blob: a4afcba1adcf2a538606738a326b9a3b3ecc7361 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.testing.sl4f;
using zx;
/// Implemented by a backend component hosting one or more facades. Used to acquire the list of
/// facades hosted by a `FacadeProvider` instance.
closed protocol FacadeIterator {
strict GetNext() -> (struct {
facades vector<string:MAX>:MAX;
/// Implemented by a backend component hosting one or more facades. A facade must only be hosted by
/// a signel `FacadeProvider` instance.
/// NOTE: The current implementation uses ComponentsV1 and only supports a single `FacadeProvider`
/// instance. This is intended to change and may result in changes to the protocol.
closed protocol FacadeProvider {
/// Connect to a `FacadeIterator` to obtain the list of facades hosted by this `FacadeProvider`.
strict GetFacades(resource struct {
iterator server_end:FacadeIterator;
/// Executes 'command' on 'facade'. Returns an optional result JSON blob and error string.
strict Execute(resource struct {
facade string:MAX;
command string:MAX;
params_blob zx.Handle:VMO;
}) -> (resource struct {
result_blob zx.Handle:<VMO, optional>;
error string:<MAX, optional>;
/// Cleans up any resources and transient state associated with SL4F facades hosted by this
/// `FacadeProvider`. Returns on completion.
strict Cleanup() -> ();
/// Prints the state of all facades hosted by this `FacadeProvider`. Returns on completion.
strict Print() -> ();