blob: 964831c3e3b129301072aed6efa25e0a2adc6166 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.component;
using fuchsia.component.sandbox;
using fuchsia.process;
const MAX_NAMESPACE_COUNT uint32 = 32;
@available(added=14, replaced=18)
closed protocol Controller {
/// Start the component, optionally providing additional handles to be given
/// to the component. Returns INSTANCE_ALREADY_RUNNING if the instance is
/// currently running.
strict Start(resource struct {
args StartChildArgs;
execution_controller server_end:ExecutionController;
}) -> () error Error;
/// Returns true if this instance is currently running.
strict IsStarted() -> (resource struct {
is_started bool;
}) error Error;
/// A protocol used to operate on a component.
/// One may get access to a `Controller` when creating a component with the
/// `Realm.CreateChild` method. You may also obtain a `Controller` for an
/// existing child component with the `Realm.OpenController` method.
open protocol Controller {
/// Start the component, optionally providing additional handles to be given
/// to the component. Returns INSTANCE_ALREADY_RUNNING if the instance is
/// currently running.
flexible Start(resource struct {
args StartChildArgs;
execution_controller server_end:ExecutionController;
}) -> () error Error;
/// Returns true if this instance is currently running.
flexible IsStarted() -> (resource struct {
is_started bool;
}) error Error;
/// Returns the dictionary containing the component's exposed capabilities.
flexible GetExposedDictionary(resource struct {
dictionary server_end:fuchsia.component.sandbox.Dictionary;
}) -> () error Error;
type StartChildArgs = resource table {
/// The numbered handles to pass to the component instance.
/// If the runner for the component does not support the numbered handles it
/// is expected to close the handles.
/// If set, the values given here will override the handles given in
/// CreateChildArgs.
1: numbered_handles vector<fuchsia.process.HandleInfo>:MAX_HANDLE_COUNT;
/// The namespace generated by component manager will be extended to include
/// any namespace entries listed here before being given to the component's
/// runner.
/// If there are any conflicting entries, an error will occur when starting
/// the component.
2: namespace_entries vector<NamespaceEntry>:MAX_NAMESPACE_COUNT;
/// A dictionary that contains extra capabilities for the component instance.
3: dictionary client_end:fuchsia.component.sandbox.Dictionary;
@available(added=14, replaced=18)
closed protocol ExecutionController {
/// Initiates a stop action on this component. Once complete, OnStop will be
/// called with the stopped payload.
/// Note that a component may stop running on its own at any time, so it is
/// possible for `OnStop` to be received before `Stop` is called.
strict Stop();
/// When the child is stopped due to `Stop` being called, the child exiting
/// on its own, or for any other reason, `OnStop` is called and then this
/// channel is closed.
strict -> OnStop(struct {
stopped_payload StoppedPayload;
open protocol ExecutionController {
/// Initiates a stop action on this component. Once complete, OnStop will be
/// called with the stopped payload.
/// Note that a component may stop running on its own at any time, so it is
/// possible for `OnStop` to be received before `Stop` is called.
flexible Stop();
/// When the child is stopped due to `Stop` being called, the child exiting
/// on its own, or for any other reason, `OnStop` is called and then this
/// channel is closed.
flexible -> OnStop(struct {
stopped_payload StoppedPayload;
/// A single component namespace entry, which describes a namespace mount point
/// (`path`) and the directory backing it (`directory`). This type is usually
/// composed inside a vector. See `ComponentStartInfo.ns` for more details.
type NamespaceEntry = resource table {
/// The mount point for the directory, including a
/// leading slash. For example: "/pkg", "/svc", or "/config/data".
1: path string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The directory mounted at the above `path`.
2: directory;