blob: 6901ff84ec7defbd16e20b4536b3f06a296582a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use async_helpers::hanging_get::asynchronous as hanging_get;
use diagnostics_assertions::assert_data_tree;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::Appearance;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_host::{BondingDelegateRequest, HostRequest};
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::{self as sys, TechnologyType};
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, TimeoutExt};
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::bonding_data::example;
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::{Address, HostData, HostId, Identity, Peer, PeerId};
use fuchsia_inspect as inspect;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::future::join;
use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt, TryFutureExt};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use tracing::info;
use crate::build_config::{BrEdrConfig, Config};
use crate::host_dispatcher::{test as hd_test, HostDispatcher, NameReplace, DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME};
use crate::store::stash::Stash;
use crate::types;
fn peer(id: PeerId) -> Peer {
Peer {
id: id.into(),
address: Address::Public([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
technology: TechnologyType::LowEnergy,
name: Some("Peer Name".into()),
appearance: Some(Appearance::Watch),
device_class: None,
rssi: None,
tx_power: None,
connected: false,
bonded: false,
le_services: vec![],
bredr_services: vec![],
async fn on_device_changed_inspect_state() {
// test setup
let stash = Stash::in_memory_mock();
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::default();
let system_inspect = inspector.root().create_child("system");
let (gas_channel_sender, _generic_access_req_stream) = mpsc::channel(0);
let watch_peers_broker = hanging_get::HangingGetBroker::new(
|_, _| true,
let watch_hosts_broker = hanging_get::HangingGetBroker::new(
|_, _| true,
let dispatcher = HostDispatcher::new(
let peer_id = PeerId(1);
// assert inspect tree is in clean state
assert_data_tree!(inspector, root: {
system: contains {
peer_count: 0u64,
peers: {}
// add new peer and assert inspect tree is updated
assert_data_tree!(inspector, root: {
system: contains {
peer_count: 1u64,
peers: {
"peer_0": contains {
peer_id: peer_id.to_string(),
technology: "LowEnergy"
// remove peer and assert inspect tree is updated
assert_data_tree!(inspector, root: {
system: contains {
peer_count: 0u64,
peers: { },
recently_removed: contains {
"0": contains {
peer: contains {
peer_id: peer_id.to_string(),
async fn test_change_name_no_deadlock() {
let dispatcher = hd_test::make_simple_test_dispatcher();
// Call a function that used to use the self.state.write().gas_channel_sender.send().await
// pattern, which caused a deadlock by yielding to the executor while holding onto a write
// lock to the mutable gas_channel. We expect an error here because there's no active host
// in the dispatcher - we don't need to go through the trouble of setting up an emulated
// host to test whether or not we can send messages to the GAS task. We just want to make
// sure that the function actually returns and doesn't deadlock.
dispatcher.set_name("test-change".to_string(), NameReplace::Replace).await.unwrap_err(),
fn host_is_in_dispatcher(id: &HostId, dispatcher: &HostDispatcher) -> bool {
async fn apply_settings_fails_host_removed() {
let dispatcher = hd_test::make_simple_test_dispatcher();
let host_id = HostId(42);
let (mut host_server, _, _gatt_server, _bonding) =
hd_test::create_and_add_test_host_to_dispatcher(host_id, &dispatcher).await.unwrap();
assert!(host_is_in_dispatcher(&host_id, &dispatcher));
let run_host = async move {
match host_server.try_next().await {
Ok(Some(HostRequest::SetConnectable { responder, .. })) => {
x => panic!("Unexpected request: {:?}", x),
let disable_connectable_fut = async {
let updated_config = dispatcher
.apply_sys_settings(sys::Settings {
bredr_connectable_mode: Some(false),
Config { bredr: BrEdrConfig { connectable: false, .. }, .. }
futures::future::join(run_host, disable_connectable_fut).await;
assert!(!host_is_in_dispatcher(&host_id, &dispatcher));
async fn default_name_behavior() {
let dispatcher = hd_test::make_simple_test_dispatcher();
let host_id = HostId(42);
let (mut host_server, _, _gatt_server, _bonding) =
hd_test::create_and_add_test_host_to_dispatcher(host_id, &dispatcher).await.unwrap();
let _host_server_answers_set_name = fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(request) = {
if let Err(e) = request {
panic!("Unexpected error from host server: {:?}", e);
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_host::HostRequest;
match request.unwrap() {
HostRequest::SetLocalName { local_name, responder } => {
info!("Host Local name was set to {}", local_name);
x => panic!("Unexpected request to host server: {:?}", x),
info!("Ended host server stream");
assert_eq!(dispatcher.get_name(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME);
// TODO: assert that host_server gets a the default name set
// No name is set, so this should set the name.
