blob: 22e6cdffdc3d2681960349e2460cbb6ddb39a63b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.process.explorer;
using zx;
closed protocol Query {
// Writes to `socket` a JSON containing process information as a
// well-formed UTF-8 string with the following format:
// {
// "Processes":[
// {
// "koid":1097,
// "name":"bin/component_manager",
// "objects":[
// {
// "type":17,
// "koid":41903,
// "related_koid":1033,
// "peer_owner_koid":0
// },
// ...
// ]
// },
// ...
// ]
// }
// TODO( define the schema of data in FIDL and return the data via a response struct
strict WriteJsonProcessesData(resource struct {
socket zx.Handle:<SOCKET, zx.Rights.WRITE | zx.Rights.WAIT>;
type Task = flexible union {
1: job Job;
2: process Process;
3: thread Thread;
closed protocol TaskIterator {
/// Intended to be called in a loop to retrieve all tasks.
/// Will return a task with 0 elements to indicate iterator has been exhausted.
strict GetTasks() -> (struct {
tasks vector<Task>:MAX;
}) error zx.Status;
type VmapType = flexible enum {
NONE = 0;
VMAR = 2;
type Vmap = table {
1: name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
2: base_address uint64;
3: size uint64;
4: depth uint64;
5: type VmapType;
/// Only set if |type| is `VmapType.MAPPING`.
6: mapping Mapping;
type MmuFlags = flexible bits {
READ = 0x0001;
WRITE = 0x0002;
EXECUTE = 0x0004;
type Mapping = table {
1: mmu_flags MmuFlags;
2: vmo_koid zx.Koid;
3: vmo_offset uint64;
4: committed_pages uint64;
closed protocol ProcessExplorer {
/// Errors will be propogated via epitaph on TaskIterator.
strict GetTaskInfo(resource table {
1: iterator server_end:TaskIterator;
strict GetHandleInfo(flexible union {
/// Must be an exact match.
1: process_name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
/// Must be the koid for a process.
2: koid zx.Koid;
}) -> (struct {
handle_info vector<Handle>:MAX;
}) error zx.Status;
strict GetVmaps(flexible union {
/// Must be an exact match.
1: process_name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
/// Must be the koid for a process.
2: koid zx.Koid;
}) -> (struct {
vmaps vector<Vmap>:MAX;
}) error zx.Status;
strict GetStackTrace(flexible union {
/// Must be an exact match.
1: process_name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
/// Must be the koid for a process.
2: koid zx.Koid;
}) -> (struct {
stack_trace string:MAX;
}) error zx.Status;
strict KillTask(flexible union {
/// Must be an exact match.
1: process_name string:zx.MAX_NAME_LEN;
/// May be the koid for a process or job.
2: koid zx.Koid;
}) -> (struct {
koid zx.Koid;
}) error zx.Status;