blob: fd4d2865714f500c1c1c5bed5197a600effe8f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.component.decl;
/// Config keys can only consist of these many bytes
const CONFIG_KEY_MAX_SIZE uint32 = 64;
/// The string identifier for a config field.
alias ConfigKey = string:CONFIG_KEY_MAX_SIZE;
/// The checksum produced for a configuration interface.
/// Two configuration interfaces are the same if their checksums are the same.
type ConfigChecksum = flexible union {
/// A SHA-256 hash produced over a component's config interface.
1: sha256 array<uint8, 32>;
/// The schema of a component's configuration interface.
type ConfigSchema = table {
/// (Required) Ordered fields of the component's configuration interface.
1: fields vector<ConfigField>:MAX;
/// (Required) Checksum over the config declaration.
2: checksum ConfigChecksum;
/// (Required) Strategy used to resolve config values.
3: value_source ConfigValueSource;
type ConfigSourceCapabilities = table {};
/// Strategies available for resolving configuration values.
type ConfigValueSource = flexible union {
/// (Required) The path within the component's package at which to find config value files.
1: package_path string:MAX;
/// If this is set, then all of the config values are found through CML files.
2: capabilities ConfigSourceCapabilities;
/// Declares a single config field (key + type)
type ConfigField = table {
/// (Required) The identifier for this config field.
/// This key will be used to match overrides.
1: key ConfigKey;
/// (Required) The type of config values. Config values are verified
/// against this layout at build time and run time.
2: type ConfigType;
/// Allowed sources for runtime overrides of this field's value.
3: mutability ConfigMutability;
// The type of a config value
type ConfigType = struct {
layout ConfigTypeLayout;
// This optional is not necessary, but without it,
// FIDL compilation complains because of a possible include-cycle.
// Bug:
parameters vector<LayoutParameter>:<MAX, optional>;
constraints vector<LayoutConstraint>:MAX;
// Defines valid type ids for config fields.
type ConfigTypeLayout = flexible enum {
BOOL = 1;
UINT8 = 2;
UINT16 = 3;
UINT32 = 4;
UINT64 = 5;
INT8 = 6;
INT16 = 7;
INT32 = 8;
INT64 = 9;
STRING = 10;
VECTOR = 11;
// Parameters of a given type layout
type LayoutParameter = flexible union {
// For vectors, this is the type of the nested element.
1: nested_type ConfigType;
// Constraints on a given type layout
type LayoutConstraint = flexible union {
// For strings, this is the maximum number of bytes allowed.
// For vectors, this is the maximum number of elements allowed.
1: max_size uint32;
/// Allowed sources for runtime overrides of a config field's value.
type ConfigMutability = flexible bits {
/// Allow parent components to provide overrides for the configuration field.
/// A configuration value which can be provided to a component.
/// Used both for storing configuration at-rest and in runtime configuration APIs.
type ConfigValue = flexible union {
1: single ConfigSingleValue;
2: vector ConfigVectorValue;
/// A single configuration value.
type ConfigSingleValue = flexible union {
1: bool bool;
2: uint8 uint8;
3: uint16 uint16;
4: uint32 uint32;
5: uint64 uint64;
6: int8 int8;
7: int16 int16;
8: int32 int32;
9: int64 int64;
10: string string:MAX;
/// A vector configuration value.
type ConfigVectorValue = flexible union {
1: bool_vector vector<bool>:MAX;
2: uint8_vector vector<uint8>:MAX;
3: uint16_vector vector<uint16>:MAX;
4: uint32_vector vector<uint32>:MAX;
5: uint64_vector vector<uint64>:MAX;
6: int8_vector vector<int8>:MAX;
7: int16_vector vector<int16>:MAX;
8: int32_vector vector<int32>:MAX;
9: int64_vector vector<int64>:MAX;
10: string_vector vector<string:MAX>:MAX;
/// Contents of the configuration value file. Defines the base values for a component's config.
type ConfigValuesData = table {
/// The concrete values for the component's configuration.
1: values vector<ConfigValueSpec>:MAX;
/// A SHA-256 checksum of the configuration schema. Must match the checksum in the component
/// manifest and config parser library used to resolve the final configuration.
2: checksum ConfigChecksum;
/// An individual configuration value. It is matched against a specific configuration field based
/// on its offset within `ValuesData.values`.
type ConfigValueSpec = table {
1: value ConfigValue;
/// A configuration that has been completely resolved by component manager.
type ResolvedConfig = struct {
fields vector<ResolvedConfigField>:MAX;
checksum ConfigChecksum;
type ResolvedConfigField = struct {
key string:MAX;
value ConfigValue;