let test_name = "Sapphiređź’–";
dispatcher.set_name(test_name.to_string(), NameReplace::Keep).await.unwrap();
info!("Name is set");
assert_eq!(dispatcher.get_name(), test_name);
// Replacing with ::Replace should replace the name
let replace_name = "Fuchsia Sapphire";
dispatcher.set_name(replace_name.to_string(), NameReplace::Replace).await.unwrap();
info!("Name is set 2");
assert_eq!(dispatcher.get_name(), replace_name);
// Replacing again with Keep should not change the name
dispatcher.set_name(test_name.to_string(), NameReplace::Keep).await.unwrap();
info!("Name is set 3");
assert_eq!(dispatcher.get_name(), replace_name);
async fn test_commit_bootstrap_doesnt_fail_from_host_failure() {
// initiate test host-dispatcher
let host_dispatcher = hd_test::make_simple_test_dispatcher();
// add a test host with a channel we provide, which fails on restore_bonds()
let host_id = HostId(1);
let (_host_server, _, _gatt_server, mut bonding_delegate_stream) =
hd_test::create_and_add_test_host_to_dispatcher(host_id, &host_dispatcher).await.unwrap();
assert!(host_is_in_dispatcher(&host_id, &host_dispatcher));
let run_delegate = async move {
match bonding_delegate_stream.try_next().await {
Ok(Some(BondingDelegateRequest::RestoreBonds { bonds, responder })) => {
// Fail by returning all bonds as errors
let _ = responder.send(&bonds);
x => panic!("Expected RestoreBonds Request but got: {:?}", x),
let identity = Identity {
host: HostData { irk: None },
bonds: vec![example::bond(
Address::Public([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
Address::Public([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
// Call dispatcher.commit_bootstrap() & assert that the result is success
let (result, _bonding_delegate_stream) =
futures::future::join(host_dispatcher.commit_bootstrap(vec![identity]), run_delegate).await;
assert_matches!(result, Ok(()));
async fn test_notify_host_watcher_of_active_hosts() {
let watch_peers_broker = hanging_get::HangingGetBroker::new(
|_, _| true,
let watch_hosts_broker = hanging_get::HangingGetBroker::new(
let host_dispatcher = hd_test::make_test_dispatcher(
let watchers_fut = join(,|_| ());
// Start HostWatcher client/server.
let (host_watcher_proxy, host_watcher_stream) =
.expect("fidl endpoints");
let host_watcher_fut = crate::host_watcher::run(host_dispatcher.clone(), host_watcher_stream);
let _host_watcher_task = fasync::Task::spawn(host_watcher_fut);
// New host should be active by default.
let host_id_0 = HostId(0);
let _host_server_0 =
hd_test::create_and_add_test_host_to_dispatcher(host_id_0, &host_dispatcher)
.expect("add test host succeeds");
assert!(host_is_in_dispatcher(&host_id_0, &host_dispatcher));
// The future has a timeout so that tests consistently terminate.
const HOST_WATCHER_TIMEOUT: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(1);
let hosts = host_watcher_proxy
.map_err(|e| Error::from(e))
.on_timeout(HOST_WATCHER_TIMEOUT, move || Err(format_err!("watch timed out")))
.expect("watch timed out");
assert_eq!(hosts.len(), 1);
assert_matches!(hosts[0].active, Some(true));
// Add a second host that should start inactive.
let host_id_1 = HostId(1);
let _host_server_1 =
hd_test::create_and_add_test_host_to_dispatcher(host_id_1, &host_dispatcher)
.expect("add test host succeeds");
assert!(host_is_in_dispatcher(&host_id_1, &host_dispatcher));
// The future has a timeout so that tests consistently terminate.
let mut hosts = host_watcher_proxy
.map_err(|e| Error::from(e))
.on_timeout(HOST_WATCHER_TIMEOUT, move || Err(format_err!("watch timed out")))
.expect("watch timed out");
assert_eq!(hosts.len(), 2);
hosts.sort_by(|a, b|;
assert_eq!(hosts[0].id, Some(host_id_0.into()));
assert_eq!(hosts[0].active, Some(true));
assert_eq!(hosts[1].id, Some(host_id_1.into()));
assert_eq!(hosts[1].active, Some(false));
// Setting host 1 to active should set host 0 to inactive.
assert_matches!(host_watcher_proxy.set_active(&host_id_1.into()).await, Ok(_));
let mut hosts = host_watcher_proxy
.map_err(|e| Error::from(e))
.on_timeout(HOST_WATCHER_TIMEOUT, move || Err(format_err!("watch timed out")))
.expect("watch timed out");
assert_eq!(hosts.len(), 2);
hosts.sort_by(|a, b|;
assert_eq!(hosts[0].id, Some(host_id_0.into()));
assert_eq!(hosts[0].active, Some(false));
assert_eq!(hosts[1].id, Some(host_id_1.into()));
assert_eq!(hosts[1].active, Some(true));
// Removing active host 1 should mark host 0 as active.
host_dispatcher.rm_device(&format!("/dev/host{}", host_id_1.0)).await;
// The future has a timeout so that tests consistently terminate.
let hosts = host_watcher_proxy
.map_err(|e| Error::from(e))
.on_timeout(HOST_WATCHER_TIMEOUT, move || Err(format_err!("watch timed out")))
.expect("watch timed out");
assert_eq!(hosts.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(hosts[0].id, Some(host_id_0.into()));
assert_eq!(hosts[0].active, Some(true));