blob: dbd2801e2ed319aecbc85ba07452677482108077 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use async_helpers::hanging_get::asynchronous as hanging_get;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::{self as sys, AccessRequest, AccessRequestStream};
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::pairing_options::{BondableMode, PairingOptions};
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::{Peer, PeerId, Technology};
use fuchsia_sync::Mutex;
use futures::future::{pending, BoxFuture};
use futures::{select, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn};
use crate::host_dispatcher::*;
use crate::watch_peers::PeerWatcher;
struct AccessSession {
peers_seen: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<PeerId, Peer>>>,
/// Only one discovery session is stored per Access session at a time;
/// if an Access client requests discovery while holding an existing session token,
/// the old session is replaced, and the old session token is invalidated.
discovery_session: Option<BoxFuture<'static, ()>>,
discoverable_session: Option<BoxFuture<'static, ()>>,
pub async fn run(hd: HostDispatcher, mut stream: AccessRequestStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut watch_peers_subscriber = hd.watch_peers().await;
let mut session: AccessSession = Default::default();
let mut discovery_pending = pending().boxed();
let mut discoverable_pending = pending().boxed();
loop {
select! {
event_opt = => {
match event_opt {
Some(event) => handler(hd.clone(), &mut watch_peers_subscriber, &mut session, event?).await?,
None => break,
_ = session.discovery_session.as_mut().unwrap_or(&mut discovery_pending).fuse() => {
// drop the boxed future, which owns the discovery session token
session.discovery_session = None;
_ = session.discoverable_session.as_mut().unwrap_or(&mut discoverable_pending).fuse() => {
session.discoverable_session = None;
async fn handler(
hd: HostDispatcher,
watch_peers_subscriber: &mut hanging_get::Subscriber<PeerWatcher>,
session: &mut AccessSession,
request: AccessRequest,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match request {
AccessRequest::SetPairingDelegate { input, output, delegate, .. } => {
warn!("fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Access.SetPairingDelegate({:?}, {:?})", input, output);
match delegate.into_proxy() {
Ok(proxy) => {
if let Err(e) = hd.set_pairing_delegate(proxy, input, output) {
warn!("Couldn't set PairingDelegate: {e:?}");
Err(e) => {
warn!("Invalid Pairing Delegate passed to SetPairingDelegate: {e:?}");
AccessRequest::SetLocalName { name, .. } => {
if let Err(e) = hd.set_name(name, NameReplace::Replace).await {
warn!("Error setting local name: {:?}", e);
AccessRequest::SetDeviceClass { device_class, .. } => {
if let Err(e) = hd.set_device_class(device_class).await {
warn!("Error setting local name: {:?}", e);
AccessRequest::MakeDiscoverable { token, responder } => {
let stream = token.into_stream().unwrap(); // into_stream never fails
let result = hd
.map(|token| {
session.discoverable_session =
Some(watch_stream_for_session(stream, token).boxed());
AccessRequest::StartDiscovery { token, responder } => {
let stream = token.into_stream().unwrap(); // into_stream never fails
let result = hd.start_discovery()|discovery_session| {
debug!("StartDiscovery: discovery started");
let mut wait_for_discovery_end = discovery_session.on_discovery_end();
let discovery_fut = async move {
// Wait for either the client to drop its ProcedureToken or the Host server to
// terminate discovery.
select! {
_ = watch_stream_for_session(stream, discovery_session).fuse() => {
debug!("StartDiscovery: watch_stream_for_session completed");
_ = wait_for_discovery_end => {
debug!("StartDiscovery: wait_for_discovery_end completed");
session.discovery_session = Some(discovery_fut.boxed());
AccessRequest::WatchPeers { responder } => {
trace!("Received FIDL call: fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Access.WatchPeers()");
.register(PeerWatcher::new(session.peers_seen.clone(), responder))
.map_err(|e| {
// If we cannot register the observation, we return an error from the handler
// function. This terminates the stream and will drop the channel, as we are unable
// to fulfill our contract for WatchPeers(). The client can attempt to reconnect and
// if successful will receive a fresh session with initial state of the world
format_err!("Failed to watch peers: {:?}", e)
AccessRequest::Connect { id, responder } => {
let id = PeerId::from(id);
info!("fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Access.Connect({})", id);
let result = hd.connect(id).await;
if let Err(e) = &result {
warn!("Error connecting to peer {}: {:?}", id, e);
AccessRequest::Disconnect { id, responder } => {
let id = PeerId::from(id);
info!("fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Access.Disconnect({})", id);
let result = hd.disconnect(id).await;
if let Err(e) = &result {
warn!("Error disconnecting from peer {}: {:?}", id, e);
AccessRequest::Pair { id, options, responder } => {
let id = PeerId::from(id);
info!("fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Access.Pair({})", id);
let opts: PairingOptions = options.into();
// We currently do not support NonBondable mode on the classic Br/Edr transport
// If NonBondable is asked for a Br/Edr pairing, return an InvalidArguments error
if opts.bondable == BondableMode::NonBondable && opts.transport == Technology::Classic {
info!("Rejecting Pair: non-bondable mode not supported for BR/EDR");
return Ok(());
let result = hd.pair(id, opts).await;
if let Err(e) = &result {
warn!("Error pairing with peer {}: {:?}", id, e);
let result = result.map_err(|e| match e.into() {
sys::Error::PeerNotFound => sys::Error::PeerNotFound,
sys::Error::InvalidArguments => sys::Error::InvalidArguments,
// We map all other host errors to Error::Failed before reporting to the caller
_ => sys::Error::Failed,
AccessRequest::Forget { id, responder } => {
let id = PeerId::from(id);
info!("fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Access.Forget({})", id);
let result = hd.forget(id).await;
if let Err(e) = &result {
warn!("Error forgetting peer {}: {:?}", id, e);
async fn watch_stream_for_session<S: Stream + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static>(
stream: S,
token: T,
) {|_| ()).collect::<()>().await;
// the remote end closed; drop our session token
trace!("ProcedureToken dropped");