blob: 3eab82e0e0db0ebc8afb3447087423a1e8d54ca7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.driver.framework/cpp/driver/wire.h>
#include <lib/driver/component/cpp/driver_base.h>
#include <lib/driver/component/cpp/internal/driver_server.h>
#include <lib/driver/symbols/symbols.h>
#include <lib/driver/testing/cpp/driver_runtime.h>
// This is the exported driver registration symbol that the driver framework looks for.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-reserved-identifier)
extern "C" const DriverRegistration __fuchsia_driver_registration__;
namespace fdf_testing {
using OpaqueDriverPtr = void*;
// The |DriverUnderTest| is a templated class so we pull out the non-template specifics into this
// base class so the implementation does not have to live in the header.
class DriverUnderTestBase : public fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<fuchsia_driver_framework::Driver> {
explicit DriverUnderTestBase(DriverRegistration driver_registration_symbol);
virtual ~DriverUnderTestBase();
// fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<fuchsia_driver_framework::Driver>
void on_fidl_error(fidl::UnbindInfo error) override;
// fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<fuchsia_driver_framework::Driver>
void handle_unknown_event(
fidl::UnknownEventMetadata<fuchsia_driver_framework::Driver> metadata) override;
// Start the driver. This is an asynchronous operation.
// Use |DriverRuntime::RunToCompletion| to await the completion of the async task.
// The resulting zx::result is the result of the start operation.
DriverRuntime::AsyncTask<zx::result<>> Start(fdf::DriverStartArgs start_args);
// PrepareStop the driver. This is an asynchronous operation.
// Use |DriverRuntime::RunToCompletion| to await the completion of the async task.
// The resulting zx::result is the result of the prepare stop operation.
DriverRuntime::AsyncTask<zx::result<>> PrepareStop();
// Stop the driver. The PrepareStop operation must have been completed before Stop is called.
// Returns the result of the stop operation.
zx::result<> Stop();
template <typename Driver>
Driver* GetDriver() {
std::lock_guard guard(checker_);
if (!token_.has_value()) {
return nullptr;
std::is_same_v<decltype(&Driver::template GetInstanceFromTokenForTesting<Driver>),
Driver* (*)(void*)>,
"GetDriver requires that "
"Driver::GetInstanceFromTokenForTesting<Driver> must be a public static templated function "
"with signature 'Driver* (void*)'");
return Driver::template GetInstanceFromTokenForTesting<Driver>(token_.value());
fdf_dispatcher_t* driver_dispatcher_;
async::synchronization_checker checker_;
DriverRegistration driver_registration_symbol_;
std::optional<void*> token_;
fdf::WireClient<fuchsia_driver_framework::Driver> driver_client_ __TA_GUARDED(checker_);
std::optional<fpromise::completer<zx::result<>>> stop_completer_ __TA_GUARDED(checker_);
// This is a RAII wrapper over a driver under test. On construction it initializes the driver server
// and on destruction it destroys the driver server.
// The |Driver| type given in the template is used to provide pass-through `->` and `*` operators
// to the given driver type.
// To use this class, ensure that the driver has been exported into the
// __fuchsia_driver_registration__ symbol using the FUCHSIA_DRIVER macros. Otherwise pass the
// DriverRegistration manually into this class.
// # Thread safety
// This class is thread-unsafe. Instances must be managed and used from a synchronized dispatcher.
// See
// If the driver dispatcher is the foreground dispatcher, the DriverUnderTest does not need to be
// wrapped in a DispatcherBound.
// If the driver dispatcher is a background dispatcher, the suggestion is to
// wrap this inside of an |async_patterns::TestDispatcherBound|.
// The driver registration's initialize and destroy hooks are executed from the context of the
// dispatcher that this object lives on, therefore the driver's initial dispatcher will be this
// same dispatcher.
template <typename Driver = void>
class DriverUnderTest final : public DriverUnderTestBase {
explicit DriverUnderTest(
DriverRegistration driver_registration_symbol = __fuchsia_driver_registration__)
: DriverUnderTestBase(driver_registration_symbol) {}
Driver* operator->() { return static_cast<Driver*>(GetDriver<Driver>()); }
Driver* operator*() { return static_cast<Driver*>(GetDriver<Driver>()); }
} // namespace fdf_testing