blob: 798752a4c6ae759df5a92c4653ead87946974c44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::format_err;
use derivative::Derivative;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_audio::*;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::{Future, StreamExt};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tracing::warn;
use vfs::directory::entry_container::Directory;
use vfs::{pseudo_directory, service};
use crate::driver::{ensure_dai_format_is_supported, ensure_pcm_format_is_supported};
use crate::DigitalAudioInterface;
/// The status of the current device. Retrievable via `TestHandle::status`.
#[derive(Derivative, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum TestStatus {
Configured {
dai_format: DaiFormat,
pcm_format: PcmFormat,
Started {
dai_format: DaiFormat,
pcm_format: PcmFormat,
impl TestStatus {
fn start(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
if let Self::Configured { dai_format, pcm_format } = self {
*self = Self::Started { dai_format: *dai_format, pcm_format: *pcm_format };
} else {
fn stop(&mut self) {
if let Self::Started { dai_format, pcm_format } = *self {
*self = Self::Configured { dai_format, pcm_format };
pub struct TestHandle(Arc<Mutex<TestStatus>>);
impl TestHandle {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn status(&self) -> TestStatus {
pub fn is_started(&self) -> bool {
let lock = self.0.lock().unwrap();
match *lock {
TestStatus::Started { .. } => true,
_ => false,
fn set_configured(&self, dai_format: DaiFormat, pcm_format: PcmFormat) {
let mut lock = self.0.lock().unwrap();
*lock = TestStatus::Configured { dai_format, pcm_format };
fn start(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
fn stop(&self) {
/// Logs and breaks out of the loop if the result is an Error.
macro_rules! log_error {
($result:expr, $tag:expr) => {
if let Err(e) = $result {
warn!("Error sending {}: {:?}", $tag, e);
async fn handle_ring_buffer(mut requests: RingBufferRequestStream, handle: TestHandle) {
while let Some(req) = {
if let Err(e) = req {
warn!("Error processing RingBuffer request stream: {:?}", e);
match req.unwrap() {
RingBufferRequest::Start { responder } => match handle.start() {
Ok(()) => log_error!(responder.send(0), "ring buffer start response"),
Err(()) => {
warn!("Started when we couldn't expect it, shutting down");
RingBufferRequest::Stop { responder } => {
log_error!(responder.send(), "ring buffer stop response");
x => unimplemented!("RingBuffer Request not implemented: {:?}", x),
async fn test_handle_dai_requests(
dai_formats: DaiSupportedFormats,
pcm_formats: SupportedFormats,
as_input: bool,
mut requests: DaiRequestStream,
handle: TestHandle,
) {
use std::slice::from_ref;
let properties = DaiProperties {
is_input: Some(as_input),
manufacturer: Some("Fuchsia".to_string()),
let mut _rb_task = None;
while let Some(req) = {
if let Err(e) = req {
warn!("Error processing DAI request stream: {:?}", e);
match req.unwrap() {
DaiRequest::GetProperties { responder } => {
log_error!(responder.send(&properties), "properties response");
DaiRequest::GetDaiFormats { responder } => {
log_error!(responder.send(Ok(from_ref(&dai_formats))), "formats response");
DaiRequest::GetRingBufferFormats { responder } => {
log_error!(responder.send(Ok(from_ref(&pcm_formats))), "pcm response");
DaiRequest::CreateRingBuffer {
dai_format, ring_buffer_format, ring_buffer, ..
} => {
let shutdown_bad_args =
|server: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<RingBufferMarker>, err: anyhow::Error| {
warn!("CreateRingBuffer: {:?}", err);
if let Err(e) =
warn!("Couldn't send ring buffer epitaph: {:?}", e);
if let Err(e) = ensure_dai_format_is_supported(from_ref(&dai_formats), &dai_format)
shutdown_bad_args(ring_buffer, e);
let pcm_format = match ring_buffer_format.pcm_format {
Some(f) => f,
None => {
shutdown_bad_args(ring_buffer, format_err!("Only PCM format supported"));
if let Err(e) = ensure_pcm_format_is_supported(from_ref(&pcm_formats), &pcm_format)
shutdown_bad_args(ring_buffer, e);
handle.set_configured(dai_format, pcm_format);
let requests = ring_buffer.into_stream().expect("stream from server end");
_rb_task = Some(fasync::Task::spawn(handle_ring_buffer(requests, handle.clone())));
x => unimplemented!("DAI request not implemented: {:?}", x),
/// Represents a mock DAI device that processes `Dai` requests from the provided `requests`
/// stream.
/// Returns a Future representing the processing task and a `TestHandle` which can be used
/// to validate behavior.
fn mock_dai_device(
as_input: bool,
requests: DaiRequestStream,
) -> (impl Future<Output = ()>, TestHandle) {
let supported_dai_formats = DaiSupportedFormats {
number_of_channels: vec![1],
sample_formats: vec![DaiSampleFormat::PcmSigned],
frame_formats: vec![DaiFrameFormat::FrameFormatStandard(DaiFrameFormatStandard::Tdm1)],
frame_rates: vec![8000, 16000, 32000, 48000, 96000],
bits_per_slot: vec![16],
bits_per_sample: vec![16],
let number_of_channels = 1usize;
let attributes = vec![ChannelAttributes::default(); number_of_channels];
let channel_set = ChannelSet { attributes: Some(attributes), ..Default::default() };
let supported_pcm_formats = SupportedFormats {
pcm_supported_formats: Some(PcmSupportedFormats {
channel_sets: Some(vec![channel_set]),
sample_formats: Some(vec![SampleFormat::PcmSigned]),
bytes_per_sample: Some(vec![2]),
valid_bits_per_sample: Some(vec![16]),
frame_rates: Some(vec![8000, 16000, 32000, 48000, 96000]),
let handle = TestHandle::new();
let handler_fut = test_handle_dai_requests(
(handler_fut, handle)
/// Builds and returns a DigitalAudioInterface for testing scenarios. Returns the
/// `TestHandle` associated with this device which can be used to validate behavior.
pub fn test_digital_audio_interface(as_input: bool) -> (DigitalAudioInterface, TestHandle) {
let (proxy, requests) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<DaiMarker>().expect("proxy creation");
let (handler, handle) = mock_dai_device(as_input, requests);
(DigitalAudioInterface::from_proxy(proxy), handle)
async fn handle_dai_connect_requests(as_input: bool, mut stream: DaiConnectorRequestStream) {
while let Some(request) = {
if let Ok(DaiConnectorRequest::Connect { dai_protocol, .. }) = request {
let (handler, _test_handle) =
mock_dai_device(as_input, dai_protocol.into_stream().unwrap());
/// Builds and returns a VFS with a mock input and output DAI device.
pub fn mock_dai_dev_with_io_devices(input: String, output: String) -> Arc<dyn Directory> {
pseudo_directory! {
"class" => pseudo_directory! {
"dai" => pseudo_directory! {
&input => service::host(
move |stream: DaiConnectorRequestStream| handle_dai_connect_requests(true,
&output => service::host(
move |stream: DaiConnectorRequestStream| handle_dai_connect_requests(false,