blob: 1707c128f01290a73784e02a9adddaf73915b791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/public/pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/sdp/service_record.h"
#include <endian.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/public/pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/log.h"
namespace bt::sdp {
namespace {
// Adds all UUIDs that it finds in |elem| to |out|, recursing through
// sequences and alternatives if necessary.
void AddAllUUIDs(const DataElement& elem, std::unordered_set<UUID>* out) {
DataElement::Type type = elem.type();
if (type == DataElement::Type::kUuid) {
} else if (type == DataElement::Type::kSequence ||
type == DataElement::Type::kAlternative) {
const DataElement* it;
for (size_t idx = 0; nullptr != (it = elem.At(idx)); idx++) {
AddAllUUIDs(*it, out);
} // namespace
ServiceRecord::ServiceRecord() {
SetAttribute(kServiceId, DataElement(UUID::Generate()));
void ServiceRecord::SetAttribute(AttributeId id, DataElement value) {
attributes_.emplace(id, std::move(value));
const DataElement& ServiceRecord::GetAttribute(AttributeId id) const {
auto it = attributes_.find(id);
BT_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(it != attributes_.end(), "attribute %#.4x not set!", id);
return it->second;
bool ServiceRecord::HasAttribute(AttributeId id) const {
return attributes_.count(id) == 1;
void ServiceRecord::RemoveAttribute(AttributeId id) { attributes_.erase(id); }
bool ServiceRecord::IsProtocolOnly() const {
// Protocol-only services have exactly:
// - A UUID (generated by constructor)
// - A primary protocol descriptor
// - A service record handle (assigned by the SDP server)
if (attributes_.size() != 3) {
return false;
for (AttributeId x :
{kServiceRecordHandle, kProtocolDescriptorList, kServiceId}) {
if (attributes_.count(x) != 1) {
return false;
return true;
bool ServiceRecord::IsRegisterable() const {
// Services must at least have a ServiceClassIDList (5.0, Vol 3, Part B, 5.1)
if (!HasAttribute(kServiceClassIdList)) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "record missing ServiceClass");
return false;
// Class ID list is a data element sequence in which each data element is
// a UUID representing the service classes that a given service record
// conforms to. (5.0, Vol 3, Part B, 5.1.2)
const DataElement& class_id_list = GetAttribute(kServiceClassIdList);
if (class_id_list.type() != DataElement::Type::kSequence) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "class ID list isn't a sequence");
return false;
size_t idx;
const DataElement* elem;
for (idx = 0; nullptr != (elem = class_id_list.At(idx)); idx++) {
if (elem->type() != DataElement::Type::kUuid) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "class ID list elements are not all UUIDs");
return false;
if (idx == 0) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "no elements in the Class ID list (need at least 1)");
return false;
if (!HasAttribute(kBrowseGroupList)) {
bt_log(TRACE, "sdp", "record isn't part of a browse group");
return false;
return true;
void ServiceRecord::SetHandle(ServiceHandle handle) {
handle_ = handle;
SetAttribute(kServiceRecordHandle, DataElement(uint32_t(handle_)));
std::set<AttributeId> ServiceRecord::GetAttributesInRange(
AttributeId start, AttributeId end) const {
std::set<AttributeId> attrs;
if (start > end) {
return attrs;
for (auto it = attributes_.lower_bound(start);
it != attributes_.end() && (it->first <= end);
++it) {
return attrs;
bool ServiceRecord::FindUUID(const std::unordered_set<UUID>& uuids) const {
if (uuids.size() == 0) {
return true;
// Gather all the UUIDs in the attributes
std::unordered_set<UUID> attribute_uuids;
for (const auto& it : attributes_) {
AddAllUUIDs(it.second, &attribute_uuids);
for (const auto& uuid : uuids) {
if (attribute_uuids.count(uuid) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
void ServiceRecord::SetServiceClassUUIDs(const std::vector<UUID>& classes) {
std::vector<DataElement> class_uuids;
for (const auto& uuid : classes) {
DataElement class_id_list_val(std::move(class_uuids));
