blob: 78ef2170474a8f7666baf5f754955313ddef7e12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This module contains expected values for SDP record for HIDP devices, both for confirming that
/// peers are valid HIDP devices and for testing.
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_bredr as bredr;
pub fn expected_protocols() -> Option<Vec<bredr::ProtocolDescriptor>> {
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap,
params: vec![bredr::DataElement::Uint16(bredr::PSM_HID_CONTROL)], // PSM for control channel
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor { protocol: bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Hidp, params: vec![] },
pub mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::descriptor::DescriptorList;
use crate::peer_info::PeerInfo;
macro_rules! make_attribute {
($ty: ident, $id: expr, $value: expr) => {
bredr::Attribute { id: $id, element: bredr::DataElement::$ty($value) }
pub fn attributes() -> Vec<bredr::Attribute> {
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x201, 1), // Parser version
make_attribute!(Uint8, 0x202, 2), // Device subclass
make_attribute!(Uint8, 0x203, 3), // Country code
make_attribute!(B, 0x204, true), // Virtual cable
make_attribute!(B, 0x205, false), // Reconnect initiate
make_attribute!(Sequence, 0x206, Vec::new()), // Descriptor list
make_attribute!(B, 0x209, true), // Battery power
make_attribute!(B, 0x20A, false), // Remote wake
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x20C, 4), // Supervision timeout
make_attribute!(B, 0x20D, true), // Normally connectable
make_attribute!(B, 0x20E, false), // Boot device
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x20F, 5), // SSR max latency
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0210, 6), // SSR min latency
pub fn attributes_missing_optional() -> Vec<bredr::Attribute> {
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x201, 1), // Parser version
make_attribute!(Uint8, 0x202, 2), // Device subclass
make_attribute!(Uint8, 0x203, 3), // Country code
make_attribute!(B, 0x204, true), // Virtual cable
make_attribute!(B, 0x205, false), // Reconnect initiate
make_attribute!(Sequence, 0x206, Vec::new()), // Descriptor list
make_attribute!(B, 0x209, true), // Battery power
make_attribute!(B, 0x20A, false), // Remote wake
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x20C, 4), // Supervision timeout
make_attribute!(B, 0x20D, true), // Normally connectable
make_attribute!(B, 0x20E, false), // Boot device
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x20F, 5), // SSR max latency
// Missing optional attribute SSR min latency
pub fn attributes_missing_required() -> Vec<bredr::Attribute> {
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x201, 1), // Parser version
make_attribute!(Uint8, 0x202, 2), // Device subclass
make_attribute!(Uint8, 0x203, 3), // Country code
make_attribute!(B, 0x204, true), // Virtual cable
make_attribute!(B, 0x205, false), // Reconnect initiate
make_attribute!(Sequence, 0x206, Vec::new()), // Descriptor list
make_attribute!(B, 0x209, true), // Battery power
make_attribute!(B, 0x20A, false), // Remote wake
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x20C, 4), // Supervision timeout
make_attribute!(B, 0x20D, true), // Normally connectable
// Missing requirted attribute boot device
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0x20F, 5), // Ssr max latency
make_attribute!(Uint16, 0210, 6), // Ssr min latency
pub fn expected_peer_info() -> PeerInfo {
PeerInfo {
parser_version: Some(1),
device_subclass: Some(2),
country_code: Some(3),
virtual_cable: Some(true),
reconnect_initiate: Some(false),
descriptor_list: Some(DescriptorList(Vec::new())),
battery_power: Some(true),
remote_wake: Some(false),
supervision_timeout: Some(4),
normally_connectable: Some(true),
boot_device: Some(false),
ssr_host_max_latency: Some(5),
ssr_host_min_timeout: Some(6),