blob: 94e393b7e0055edd00501456b1d68180aca84221 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/camera2/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/gdc/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/isp/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_checker.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/source_location.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "src/camera/drivers/controller/configs/internal_config.h"
#include "src/camera/drivers/controller/memory_allocation.h"
#include "src/camera/lib/tokens/tokens.h"
namespace camera {
// A ProcessNode is an abstract base class that represents a logical or physical functional unit
// within the camera hardware pipeline. A node owns its output collection but not its input
// collection. Derived classes override the various methods based on their need.
class ProcessNode {
// Wrapper for a set of input/output buffer collections and their associated formats.
struct BufferAttachments {
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<BufferCollection>> input_collection;
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const std::vector<fuchsia::images2::ImageFormat>>>
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<BufferCollection>> output_collection;
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const std::vector<fuchsia::images2::ImageFormat>>>
using FrameToken = SharedToken<const uint32_t>;
// FrameCallback is a caller-provided handler that nodes should invoke when they have produced a
// new frame.
using FrameCallback = fit::function<void(FrameToken, frame_metadata_t)>;
ProcessNode(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, NodeType type, BufferAttachments attachments,
FrameCallback frame_callback);
// Destroys the node instance. The caller must call Shutdown before destroying the instance or
// the process will terminate. If the node implementation relies on singleton hardware resources
// that cannot be safely accessed concurrently by multiple instances of the class, then the node
// must ensure that all such resources are released prior returning from this destructor.
virtual ~ProcessNode();
// Returns the NodeType specified on creation of the object.
NodeType Type() const;
// Informs the node that it should begin processing the frame specified by the given token and
// associated with the given metadata. The node must maintain the token until it is no longer
// needed, after which point it can safely be destroyed.
virtual void ProcessFrame(FrameToken token, frame_metadata_t metadata) = 0;
// Requests that the node node begin producing frames using the specified format index. As the
// node may pipeline frames, it is acceptable to continue producing frames at the previous
// format. But the node must invoke the provided callback after the last frame at the previous
// format was sent and before the first frame of the new format is sent.
// The caller may request multiple format changes without receiving frames. In these cases,
// the node must invoke all callbacks in the order received, but it does not need to produce a
// frame with each format requested. For example, if the caller requests a change from A to B to
// C, it is okay to produce a frame with format A, then invoke callback B followed by C, and then
// produce a frame with format C.
virtual void SetOutputFormat(uint32_t output_format_index, fit::closure callback) = 0;
// Requests that the node cease processing frames and begin shutting itself down. The node must
// perform any flushing required in order to safely return frames that it received via
// ProcessFrame calls. The node must ensure all pending ProcessFrame callbacks are appropriately
// invoked, and then invoke the callback specified in this method, after which the node must make
// no further calls to the frame_callback provided during creation. After requesting shutdown, the
// caller will ensure that no further calls are made to the node.
void Shutdown(fit::closure callback);
// Assigns a label to the node for logging purposes.
void SetLabel(std::string label);
// Nodes should use this method to invoke the top-level FrameCallback this node was created with.
void SendFrame(uint32_t index, frame_metadata_t metadata, fit::closure release_callback) const;
// Provides the node access to the input buffer collection it was created with.
const fuchsia::sysmem2::BufferCollectionInfo& InputBuffers() const;
// Provides the node access to the image formats associated with its inputs.
const std::vector<fuchsia::images2::ImageFormat>& InputFormats() const;
// Provides the node access to the output buffer collection it was created with.
const fuchsia::sysmem2::BufferCollectionInfo& OutputBuffers() const;
// Provides the node access to the image formats associated with its outputs.
const std::vector<fuchsia::images2::ImageFormat>& OutputFormats() const;
// fuchsia.hardware.camerahwaccel.*Callback implementations. The node receives these callbacks
// serially on the dispatcher it was created with.
virtual void HwFrameReady(frame_available_info_t info) = 0;
virtual void HwFrameResolutionChanged(frame_available_info_t info) = 0;
virtual void HwTaskRemoved(task_remove_status_t status) = 0;
// Nodes must implement this method. It is distinct from the non-virtual Shutdown method in order
// to allow the base class visibility into the state of the node's shutdown. Refer to the
// description of that method for details.
virtual void ShutdownImpl(fit::closure callback) = 0;
// Returns c-style callback pointers. When invoked by a consumer, the corresponding Hw* callback
// is invoked via the node's dispatcher. The callsite location is used to annotate the callback
// logs and trace events.
const hw_accel_frame_callback* GetHwFrameReadyCallback(
cpp20::source_location location = cpp20::source_location::current());
const hw_accel_res_change_callback* GetHwFrameResolutionChangeCallback(
cpp20::source_location location = cpp20::source_location::current());
const hw_accel_remove_task_callback* GetHwTaskRemovedCallback(
cpp20::source_location location = cpp20::source_location::current());
// Convenience method that wraps a call to async::PostTask with trace markers. These produce flow
// graph indicators which allow tracing the origin of a callback. By default, the trace events are
// annotated with the callsite of this method.
void PostTask(fit::closure task,
cpp20::source_location location = cpp20::source_location::current());
// Provide subclasses with the ability to use label_ in log messages.
std::string GetLabel() { return label_; }
// Static methods bound to the c-style callbacks.
static void StaticHwFrameReady(void* ctx, const frame_available_info_t* info);
static void StaticHwFrameResolutionChanged(void* ctx, const frame_available_info_t* info);
static void StaticHwTaskRemoved(void* ctx, task_remove_status_t status);
// Dispatcher for the frame processing loop.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
// Indicates the specific sub-type of process node.
const NodeType type_;
// Buffer collections and formats attached to the node.
BufferAttachments attachments_;
// Caller-provided callback to be invoked by the node when a new frame is available.
FrameCallback frame_callback_;
// Containers for the c-style callbacks. These are associated with the OnHw* callbacks.
struct {
const hw_accel_frame_callback frame;
std::vector<cpp20::source_location> frame_callsites;
const hw_accel_res_change_callback res_change;
std::vector<cpp20::source_location> res_change_callsites;
const hw_accel_remove_task_callback remove_task;
std::vector<cpp20::source_location> remove_task_callsites;
} hwaccel_callbacks_;
// Shutdown state tracking for caller validation.
struct {
bool requested = false;
bool completed = false;
} shutdown_state_;
std::string label_ = "<unset>";
} // namespace camera