SetAttribute(kServiceClassIdList, std::move(class_id_list_val));
void ServiceRecord::AddProtocolDescriptor(const ProtocolListId id,
const UUID& uuid,
DataElement params) {
std::vector<DataElement> seq;
if (id == kPrimaryProtocolList) {
auto list_it = attributes_.find(kProtocolDescriptorList);
if (list_it != attributes_.end()) {
auto v = list_it->second.Get<std::vector<DataElement>>();
seq = std::move(*v);
} else if (addl_protocols_.count(id)) {
auto v = addl_protocols_[id].Get<std::vector<DataElement>>();
seq = std::move(*v);
std::vector<DataElement> protocol_desc;
if (params.type() == DataElement::Type::kSequence) {
auto v = params.Get<std::vector<DataElement>>();
auto param_seq = std::move(*v);
} else if (params.type() != DataElement::Type::kNull) {
if (id == kPrimaryProtocolList) {
SetAttribute(kProtocolDescriptorList, DataElement(std::move(seq)));
} else {
addl_protocols_.emplace(id, DataElement(std::move(seq)));
std::vector<DataElement> addl_protocol_seq;
for (const auto& it : addl_protocols_) {
void ServiceRecord::AddProfile(const UUID& uuid, uint8_t major, uint8_t minor) {
std::vector<DataElement> seq;
auto list_it = attributes_.find(kBluetoothProfileDescriptorList);
if (list_it != attributes_.end()) {
auto v = list_it->second.Get<std::vector<DataElement>>();
seq = std::move(*v);
std::vector<DataElement> profile_desc;
// Safety notes:
// 1.) `<<` applies integer promotion of `major` to `int` (32 bits) before
// operating. This makes
// it safe to left shift 8 bits, even though 8 is >= `major`'s original
// width.
// 2.) Casting to 16 bits is safe because `major` and `minor` are both only 8
// bits, so it is only
// possible for 16 bits of the resulting value to be populated.
uint16_t profile_version = static_cast<uint16_t>(
(major << std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::digits) | minor);
SetAttribute(kBluetoothProfileDescriptorList, DataElement(std::move(seq)));
bool ServiceRecord::AddInfo(const std::string& language_code,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& description,
const std::string& provider) {
if ((name.empty() && description.empty() && provider.empty()) ||
(language_code.size() != 2)) {
return false;
AttributeId base_attrid = 0x0100;
std::vector<DataElement> base_attr_list;
auto it = attributes_.find(kLanguageBaseAttributeIdList);
if (it != attributes_.end()) {
auto v = it->second.Get<std::vector<DataElement>>();
base_attr_list = std::move(*v);
// "%" can't be in pw_assert statements.
const size_t list_size_mod_3 = base_attr_list.size() % 3;
BT_DEBUG_ASSERT(list_size_mod_3 == 0);
// 0x0100 is guaranteed to be taken, start counting from higher.
base_attrid = 0x9000;
// Find the first base_attrid that's not taken
while (HasAttribute(base_attrid + kServiceNameOffset) ||
HasAttribute(base_attrid + kServiceDescriptionOffset) ||
HasAttribute(base_attrid + kProviderNameOffset)) {
if (base_attrid == 0xFFFF) {
return false;
// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 3, Part B, Sect 5.1.8: "The LanguageBaseAttributeIDList
// attribute consists of a data element sequence in which each element is a
// 16-bit unsigned integer."
// The language code consists of two byte characters in left-to-right order,
// so it may be considered a 16-bit big-endian integer that can be converted
// to host byte order.
uint16_t lang_encoded = be16toh(*((const uint16_t*)(;
base_attr_list.emplace_back(DataElement(uint16_t{106})); // UTF-8
if (!name.empty()) {
SetAttribute(base_attrid + kServiceNameOffset, DataElement(name));
if (!description.empty()) {
SetAttribute(base_attrid + kServiceDescriptionOffset,
if (!provider.empty()) {
SetAttribute(base_attrid + kProviderNameOffset, DataElement(provider));
return true;
std::string ServiceRecord::ToString() const {
std::string str;
if (HasAttribute(kBluetoothProfileDescriptorList)) {
const DataElement& prof_desc =
str += "Profile Descriptor: " + prof_desc.ToString() + "\n";
if (HasAttribute(kServiceClassIdList)) {
const DataElement& svc_class_list = GetAttribute(kServiceClassIdList);
str += "Service Class Id List: " + svc_class_list.ToString();
return str;
} // namespace bt::sdp