.is_empty() {
return Error::new(sig.inputs.span(), quote!(#(#errors)*)).to_compile_error().into();
let v4_test = Ident::new(&format!("{}_v4", ident), Span::call_site());
let v6_test = Ident::new(&format!("{}_v6", ident), Span::call_site());
let net_types_path = |ty| {
let mut p = net_types.clone();
let rest: Path = syn::parse_str(ty).unwrap();
let ip_trait_path = net_types_path("ip::Ip");
let ipv4_type_path = net_types_path("ip::Ipv4");
let ipv6_type_path = net_types_path("ip::Ipv6");
struct IpSpecializations {
test_attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
inputs: Vec<FnArg>,
fn_generics: Vec<GenericParam>,
generic_params: Vec<Path>,
let specialize = |ip_type_path: Path| {
let test_attrs = attrs
.map(|mut attr| {
let parser =
parse_prefix_suffix(Punctuated::<Expr, Token![,]>::parse_separated_nonempty);
if let Ok((mut punctuated, tail)) = attr.parse_args_with(parser) {
let mut visit = TraitToConcreteVisit {
concrete: ip_type_path.clone().into(),
trait_path: ip_trait_path.clone(),
type_ident: ip_ident.clone(),
for expr in punctuated.iter_mut() {
attr.tokens = quote!((#punctuated #tail));
let mut input_visitor = TraitToConcreteVisit {
concrete: ip_type_path.clone().into(),
trait_path: ip_trait_path.clone(),
type_ident: ip_ident.clone(),
let inputs = sig
.map(|mut a| {
input_visitor.visit_fn_arg_mut(&mut a);
let fn_generics = sig
.filter(|gen| match gen {
GenericParam::Type(tp) => tp.ident != ip_ident,
_ => true,
.map(|mut gen| {
input_visitor.visit_generic_param_mut(&mut gen);
let generic_params = sig
.filter_map(|a| match a {
GenericParam::Type(tp) => Some(if tp.ident == ip_ident {
} else {
GenericParam::Lifetime(_) => None,
GenericParam::Const(c) => Some(c.ident.clone().into()),
IpSpecializations { test_attrs, inputs, generic_params, fn_generics }
let IpSpecializations {
test_attrs: ipv4_test_attrs,
inputs: ipv4_inputs,
fn_generics: ipv4_fn_generics,
generic_params: ipv4_generic_params,
} = specialize(ipv4_type_path);
let IpSpecializations {
test_attrs: ipv6_test_attrs,
inputs: ipv6_inputs,
fn_generics: ipv6_fn_generics,
generic_params: ipv6_generic_params,
} = specialize(ipv6_type_path);
let (maybe_async, do_await) = if sig.asyncness.is_some() {
(quote! {async}, quote! {.await})
} else {
(quote! {}, quote! {})
let output = quote_spanned! { span =>
// Note: `ItemFn::block` includes the function body braces. Do not add
// additional braces (will break source code coverage analysis).
// TODO( Try to improve the Rust compiler to
// ease this restriction.
