blob: 29718ca47a9ae208e0b04225b402b871d4e9fe6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
/// Utility which applies sanity checks to make sure we both 1) actually want
/// to execute tests, and 2) are set up to get correct output.
// ignore: one_member_abstracts
abstract class Checklist {
Future<bool> isDeviceReady(List<TestBundle> bundles);
class PreChecker implements Checklist {
final Function(TestEvent) eventSink;
final TestsConfig testsConfig;
required this.eventSink,
required this.testsConfig,
factory PreChecker.fromConfig(
TestsConfig testsConfig, {
required Function(TestEvent) eventSink,
}) {
return PreChecker(
testsConfig: testsConfig,
eventSink: eventSink,
bool hasDeviceTests(List<TestBundle> testBundles) {
return testBundles
.any((e) => !hostTestTypes.contains(e.testDefinition.testType));
Future<bool> isDeviceReady(List<TestBundle> testBundles) async {
if (!hasDeviceTests(testBundles)) return true;
// check for a running update server
bool isPackageServerRunning = await fxCommandRunWithIO(
).then((process) => process.exitCode).then((exitCode) => exitCode == 0);
if (!isPackageServerRunning) {
return false;
if (testsConfig.flags.shouldUpdateIfInBase) {
// if any test is on base, perform an OTA first
Iterable<String> allTestNames = testBundles
.where((e) => e.testDefinition.testType !=
.map((e) =>;
// TODO: update-if-in-base can't handle large numbers of command-line
// arguments. The code below paginates and calls it with batches of
// 50 non-host tests to avoid command line buffer issues. In the future,
// update-if-in-base and is-package-server-running should have pure Dart
// implementations.
Iterable<String> batch;
while ((batch = allTestNames.take(50)).isNotEmpty) {
bool result = await fxCommandRunWithIO(
).then((process) => process.exitCode).then((exitCode) => exitCode == 0);
if (!result) {
return false;
allTestNames = allTestNames.skip(50);
return true;