blob: 5479c8cc60b4dfa6493ceef48e243e9ab6995b0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.power;
using fuchsia.bluetooth;
using fuchsia.power.battery;
using zx;
/// An identifier of a peripheral that is assigned by the system.
type Identifier = flexible union {
// Identifier reserved for the local device.
1: local_device struct {};
// Unique identifier for peripherals connected via Bluetooth - assigned by the Bluetooth stack.
2: peer_id fuchsia.bluetooth.PeerId;
/// Information about a peripheral.
type Information = table {
/// Mandatory - unique identifier assigned by the system for the peripheral.
1: identifier Identifier;
/// Mandatory - Describes the current battery information of the peripheral.
/// `level_percent` will always be present.
/// `level_status` is optional.
/// The remaining fields in `BatteryInfo` are ignored.
2: battery_info fuchsia.power.battery.BatteryInfo;
/// Protocol used to observe peripherals owned & discovered by the system.
closed protocol Watcher {
/// A hanging get to obtain a list of discovered peripherals and their information.
/// A response is sent only if this list has changed since the last time the client has sent
/// this message. The first call to `Watch` will resolve immediately with the initial set of
/// peripheral information.
/// + request `ids` is a list of identifiers to filter the peripheral information on. Use an
/// empty list to receive updates about all peripherals.
/// - response `peripherals` is a list of information about the requested peripherals.
strict Watch(struct {
ids vector<Identifier>:MAX;
}) -> (struct {
peripherals vector<Information>:MAX;
/// A protocol used to report information about a peripheral to the system.
closed protocol Reporter {
/// Report information about a connected peripheral.
/// Each `Report` request will be acknowledged. The client shall wait for the acknowledgement
/// before sending a subsequent request.
/// + request `info` is the current information associated with the peripheral.
/// - response An empty response will be sent when the server has processed the request.
/// * error Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the provided `info` is invalidly formatted.
strict Report(resource struct {
info Information;
}) -> () error zx.Status;