blob: 69fa8710da02eb3079537b13fd11836cae8f3e54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/async/task.h>
#include <lib/async/time.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/async_binding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/async_transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/client_base.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/internal/transport.h>
#include <lib/fidl/epitaph.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
bool DispatchError::RequiresImmediateTeardown() {
// Do not immediately teardown the bindings if some FIDL method failed to
// write to the transport due to peer closed. The message handler in
// |AsyncBinding| will eventually discover that the transport is in the peer
// closed state and begin teardown, so we are not ignoring this error just
// deferring it.
// To see why this is necessary, consider a FIDL method that is supposed to
// shutdown the server connection. Upon processing this FIDL method, the
// server may send a reply or a terminal event, and then close their endpoint.
// The server might have also sent other replies or events that are waiting to
// be read by the client. If the client immediately unbinds on the first call
// hitting peer closed, we would be dropping any unread messages that the
// server have sent. In other words, whether the terminal events etc. are
// surfaced to the user or discarded would depend on whether the user just
// happened to make another call after the server closed their endpoint, which
// is an undesirable race condition. By deferring the handling of peer closed
// errors, we ensure that any messages the server sent prior to closing the
// endpoint will be reliably drained by the client and exposed to the user. An
// equivalent situation applies in the server bindings in ensuring that client
// messages are reliably drained after peer closed.
return !(origin == fidl::ErrorOrigin::kSend &&
info.reason() == fidl::Reason::kPeerClosedWhileReading);
void LockedUnbindInfo::Set(fidl::UnbindInfo info) {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
info_ = info;
fidl::UnbindInfo LockedUnbindInfo::Get() const {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
// |info_| must hold a value under public usage of the bindings API.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-unchecked-optional-access)
fidl::UnbindInfo info = *info_;
return info;
AsyncBinding::AsyncBinding(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, AnyUnownedTransport transport,
ThreadingPolicy threading_policy)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher),
thread_checker_(dispatcher, threading_policy),
shared_unbind_info_(std::make_shared<LockedUnbindInfo>()) {
[this](fidl::IncomingHeaderAndMessage& msg, internal::MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view) {
this->MessageHandler(msg, storage_view);
[this](UnbindInfo info) { this->WaitFailureHandler(info); }, any_transport_waiter_);
void AsyncBinding::MessageHandler(fidl::IncomingHeaderAndMessage& msg,
internal::MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view) {
ScopedThreadGuard guard(thread_checker_);
// Flag indicating whether this thread still has access to the binding.
bool next_wait_begun_early = false;
// Dispatch the message.
std::optional<DispatchError> maybe_error = Dispatch(msg, &next_wait_begun_early, storage_view);
// If |next_wait_begun_early| is true, then the interest for the next
// message had been eagerly registered in the method handler, and another
// thread may already be running |MessageHandler|. We should exit without
// attempting to register yet another wait or attempting to modify the
// binding state here.
if (next_wait_begun_early)
// If there was any error enabling dispatch or an unexpected message, destroy the binding.
if (maybe_error) {
if (maybe_error->RequiresImmediateTeardown()) {
return PerformTeardown(maybe_error->info);
if (CheckForTeardownAndBeginNextWait() != ZX_OK)
return PerformTeardown(std::nullopt);
void AsyncBinding::WaitFailureHandler(UnbindInfo info) {
// When a dispatcher error of |ZX_ERR_CANCELED| happens, it indicates that the
// dispatcher is shutting down. We have ensured that the dispatcher is
// single-threaded via thread checkers at various places during message
// dispatch. Here, we can relax the thread checking since there will not be
// any parallel up-calls to user objects during shutdown under a
// single-threaded dispatcher.
if (info.reason() == fidl::Reason::kDispatcherError && info.status() == ZX_ERR_CANCELED) {
} else {
return PerformTeardown(info);
void AsyncBinding::BeginFirstWait() {
zx_status_t status;
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
status = any_transport_waiter_->Begin();
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// If the first |async_begin_wait| failed, attempt to report the error through
// the |on_unbound| handler - the interface was effectively unbound
// immediately on first dispatch.
// There are two possible error cases:
// - The server endpoint does not have the |ZX_RIGHT_WAIT| right. Since the
// server endpoint may be of foreign origin, asynchronously report the error
// through the |on_unbound| handler.
