blob: 3f45c68b934bd42cc846a65821f2ead72b9e08c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.stresstest;
/// Human-readable name for an action.
alias ActionName = string:512;
/// Describes a single action performed by an actor.
type Action = table {
/// Uniquely identifies an action within a stress test.
/// This member is required.
1: name ActionName;
/// Describes the types of errors that can be returned by an actor.
type Error = flexible union {
/// This is an unstructured error returned by the actor
1: error_string string:512;
/// Iterator for listing available actions.
closed protocol ActionIterator {
/// Returns the next batch of actions. When all actions have been read, an empty
/// vector will be returned.
strict GetNext() -> (struct {
actions vector<Action>:MAX;
/// This protocol is implemented by an actor and exposes ways to query and
/// run actions. Actors expect exactly one connection to the Actor protocol from
/// the test runner during the actor's lifetime.
closed protocol Actor {
/// Enumerate the actions available in this actor.
strict GetActions() -> (resource struct {
iterator client_end:ActionIterator;
/// Runs a single action with a given seed. Returns when the action has completed.
/// If the action failed, the corresponding error message is returned.
strict Run(struct {
action_name ActionName;
seed uint64;
}) -> (struct {
error Error:optional;