blob: 2c22e40687f6a6bf599176414a3917543d83522b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.lowpan.experimental;
using fuchsia.lowpan;
using fuchsia.lowpan.device;
type ChannelInfo = table {
/// The index used by the interface to identify
/// this channel.
1: index fuchsia.lowpan.ChannelIndex;
/// Human-readable identifier for channel.
/// For most network types, this is just
/// the string representation of the index.
/// However, some network types might have
/// non-integer ways of identifying specific
/// channels. This field allows the application
/// to display the name of the channel correctly
/// under such circumstances.
/// The allowed characters include:
/// * Dash (`-`), Underscore (`_`), Plus(`+`), Semicolon(`:`)
/// * Numbers (`0`-`9`)
/// * Letters (`a`-`z`, `A`-`Z`)
2: id string:16;
/// The maximum transmit power allowed on
/// this channel, in dBm.
3: max_transmit_power_dbm fuchsia.lowpan.PowerDbm;
/// The center RF frequency of this channel, in Hz.
/// For example, 802.15.4 has the following values:
/// Channel | Center Frequency (Hz)
/// --------|----------------------
/// 11 | 2,405,000,000
/// 12 | 2,410,000,000
/// 13 | 2,415,000,000
/// 14 | 2,420,000,000
/// 15 | 2,425,000,000
/// 16 | 2,430,000,000
/// 17 | 2,435,000,000
/// 18 | 2,440,000,000
/// 19 | 2,445,000,000
/// 20 | 2,450,000,000
/// 21 | 2,455,000,000
/// 22 | 2,460,000,000
/// 23 | 2,465,000,000
/// 24 | 2,470,000,000
/// 25 | 2,475,000,000
/// 26 | 2,480,000,000
4: spectrum_center_frequency_hz uint64;
/// The RF spectrum bandwidth used by this
/// channel where the power level is expected to
/// be higher than -20dBr, in Hz.
/// For example, 802.15.4 channels 11 thru 26 would
/// have the value 2,000,000 (2 MHz).
5: spectrum_bandwidth_hz uint64;
/// Indicates if this channel is masked by the
/// current regulatory domain and is thus unable
/// to be used.
6: masked_by_regulatory_domain bool;
/// Protocol for connecting to [`Device`] on a LoWPAN
/// interface.
closed protocol DeviceConnector {
/// Connects to the [`Device`] protocol on the
/// named LoWPAN interface.
/// The name of the interface can be learned by calling
/// [`fuchsia.lowpan/Lookup.GetDevices()`].
/// If there is an error in processing this request
/// the given channel is closed and an epitaph code used
/// to describe the reason for the failure:
/// * `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT`: The given interface name
/// was not formatted correctly or otherwise invalid.
/// * `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`: No interface was found with the
/// given name.
/// * `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED`: The interface exists but
/// does not support this protocol.
strict Connect(resource struct {
name fuchsia.lowpan.InterfaceName;
server_end server_end:Device;
/// LoWPAN Device Protocol, Experimental Methods.
/// This protocol provides clients with a way to control and
/// monitor the device.
/// Note that aspects of the device that deal with PII must
/// be monitored and controlled via the [`DeviceExtra`] protocol.
closed protocol Device {
/// Returns a vector of information about the
/// channels supported by this interface.
strict GetSupportedChannels() -> (struct {
channels_info vector<ChannelInfo>:fuchsia.lowpan.device.MAX_CHANNELS;
type BeaconInfo = table {
/// The MAC address associated with this beacon.
1: address fuchsia.lowpan.MacAddress;
/// The identity of the network being advertised by
/// this beacon.
2: identity fuchsia.lowpan.device.Identity;
/// RSSI of the beacon, measured in dBm.
/// A value of -128 should be treated as if this
/// field was absent.
3: rssi fuchsia.lowpan.PowerDbm;
/// Link Quality Index (LQI) of the beacon.
/// * A value of 0 should be treated as if this
/// field was absent.
/// * A value of 1 indicates the worst possible
/// quality where the decoded beacon is still valid.
/// * A value of 255 indicates the best possible
/// quality that can be recognized by the radio
/// hardware.
/// * Values 2-254 are intended to represent relative
/// quality levels evenly distributed between the
/// worst and best, with lower values always
/// indicating a worse quality than higher values.