// - The dispatcher does not support waiting on a port, or was shutdown. This
// is a programming error. The user code should either switch to a
// supporting dispatcher, or properly implement teardown by not shutting
// down the event loop until all current incoming events have been
// processed.
using Error = AsyncBinding::TeardownTaskPostingError;
fit::result result =
StartTeardownWithInfo(std::shared_ptr(keep_alive_), UnbindInfo::DispatcherError(status));
if (result.is_error()) {
switch (result.error_value()) {
case Error::kDispatcherError:
// We are crashing the process anyways, but clearing |keep_alive_| helps
// death-tests pass the leak-sanitizer.
keep_alive_ = nullptr;
"When binding FIDL connection: "
"dispatcher was shutdown, or unsupported dispatcher.");
case Error::kRacedWithInProgressTeardown:
// Should never happen - the binding was only just created.
std::shared_ptr<LockedUnbindInfo> AsyncBinding::shared_unbind_info() const {
return shared_unbind_info_;
zx_status_t AsyncBinding::CheckForTeardownAndBeginNextWait() {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
switch (lifecycle_.state()) {
case Lifecycle::kMustTeardown:
case Lifecycle::kBound: {
zx_status_t status = any_transport_waiter_->Begin();
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
// Other lifecycle states are illegal.
void AsyncBinding::HandleError(std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding>&& calling_ref, DispatchError error) {
if (error.RequiresImmediateTeardown()) {
bool AsyncBinding::IsDestructionImminent() const {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
return lifecycle_.Is(Lifecycle::kMustTeardown) || lifecycle_.Is(Lifecycle::kTorndown);
auto AsyncBinding::StartTeardownWithInfo(std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding>&& calling_ref,
UnbindInfo info) -> TeardownTaskPostingResult {
ScopedThreadGuard guard(thread_checker_);
// Move the calling reference into this scope.
std::shared_ptr self = std::move(calling_ref);
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
if (lifecycle_.Is(Lifecycle::kMustTeardown) || lifecycle_.Is(Lifecycle::kTorndown))
return fit::error(TeardownTaskPostingError::kRacedWithInProgressTeardown);
// A |CancellationResult| value that will become available in the future.
// |Get| will block until |Set| is invoked once with the value.
class FutureResult {
using Result = TransportWaiter::CancellationResult;
void Set(Result value) {
value_ = value;
Result Get() {
zx_status_t status = sync_completion_wait(&result_ready_, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
return value_;
Result value_ = Result::kOk;
sync_completion_t result_ready_ = {};
std::shared_ptr message_handler_pending = std::make_shared<FutureResult>();
// Attempt to add a task to teardown the bindings. On failure, the dispatcher
// was shutdown; the message handler would notice and perform the teardown.
class TeardownTask : private async_task_t {
static zx_status_t Post(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
std::weak_ptr<AsyncBinding> weak_binding,
std::shared_ptr<FutureResult> message_handler_pending) {
auto* task = new TeardownTask{
zx_status_t status = async_post_task(dispatcher, task);
if (status != ZX_OK)
delete task;
return status;
static void Invoke(async_dispatcher_t* /*unused*/, async_task_t* task, zx_status_t status) {
auto* self = static_cast<TeardownTask*>(task);
struct Deferred {
TeardownTask* task;
~Deferred() { delete task; }
} deferred{self};
TransportWaiter::CancellationResult result = self->message_handler_pending_->Get();
if (result == TransportWaiter::CancellationResult::kDispatcherContextNeeded) {
// Try teardown again from a dispatcher task.
auto binding = self->weak_binding_.lock();
if (!binding) {
// If |weak_binding_| fails to lock to a strong reference, that means
// the binding was already torn down by the message handler. This may
// happen if the dispatcher was shutdown, waking the message handler
// and tearing down the binding.
result = binding->any_transport_waiter_->Cancel();
switch (result) {
case TransportWaiter::CancellationResult::kOk:
case TransportWaiter::CancellationResult::kNotFound:
// The message handler is driving/will drive the teardown process.
case TransportWaiter::CancellationResult::kDispatcherContextNeeded:
ZX_PANIC("Already in dispatcher context");
case TransportWaiter::CancellationResult::kNotSupported:
ZX_PANIC("Dispatcher must support canceling waits");
// If |weak_binding_| fails to lock to a strong reference, that means the
// binding was already torn down by the message handler. This will never
// happen because we return early if a message handler is pending.
auto binding = self->weak_binding_.lock();
auto* binding_raw = binding.get();
// |binding->keep_alive_| is at least another reference.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(binding.use_count() > 1);
// At this point, no other thread will touch the internal reference.
