blob: d1f01e5ef227ffdd4f1b72ba8a03e993d4c2d0df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.test.input;
using zx;
/// A hardcoded number of max mouse buttons. This should be increased in the future
/// if we ever see mice with more buttons.
const MOUSE_MAX_NUM_BUTTONS uint32 = 32;
/// Identifies various buttons on a standard mouse.
type MouseButton = flexible enum {
/// "Left" mouse button.
FIRST = 0;
/// "Right" mouse button.
/// "Third" mouse button.
THIRD = 2;
/// Identifies the phase of a mouse event.
type MouseEventPhase = flexible enum {
/// The observer has started tracking the mouse.
ADD = 0;
/// The mouse has moved since the last ADD event, without an interceding DOWN
/// event.
HOVER = 1;
/// One or more mouse buttons have been pressed.
DOWN = 2;
/// The mouse has moved since the last DOWN event.
MOVE = 3;
/// All pressed buttons have been released.
UP = 4;
/// The mouse wheel was manipulated.
WHEEL = 5;
/// A tool to inject mouse events into Input Pipeline.
/// Please extend as necessary.
closed protocol Mouse {
/// Injects an input report corresponding to the event specified.
/// NOTE: the `movement` parameters have a range of [-1000, 1000],
/// and the `scroll` parameters have a range of [-100, 100].
strict SimulateMouseEvent(table {
/// Set of buttons that are currently pressed.
/// Must NOT contain duplicates.
1: pressed_buttons vector<MouseButton>:MOUSE_MAX_NUM_BUTTONS;
/// Relative X positional displacement.
2: movement_x int64;
/// Relative Y positional displacement.
3: movement_y int64;
/// Relative vertical scrolling displacement by detent.
4: scroll_v_detent int64;
/// Relative horizontal scrolling displacement by detent.
5: scroll_h_detent int64;
/// Recommended vertical scrolling displacement by physical pixel, it is
/// computed with accelerator, detent / mm to pixel ratio, etc.
6: scroll_v_physical_pixel float64;
/// Recommended horizontal scrolling displacement by physical pixel, it
/// is computed with accelerator, detent / mm to pixel ratio, etc.
7: scroll_h_physical_pixel float64;
}) -> ();
/// A tool for applications to report touch input to interested parties (e.g. a test
/// fixture).
closed protocol MouseInputListener {
/// Report that component under test has received expected input.
strict ReportMouseInput(table {
/// The horizontal coordinate in the reporter's coordinate system.
1: local_x float64;
/// The vertical coordinate in the reporter's coordinate system.
2: local_y float64;
/// The monotonic time (ns) the mouse event was received by the client.
/// Note that this value should be used with caution. Some reporters may not be
/// capable of ns-level precision, but still report in ns-level units.
3: time_received zx.Time;
/// Name of the component to help distinguish responses from multiple components.
/// NOTE: This name is *independent* of component framework, so the reporter and
/// listener are free to agree on an arbitrary value.
4: component_name string:1024;
/// The pressed buttons that the reporter received.
5: buttons vector<MouseButton>:MOUSE_MAX_NUM_BUTTONS;
/// The phase of the mouse event that the reporter received.
6: phase MouseEventPhase;
/// The device pixel ratio of which the reporter is aware.
/// Some reporters may account for this scale factor when converting to local
/// coordinates.
7: device_pixel_ratio float64;
/// The horizontal wheel scroll delta in physical pixels.
8: wheel_x_physical_pixel float64;
/// The vertical wheel scroll delta in physical pixels.
9: wheel_y_physical_pixel float64;