4: lqi uint8;
/// Protocol for returning the results of a network scan operation.
/// Closing the client end of an instance of this protocol will effectively
/// cancel the scan operation.
closed protocol BeaconInfoStream {
/// Called to fetch the next set of received beacons.
/// The last set will have zero items. Once all received
/// beacons have been returned, this channel will close.
strict Next() -> (struct {
beacons vector<BeaconInfo>:fuchsia.lowpan.device.MAX_STREAM_SET_SIZE;
/// Describes the parameters of a network scan.
type NetworkScanParameters = table {
/// Subset of channels to scan.
/// If unspecified, all channels will be scanned.
1: channels vector<fuchsia.lowpan.ChannelIndex>:fuchsia.lowpan.device.MAX_CHANNELS;
/// Transmit power (in dBm to the antenna) for transmitting
/// beacon requests.
/// Note that hardware limitations may cause the actual
/// used transmit power to differ from what is specified.
/// In that case the used transmit power will always be
/// the highest available transmit power that is less than
/// the specified transmit power. If the desired transmit
/// power is lower than the lowest transmit power supported
/// by the hardware, then that will be used instead.
2: tx_power_dbm fuchsia.lowpan.PowerDbm;
/// Protocol for connecting to [`DeviceExtra`] on a LoWPAN
/// interface.
closed protocol DeviceExtraConnector {
/// Connects to the [`DeviceExtra`] protocol on the
/// named LoWPAN interface.
/// The name of the interface can be learned by calling
/// [`fuchsia.lowpan/Lookup.GetDevices`].
/// If there is an error in processing this request
/// the given channel is closed and an epitaph code used
/// to describe the reason for the failure:
/// * `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT`: The given interface name
/// was not formatted correctly or otherwise invalid.
/// * `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`: No interface was found with the
/// given name.
/// * `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED`: The interface exists but
/// does not support this protocol.
strict Connect(resource struct {
name fuchsia.lowpan.InterfaceName;
server_end server_end:DeviceExtra;
/// LoWPAN Device "Extra" Protocol, Experimental Methods.
/// This protocol provides clients with a way to control and
/// monitor aspects of the LoWPAN device that can, either
/// directly or indirectly, leak PII or cryptographic keys.
closed protocol DeviceExtra {
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
/// Forms a new network with the given provisioning parameters.
/// Any unspecified fields that are required by the underlying
/// device or network type will assigned with default values.
/// If the credential is unspecified, a random one will be
/// generated automatically.
/// This method will cause the device to leave any previously
/// provisioned network.
/// Calling this method while the device is not active will
/// implicitly make the device active.
/// Upon success, the device will be active and provisioned
/// for the newly created network.
/// The progress of the operation can be monitored via
/// the `ProvisioningMonitor` protocol instance. The operation
/// may be cancelled by closing the `ProvisioningMonitor`.
/// Calling this method will cause any current form, join, or
/// commission operation to be canceled.
strict FormNetwork(resource struct {
params fuchsia.lowpan.device.ProvisioningParams;
progress server_end:ProvisioningMonitor;
/// Attempts to join a pre-existing nearby network
/// with the given provisioning parameters or joiner parameters.
/// In-band commissioning is supported.
/// Upon success, the device will be active and provisioned
/// for the newly created network.
/// The progress of the operation can be monitored via
/// the `ProvisioningMonitor` protocol instance. The operation
/// may be cancelled by closing the `ProvisioningMonitor`.
/// Calling this method will cause any current form, join, or
/// commission operation to be canceled.
strict JoinNetwork(resource struct {
params JoinParams;
progress server_end:ProvisioningMonitor;
/// Starts an active network scan operation.
/// This scan is used to identify other nearby networks in order
/// to identify channels that should be avoided.
/// The scan operation may be cancelled by closing the stream protocol.
/// If a scan is started while another scan is in progress,
/// the previous scan is allowed to complete before
/// the new scan executes and starts returning results.
/// All scans should be expected to completely occupy the
/// LoWPAN device while it is in progress, preventing other operations
/// from completing until the scan has completed. Additionally, all
/// network packets should be expected to be dropped while a scan is
/// in progress.
/// A [`BeaconInfoStream`] instance could be used to expose coarse
/// location information.
strict StartNetworkScan(resource struct {
params NetworkScanParameters;
stream server_end:BeaconInfoStream;