blob: 6187401a359c2fe70a3f74afbf3891851952e41f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.starnix.binder;
using zx;
using fuchsia.posix;
const MAX_PATH_LENGTH uint64 = 4095;
const MAX_REQUEST_COUNT uint64 = 16;
alias Fd = int32;
/// The flags associated with an opened file.
type FileFlags = flexible bits : uint64 {
// Permissions
/// The owner can read the file.
/// The owner can write to fhe file.
// Skipping bits for exec and suid bits and for group and other mode if
// they are needed in the future.
// File type
/// The file is a directory.
DIRECTORY = 0b1000000000000;
/// The representation of an open file that can be transferred between the
/// binder device driver and the client.
type FileHandle = resource struct {
/// The handle connecting to the file protocol. If not present, the file
/// should behave as it is was a null file: all read must succeed with empty
/// content and all write must succeed. See `fdio_fd_create_null()`.
file zx.Handle:<optional>;
/// The flags associated with the opened file.
flags FileFlags;
/// Protocol that gives the binder driver access to the client process'
/// resources.
open protocol ProcessAccessor {
/// Writes the contents of `content` to `address` in the process memory,
/// using the vmo content size to determine the number of bytes to write.
flexible WriteMemory(resource struct {
address uint64;
content zx.Handle:VMO;
}) -> () error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Execute the given `request` and returns the associated `response`. Any
/// failure will interrupt further processing and fail this operation and
/// the associated errno will be then returned.
/// The implementator of this protocol should handle these requests as best
/// it can so that a failure doesn't have visible side-effects.
flexible FileRequest(@generated_name("FileRequest") resource table {
/// The list of file descriptor the client must close.
1: close_requests vector<Fd>:MAX_REQUEST_COUNT;
/// The list of file descriptor the client must duplicate and transfer to
/// the binder driver.
2: get_requests vector<Fd>:MAX_REQUEST_COUNT;
/// The list of open file the client must add to its fd table, returning
/// the new minted file descriptors.
3: add_requests vector<FileHandle>:MAX_REQUEST_COUNT;
}) -> (@generated_name("FileResponse") resource table {
// (No ordinal 1 since there is no response for the close operation.)
/// The list of open file retriever for the `get_requests`.
2: get_responses vector<FileHandle>:MAX_REQUEST_COUNT;
/// The list of file descriptors minted for the `add_requests`.
3: add_responses vector<Fd>:MAX_REQUEST_COUNT;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Give access to the binder nodes.
open protocol DevBinder {
/// Open the binder device node.
flexible Open(resource table {
/// The path to the binder device in the starnix process.
/// Mandatory
1: path vector<uint8>:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The service giving the binder driver access to the resources of the client process.
2: process_accessor client_end:ProcessAccessor;
/// The handle to the process that will use the binder driver. It is
/// used by the driver to read the data sent to the driver.
/// Mandatory
3: process zx.Handle:PROCESS;
/// The request to the Binder protocol implementation.
/// Mandatory
4: binder server_end:Binder;
/// Close the binder device node, previously opened with `Open`. The handle
/// is passed back to the service so that it can identify the device being
/// closed.
flexible Close(resource table {
/// The Binder protocol opened previously.
1: binder client_end:Binder;
/// Protocol that allows Starnix to control binder servers and clients in other
/// Fuchsia components.
open protocol RemoteController {
/// Called by the Starnix kernel when it requires the remote Fuchsia
/// component to start servicing the binder protocol.
flexible Start(resource table {
1: dev_binder client_end:DevBinder;
2: lutex_controller client_end:LutexController;
/// Protocol that allows a Fuchsia component to interact with the Linux futexes
/// of a process running inside starnix.
open protocol LutexController {
flexible WaitBitset(@generated_name("WaitBitsetRequest") resource table {
/// The vmo containing the shared address of the futex.
/// Mandatory
1: vmo zx.Handle:VMO;
/// The offset in the vmo where the shared address of the futex is.
/// Mandatory
2: offset uint64;
/// The expected value of the futex.
/// Mandatory
3: value uint32;
/// The bit mask.
/// Optional. If not present, as mask with all bits present will be used.
4: mask uint32;
/// The deadline for the wait operation.
/// Optional. If not present, the operation can block indefinitely.
5: deadline zx.Time;
}) -> () error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
flexible WakeBitset(@generated_name("WakeBitsetRequest") resource table {
/// The vmo containing the shared address of the futex.
/// Mandatory
1: vmo zx.Handle:VMO;
/// The offset in the vmo where the shared address of the futex is.
/// Mandatory
2: offset uint64;
/// Maximum number of waiter to wake.
/// Mandatory
3: count uint32;
/// The bit mask.
/// Optional. If not present, as mask with all bits present will be used.
4: mask uint32;
}) -> (@generated_name("WakeResponse") resource table {
/// The number of waiters that were woken up.
1: count uint64;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// An opened connection to a binder driver.
open protocol Binder {
/// Set the VMO to used as a share resource between the driver and the
/// client. `mapped_address` is the address where the vmo is mapped in the
/// client address space.
flexible SetVmo(resource struct {
vmo zx.Handle:VMO;
mapped_address uint64;
flexible Ioctl(struct {
tid zx.Koid;
request uint32;
parameter uint64;
}) -> () error fuchsia.posix.Errno;