blob: 591c05ead709828df062edc004127afe7d1a54f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_bredr::ProfileMarker;
use fuchsia_component::server::ServiceFs;
use fuchsia_inspect_derive::Inspect;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::future;
use std::pin::pin;
use tracing::{debug, warn};
mod fidl_service;
mod profile;
mod profile_registrar;
mod rfcomm;
mod types;
use crate::fidl_service::run_services;
use crate::profile_registrar::ProfileRegistrar;
pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let profile_svc = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol::<ProfileMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to Bluetooth Profile service")?;
let (service_sender, service_receiver) = mpsc::channel(1);
let fs = ServiceFs::new();
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::default();
let _inspect_server_task =
inspect_runtime::publish(&inspect, inspect_runtime::PublishOptions::default());
let services = pin!(run_services(fs, service_sender)?);
let mut profile_registrar = ProfileRegistrar::new(profile_svc);
if let Err(e) = profile_registrar.iattach(inspect.root(), "rfcomm_server") {
warn!("Failed to attach to inspect: {}", e);
let profile_registrar_fut = profile_registrar.start(service_receiver);
debug!("RFCOMM component running");
match future::select(services, profile_registrar_fut).await {
future::Either::Left(((), _)) => {
warn!("Service FS directory handle closed. Exiting.");
future::Either::Right(((), _)) => {
warn!("All Profile related connections have terminated. Exiting.");