blob: cd58ceeaa5611dcde0fb4cf30b071a77f16b507e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! This module contains the top level AT command library methods. It contains a
//! trait for serialization and deserialization, which is implemented by the high level
//! generated Command and Response types by composing together the parsing and
//! unparsing methods for the low level ASTs with the the generated methods
//! for raising and lowering from and to the low level ASTs and high level generated tyoes.
pub use crate::parser::common::ParseError;
use crate::{highlevel, lowlevel};
use std::io;
use thiserror::Error;
/// Errors that can occur while deserializing AT commands into high level generated AT command
/// and response types.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum DeserializeErrorCause {
// IO errors aren't Clone, so just use a String.
#[error("IO error: {0:?}")]
// Just store the parse errors as Strings so as to not require clients to know about the
// pest parser types.
#[error("Parse error: {0:?}")]
#[error("Bad UTF8: {0:?}")]
#[error("Parsed unknown command: {0:?}")]
#[error("Parsed unknown response: {0:?}")]
#[error("Parsed arguments do not match argument definition: {0:?}")]
impl From<io::Error> for DeserializeErrorCause {
fn from(io_error: io::Error) -> DeserializeErrorCause {
let string = format!("{:?}", io_error);
impl<RT: pest::RuleType> From<ParseError<RT>> for DeserializeErrorCause {
fn from(parse_error: ParseError<RT>) -> DeserializeErrorCause {
let string = format!("{:?}", parse_error);
impl From<std::string::FromUtf8Error> for DeserializeErrorCause {
fn from(utf8_error: std::string::FromUtf8Error) -> DeserializeErrorCause {
/// Error struct containing the cause of a deserialization error and the bytes that caused the error.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DeserializeError {
pub cause: DeserializeErrorCause,
pub bytes: Vec<u8>,
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum SerializeErrorCause {
#[error("IO error: {0:?}")]
impl From<io::Error> for SerializeErrorCause {
fn from(io_error: io::Error) -> SerializeErrorCause {
// While public traits can't depend on private traits, they can depend on public traits
// in private modules. By wrapping traits library clients should not have access to in
// a module, clients can be prevented from using them. The module is pub(crate) to allow
// tests access to the internal traits.
pub(crate) mod internal {
use super::{DeserializeError, DeserializeErrorCause, ParseError, SerializeErrorCause};
use crate::lowlevel::write_to::WriteTo;
use crate::parser::{command_grammar, command_parser, response_grammar, response_parser};
use crate::{highlevel, lowlevel, translate};
use std::io;
/// Trait to specify the parse, raise and lower functions for AT commands or responses.
/// This is used by the blanket SerDe implementation below to glue together the pieces
/// in a generic way.
pub trait SerDeMethods: Sized {
type Lowlevel: WriteTo;
type Rule: pest::RuleType;
fn parse(string: &String) -> Result<Self::Lowlevel, ParseError<Self::Rule>>;
fn raise(lowlevel: &Self::Lowlevel) -> Result<Self, DeserializeErrorCause>;
fn lower(&self) -> Self::Lowlevel;
fn write_to<W: io::Write>(sink: &mut W, lowlevel: &Self::Lowlevel) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Define the functions used for command serde.
impl SerDeMethods for highlevel::Command {
type Lowlevel = lowlevel::Command;
type Rule = command_grammar::Rule;
fn parse(string: &String) -> Result<lowlevel::Command, ParseError<Self::Rule>> {
fn raise(lowlevel: &Self::Lowlevel) -> Result<Self, DeserializeErrorCause> {
fn lower(&self) -> Self::Lowlevel {
/// Define the functions used for response serde.
impl SerDeMethods for highlevel::Response {
type Lowlevel = lowlevel::Response;
type Rule = response_grammar::Rule;
fn parse(string: &String) -> Result<lowlevel::Response, ParseError<Self::Rule>> {
fn raise(lowlevel: &Self::Lowlevel) -> Result<Self, DeserializeErrorCause> {
fn lower(&self) -> Self::Lowlevel {
/// Trait implemented for the generated high level AT command and response types
/// to convert back and forth between individule objects of those types and byte
/// streams. This is used by SerDe to parse streams of commands and responses.
pub trait SerDeOne: Sized {
fn deserialize_one<R: io::Read>(source: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DeserializeError>;
fn serialize_one<W: io::Write>(&self, sink: &mut W) -> Result<(), SerializeErrorCause>;
/// Blanket implementation of SerDeOne which uses SerDeMethods implemenations for commands
/// and responses to glue the various serde functions together.
impl<T: SerDeMethods> SerDeOne for T {
fn deserialize_one<R: io::Read>(source: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DeserializeError> {
//TODO( Remove the intermediate String and parse directly from the Read.
let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut string = String::new();
let read_result = source.read_to_end(&mut bytes).map_err(|err| DeserializeError {
cause: DeserializeErrorCause::from(err),
bytes: bytes.clone(),
let string_result = read_result.and_then(|_byte_count| {
String::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|err| {
let bytes = Vec::from(err.as_bytes());
DeserializeError { cause: DeserializeErrorCause::from(err), bytes }
let lowlevel_result = string_result.and_then(|s| {
// Hold on to string for error reporting in other steps.