#vis #sig #block
#maybe_async fn #v4_test<#(#ipv4_fn_generics),*> (#(#ipv4_inputs),*) #output {
#ident::<#(#ipv4_generic_params),*>(#(#arg_idents),*) #do_await
#maybe_async fn #v6_test<#(#ipv6_fn_generics),*> (#(#ipv6_inputs),*) #output {
#ident::<#(#ipv6_generic_params),*>(#(#arg_idents),*) #do_await
fn push_error<T: ToTokens, U: Display>(errors: &mut Vec<TokenStream2>, tokens: T, message: U) {
errors.push(Error::new_spanned(tokens, message).to_compile_error());
fn make_arg_idents<'a>(
input: impl Iterator<Item = &'a FnArg>,
errors: &mut Vec<TokenStream2>,
) -> Vec<Ident> {
.map(|arg| match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(_) => Ident::new("self", Span::call_site()),
FnArg::Typed(PatType { pat, .. }) => match pat.as_ref() {
Pat::Ident(pat) => {
if pat.subpat.is_some() {
push_error(errors, arg, "unexpected attribute argument");
} else {
_ => {
push_error(errors, arg, "patterns in function arguments not supported");
struct IpTestArgs {
ip_ident: Ident,
net_types: Path,
emit_test: Option<bool>,
impl syn::parse::Parse for IpTestArgs {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let ip_ident = Ident::parse(input)?;
let mut net_types = None;
let mut emit_test = None;
if !input.is_empty() {
let _ = <syn::Token![,]>::parse(input)?;
if !input.is_empty() {
let args = Punctuated::<syn::MetaNameValue, syn::Token![,]>::parse_terminated(input)?;
for syn::MetaNameValue { path, lit, .. } in args {
let ident = path
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(path.span(), "expecting identifier"))?;
if ident == "test" {
let notest = match lit {
syn::Lit::Bool(b) => b,
_ => return Err(Error::new(lit.span(), "expected boolean")),
emit_test = Some(notest.value);
} else if ident == "net_types" {
let v = match lit {
syn::Lit::Str(s) => s,
_ => return Err(Error::new(lit.span(), "extected string")),
net_types = Some(syn::parse_str(&v.value()).map_err(|mut e| {
e.combine(Error::new(v.span(), "can't parse path"));
} else {
return Err(Error::new(path.span(), format!("unrecognized option {ident}")));
let net_types = net_types.unwrap_or_else(|| syn::parse_quote! { net_types });
Ok(Self { ip_ident, emit_test, net_types })
/// A VisitMut that replaces accesses of an associated type or constant with
/// type a different type qualified with a trait name. Given a `type_ident` of
/// `I`, `concrete` of `Ipv4` and `trait_path` of `Ip`, `I::Addr` would be
/// replaced with `<Ipv4 as Ip>::Addr`.
struct TraitToConcreteVisit {
type_ident: Ident,
concrete: Path,
trait_path: Path,
impl TraitToConcreteVisit {
fn update_type_path(&self, qself: &mut Option<syn::QSelf>, path: &mut Path) {
let Self { type_ident, concrete, trait_path } = self;
if qself == &None {
let mut segments = path.segments.iter();
if|p| &p.ident == type_ident) {
let remaining_path = segments.cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let TypePath { path: new_path, qself: new_qself } = if remaining_path.is_empty() {
} else {
parse_quote!(<#concrete as #trait_path>::#(#remaining_path)::*)
*path = new_path;
*qself = new_qself;
impl VisitMut for TraitToConcreteVisit {
fn visit_expr_path_mut(&mut self, i: &mut ExprPath) {
let ExprPath { attrs: _, qself, path } = i;
self.update_type_path(qself, path);
visit_mut::visit_expr_path_mut(self, i);
fn visit_type_path_mut(&mut self, i: &mut TypePath) {
let TypePath { qself, path } = i;
self.update_type_path(qself, path);
visit_mut::visit_type_path_mut(self, i)
/// Constructs a parser that eagerly parses with the provided function.
/// The parser returns two things: the prefix of the input that was
/// successfully parsed by the provided function, and the rest of the input.
/// This is useful for adapting `P` for [`syn::parse`], which returns an error
/// if any tokens are left unconsumed.
fn parse_prefix_suffix<P>(
parser: for<'a> fn(ParseStream<'a>) -> syn::Result<P>,
) -> impl Parser<Output = (P, TokenStream2)> {
fn consume_input<'a>(input: ParseStream<'a>) -> TokenStream2 {
move |input: ParseStream<'_>| parser(input).map(|p| (p, consume_input(input)))
mod tests {
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use super::*;
fn parse_prefix_suffix_test_case() {
let test_case = quote!(arg1, arg2; "name");
let parser = parse_prefix_suffix(Punctuated::<Expr, Token![,]>::parse_separated_nonempty);
let (arguments, tail) = parser.parse2(test_case).expect("parse succeeds");
let arguments = arguments
.map(|e| assert_matches!(e, Expr::Path(p) => &p.path))
let (arg1, arg2) = assert_matches!(arguments.as_slice(), &[arg1, arg2] => (arg1, arg2));
let tail = tail.into_iter().map(|t| t.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(tail.as_slice(), &[";", "\"name\""]);