// Either the message handler never started or was canceled.
// Therefore, we can relax any thread checking here, since there are no
// parallel up-calls to user objects regardless of the current thread.
TeardownTask(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, std::weak_ptr<AsyncBinding> weak_binding,
std::shared_ptr<FutureResult> message_handler_pending)
: async_task_t({{ASYNC_STATE_INIT}, &TeardownTask::Invoke, async_now(dispatcher)}),
message_handler_pending_(std::move(message_handler_pending)) {}
std::weak_ptr<AsyncBinding> weak_binding_;
std::shared_ptr<FutureResult> message_handler_pending_;
// We need to first post the teardown task, then attempt to cancel the message
// handler, and block the teardown task until the cancellation result is ready
// using a |FutureResult|. This is because the dispatcher might be shut down
// in between the posting and the cancelling. If we tried to cancel first then
// post a task, we might end up in a difficult situation where the message
// handler was successfully canceled, but the dispatcher was also shut down,
// preventing us from posting any more tasks. Then we would run out of threads
// from which to notify the user of teardown completion.
// This convoluted dance could be improved if |async_dispatcher_t| supported
// interrupting a wait with an error passed to the handler, as opposed to
// silent cancellation.
if (TeardownTask::Post(dispatcher_, self, message_handler_pending) != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(TeardownTaskPostingError::kDispatcherError);
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
if (lifecycle_.DidBecomeBound()) {
// Attempt to cancel the current message handler. On failure, the message
// handler or the teardown task will be responsible for driving the
// teardown process.
} else {
// Only extract the transport when the user explicitly requests unbinding.
// Keep the transport object alive a bit longer if teardown is triggered
// by errors. This is fine since only explicit unbinding APIs might desire
// recovering out the endpoint.
// The subtle reason: the |shared_unbind_info| is not populated until the
// previously posted |TeardownTask| has run. Unfortunately, that means the
// messaging API will not have an error to surface if we both invalidated
// the transport and also have yet to populate |shared_unbind_info|.
if (info.reason() == fidl::Reason::kUnbind) {
return fit::ok(self->ExtractTransportIfUnique());
return fit::ok(MaybeAnyTransport{});
void AsyncBinding::PerformTeardown(std::optional<UnbindInfo> info) {
auto binding = std::move(keep_alive_);
fidl::UnbindInfo stored_info;
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
if (info.has_value())
stored_info = lifecycle_.TransitionToTorndown();
FinishTeardown(std::move(binding), stored_info);
void AsyncBinding::Lifecycle::TransitionToBound() {
state_ = kBound;
did_enter_bound_ = true;
void AsyncBinding::Lifecycle::TransitionToMustTeardown(fidl::UnbindInfo info) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Is(kCreated) || Is(kBound) || Is(kMustTeardown));
if (!Is(kMustTeardown)) {
state_ = kMustTeardown;
info_ = info;
fidl::UnbindInfo AsyncBinding::Lifecycle::TransitionToTorndown() {
fidl::UnbindInfo info = info_;
state_ = kTorndown;
info_ = {};
return info;
// Server binding specifics
std::shared_ptr<AsyncServerBinding> AsyncServerBinding::Create(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fidl::internal::AnyTransport&& server_end,
IncomingMessageDispatcher* interface, ThreadingPolicy threading_policy,
AnyOnUnboundFn&& on_unbound_fn) {
auto binding = std::make_shared<AsyncServerBinding>(dispatcher, std::move(server_end), interface,
threading_policy, ConstructionKey{},
return binding;
std::optional<DispatchError> AsyncServerBinding::Dispatch(
fidl::IncomingHeaderAndMessage& msg, bool* next_wait_begun_early,
internal::MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view) {
auto* hdr = msg.header();
SyncTransaction txn(hdr->txid, this, next_wait_begun_early);
return txn.Dispatch(std::move(msg), storage_view);
void AsyncServerBinding::FinishTeardown(std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding>&& calling_ref,
UnbindInfo info) {
// Stash required state after deleting the binding, since the binding
// will be destroyed as part of this function.
auto* the_interface = interface();
auto on_unbound_fn = std::move(on_unbound_fn_);
// Downcast to our class.
std::shared_ptr<AsyncServerBinding> server_binding =
// Delete the calling reference.