string = s;
Self::parse(&string).map_err(|err| DeserializeError {
cause: DeserializeErrorCause::from(err),
bytes: string.clone().into_bytes(),
let highlevel_result = lowlevel_result.and_then(|lowlevel| {
Self::raise(&lowlevel).map_err(|err| DeserializeError {
cause: DeserializeErrorCause::from(err),
// This unwrap can't fail since we're inside the and_then, so
// lowlevel_result and string_result both must be Ok(_).
bytes: string.into_bytes(),
fn serialize_one<W: io::Write>(&self, sink: &mut W) -> Result<(), SerializeErrorCause> {
let lowlevel = Self::lower(self);
Self::write_to(sink, &lowlevel)?;
} // mod internal
/// An error and remaining item to serialize if a serialization failure occurs while
/// serializing multiple items.
pub struct SerializeError<T> {
pub remaining: Vec<T>,
pub failed: T,
pub cause: SerializeErrorCause,
/// An abstract representaiton of bytes remaining after a deserialization failure.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DeserializeBytes {
// Public for testing; this allows the use of assert_eq on DeserializeBytes.
pub(crate) bytes: Vec<u8>,
impl DeserializeBytes {
/// Adds bytes to self from an io::Read source. This should guarantee that *any* bytes read
/// from the source are added, even in the case of an IO error.
fn add_bytes<R: io::Read>(&mut self, source: &mut R) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
let mut more_bytes = Vec::new();
let byte_count_result = source.read_to_end(&mut more_bytes);
self.bytes.append(&mut more_bytes);
match byte_count_result {
Ok(_byte_count) => Ok(()),
Err(err) => Err(DeserializeError { cause: err.into(), bytes: more_bytes }),
fn from(bytes: &[u8]) -> Self {
DeserializeBytes { bytes: bytes.into() }
/// Creates an empty `SerializeBytes`. This is the only method clients should use--
/// the only other way to get an instance is to get one returned from `deserialize`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
DeserializeBytes { bytes: Vec::new() }
impl Default for DeserializeBytes {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Result from attempt to deserialize multiple items, including the successfully serialized
/// items, an error if one occurred, and the remaining bytes that were not serialized.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DeserializeResult<T> {
pub values: Vec<T>,
pub error: Option<DeserializeError>,
pub remaining_bytes: DeserializeBytes,
/// A trait for serializing or deserializing multiple items at once and defragmenting partially
/// serialized items when new bytes become available.
pub trait SerDe: Sized {
fn serialize<W: io::Write>(sink: &mut W, values: &[Self]) -> Result<(), SerializeError<Self>>;
fn deserialize<R: io::Read>(
source: &mut R,
existing_bytes: DeserializeBytes,
) -> DeserializeResult<Self>;
/// Blanket implementation for types that implement SerDe and which break bytestreams on newlines
/// when deserializing. This is just used for AT commands and responses.
// Clone is needed to return copies of items which failed to serialize.
impl<T: internal::SerDeOne + Clone> SerDe for T {
fn serialize<W: io::Write>(sink: &mut W, values: &[Self]) -> Result<(), SerializeError<Self>> {
let mut iter = values.iter();
for value in &mut iter {
match value.serialize_one(sink) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(cause) => {
return Err(SerializeError {
remaining: iter.cloned().collect(),
failed: value.clone(),
fn deserialize<R: io::Read>(
source: &mut R,
mut existing_bytes: DeserializeBytes,
) -> DeserializeResult<T> {
let mut values = Vec::new();
if let Err(error) = existing_bytes.add_bytes(source) {
return DeserializeResult {
error: Some(error),
remaining_bytes: existing_bytes,
let mut beginning = 0;
let mut end = 0;
let bytes = &existing_bytes.bytes;
let len = bytes.len();
let should_split = |b| b == &b'\n' || b == &b'\r';
let is_not_whitespace = |b| !should_split(b);
loop {
end += 1;
if end >= len {
if !(should_split(&bytes[end])) {
let mut slice = &bytes[beginning..end];
// If it's empty or all whitespace due to mulitple consecutive \n or \rs.
if slice.is_empty() || slice.iter().position(is_not_whitespace).is_none() {
beginning = end;
let value_result = T::deserialize_one(&mut slice);
match value_result {
Ok(value) => values.push(value),
Err(error) => {
// If the received bytes are unparseable, don't put them in the remaining bytes.
// Clients can retrieve these from the error struct itself if need be.
return DeserializeResult {
error: Some(error),
remaining_bytes: DeserializeBytes::from(&bytes[end..]),
beginning = end;
DeserializeResult {
error: None,
remaining_bytes: DeserializeBytes::from(&bytes[beginning..]),
/// Wrap a Success case in a Response.
pub fn success(success: highlevel::Success) -> highlevel::Response {