blob: 4df38dea834c850edaacabb7c16eecd007db2e21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.element;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
/// An interface used to instruct a server to present graphical views, and observe
/// and control the view's lifecycle.
closed protocol GraphicalPresenter {
/// Presents the view described by `view_spec`.
/// If `view_controller_request` is provided, it will be connected to a `ViewController`
/// implemented by the `GraphicalPresenter` server. When the view is dismissed,
/// the `ViewController` channel is closed with a `ZX_OK`, at which point it is safe
/// to clean up resources backing the view. To dismiss the view, the client should
/// call `ViewController.Dismiss()` and wait for the `ZX_OK` epitaph.
/// Not providing a `view_controller_request` handle will make it impossible for the
/// client to observe the view's lifecycle.
/// + `view_spec` describes the view to present
/// + `annotation_controller` a handle to an `AnnotationController`, allowing the
/// `GraphicalPresenter` server to observe and update the view's annotations.
/// + `view_controller_request` an optional request for a controller for the view
/// * error `view_spec` must contain `view_holder_token` and `view_ref` for Gfx views,
/// OR `viewport_creation_token` for Flatland views, but never both. If both are
/// set, error `PresentViewError.INVALID_ARGS` is returned.
/// * error `PresentViewError.INVALID_ARGS` if `spec.view_holder_token` or
/// `spec.view_ref` are missing or invalid.
strict PresentView(resource struct {
view_spec ViewSpec;
annotation_controller client_end:<AnnotationController, optional>;
view_controller_request server_end:<ViewController, optional>;
}) -> () error PresentViewError;
/// An error returned when `GraphicalPresenter` fails to present a view.
type PresentViewError = strict enum {
/// The provided `ViewSpec` is invalid.
/// A description of a view that can be presented by a `GraphicalPresenter`.
type ViewSpec = resource table {
/// The view holder token for the presented Gfx view. Must be unset for
/// Flatland views. One of `view_holder_token` or `viewport_creation_token`
/// must be set.
1: view_holder_token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewHolderToken;
/// The `ViewRef` of the presented Gfx view. Must be unset for Flatland
/// views.
2: view_ref fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRef;
/// The viewport creation token for the presented Flatland view. Must be
/// unset for Gfx views. One of `view_holder_token` or `viewport_creation_token`
/// must be set.
4: viewport_creation_token fuchsia.ui.views.ViewportCreationToken;
/// The initial annotations associated with the presented view. Updates to
/// annotations are observed through the `AnnotationController` passed
/// to `PresentView()`.
/// Optional.
3: annotations Annotations;
/// Gives clients of `GraphicalPresenter` control over an individual view
/// presented through `PresentView()`.
closed protocol ViewController {
/// Instructs the presenter to dismiss the associated view. Once dismissed,
/// the `ViewController` channel is closed with a `ZX_OK` epitaph. At this
/// point, it is safe to clean up any resources (such as terminating
/// a component) backing the view.
/// Clients should call `Dismiss()` prior to closing the `ViewController`
/// channel themselves.
strict Dismiss();
/// An event that signals that the view is now being presented.
strict -> OnPresented();