// Wait for any transient references to be released.
std::move(server_binding), &AsyncServerBinding::server_end_,
[&info, the_interface, &on_unbound_fn](fidl::internal::AnyTransport server_end) {
// `this` is no longer valid.
// If required, send the epitaph.
if (info.reason() == Reason::kClose) {
ZX_ASSERT(server_end.type() == fidl_transport_type::kChannel);
info = UnbindInfo::Close(fidl_epitaph_write(server_end.handle(), info.status()));
// Execute the unbound hook if specified.
if (on_unbound_fn)
on_unbound_fn(the_interface, info, std::move(server_end));
// Client binding specifics
std::shared_ptr<AsyncClientBinding> AsyncClientBinding::Create(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, std::shared_ptr<fidl::internal::AnyTransport> transport,
std::shared_ptr<ClientBase> client, AsyncEventHandler* error_handler,
AnyTeardownObserver&& teardown_observer, ThreadingPolicy threading_policy) {
auto binding = std::shared_ptr<AsyncClientBinding>(
new AsyncClientBinding(dispatcher, std::move(transport), std::move(client), error_handler,
std::move(teardown_observer), threading_policy));
return binding;
AsyncClientBinding::AsyncClientBinding(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
std::shared_ptr<fidl::internal::AnyTransport> transport,
std::shared_ptr<ClientBase> client,
AsyncEventHandler* error_handler,
AnyTeardownObserver&& teardown_observer,
ThreadingPolicy threading_policy)
: AsyncBinding(dispatcher, transport->borrow(), threading_policy),
teardown_observer_(std::move(teardown_observer)) {}
std::optional<DispatchError> AsyncClientBinding::Dispatch(
fidl::IncomingHeaderAndMessage& msg, bool*, internal::MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view) {
std::optional<UnbindInfo> info = client_->Dispatch(msg, storage_view);
if (info.has_value()) {
// A client binding does not propagate synchronous sending errors as part of
// handling a message. All client callbacks return `void`.
return DispatchError{*info, fidl::ErrorOrigin::kReceive};
return std::nullopt;
AsyncBinding::MaybeAnyTransport AsyncClientBinding::ExtractTransportIfUnique() {
switch (threading_policy()) {
case ThreadingPolicy::kCreateAndTeardownFromAnyThread: {
return MaybeAnyTransport{};
case ThreadingPolicy::kCreateAndTeardownFromDispatcherThread: {
// If single threaded, by definition, this client cannot have concurrent sync calls due to
// threading restriction.
ScopedThreadGuard guard(thread_checker());
ZX_ASSERT(transport_.use_count() == 1);
// Give up our |transport_|.
return std::move(*std::exchange(transport_, nullptr));
void AsyncClientBinding::FinishTeardown(std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding>&& calling_ref,
UnbindInfo info) {
// Move binding into scope.
std::shared_ptr<AsyncBinding> binding = std::move(calling_ref);
// Stash state required after deleting the binding.
AnyTeardownObserver teardown_observer = std::move(teardown_observer_);
AsyncEventHandler* error_handler = error_handler_;
std::shared_ptr<ClientBase> client = std::move(client_);
// Delete the calling reference.
// We are not returning the transport to the user, so don't wait for transient
// references to go away.
binding = nullptr;
// There could be residual references to the binding, but those are only held
// briefly when obtaining the transport. To be conservative, assume that `this`
// is no longer valid past this point.
// Outstanding async responses will no longer be received, so release the contexts.
client = nullptr;
// Execute the error hook if specified.
if (info.reason() != fidl::Reason::kUnbind) {
if (error_handler != nullptr)
// Notify teardown.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl