blob: a1fb5ca13a30e1c729534b9382a18bc343c1c0f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines the configuration of RBE and related global variables.
_host_platform = "${host_os}-${host_cpu}"
# Prebuilt RBE binaries
rbe_common_tools = [
rewrapper_config_file = "//build/rbe/fuchsia-rewrapper.cfg"
reproxy_config_file = "//build/rbe/fuchsia-reproxy.cfg"
declare_args() {
### General RBE controls ###
# Additional reproxy configuration files.
# These are effectively concatenated with the main `reproxy_config_file`
# in order of appearance. Settings in later files in this list take
# precedence over those earlier in the list.
rbe_extra_reproxy_configs = []
rbe_common_configs = [
] + rbe_extra_reproxy_configs
# Toolchain-agnostic RBE scripts and configuration.
# This is used by both the shell and Python implementations.
rbe_common_scripts = [ "//build/rbe/" ]
rbe_common_py_scripts = [
# ` LOGFILE -- command`
# is the same as `command >& LOGFILE`
# but without using the redirection operator.
log_it_script = "//build/rbe/"
rustc_remote_wrapper = "//build/rbe/"
# Dependencies for all RBE-enabled rust actions.
rust_rbe_deps =
rbe_common_tools + rbe_common_scripts + rbe_common_py_scripts + [
# prebuilt_tool_remote_wrapper is needed for remote stripping binaries,
# which is a second remote action inside a rust executable action,
# in build/toolchain/clang_toolchain.gni.
cxx_remote_wrapper = "//build/rbe/"
cxx_link_remote_wrapper = "//build/rbe/"
# Lower overhead, simpler wrapper.
cxx_remote_wrapper_minimalist = "//build/rbe/"
prebuilt_tool_remote_wrapper = "//build/rbe/"
rbe_dlwrap = "//build/rbe/"
rbe_dlwrap_inputs = [
] + rbe_extra_reproxy_configs
declare_args() {
### Rust RBE controls ###
# Set to true to enable distributed compilation of Rust using RBE.
rust_rbe_enable = rbe_settings.rust_enable
# One of:
# * "remote": Execute action remotely on cache miss.
# The remote cache is always updated with this result.
# * "local": Lookup action in the remote cache, but execute action
# locally on cache miss. The locally produced result is
# not uploaded to the remote cache.
# * "remote_local_fallback": Execute action remotely first.
# If that fails, run locally instead. The locally produced
# results are not uploaded to the remote cache.
# * "racing": Race local vs. remote execution, take the first to finish.
# (There are other rewrapper options that are not exposed.)
rust_rbe_exec_strategy = rbe_settings.rust_exec_strategy
# Run one of the more expensive checks, intended for CI.
# All of these require rust_rbe_enable=true.
# One of:
# * "none": No additional check.
# * "determinism":
# Check of determinism of rustc targets by running locally twice
# and comparing outputs, failing if any differences are found.
# Even though this check doesn't involve RBE, it uses the same
# wrapper script, which knows what output files to expect and
# compare.
# Build outputs that depend on time are discouraged because they
# impact caching.
# If your result depends on the current time, this check will
# definitely fail. If it depends on only the date, there is still
# a nonzero chance of failure, if the rerun falls on the next day.
# * "consistency":
# Check consistency between local and remote rust compiles,
# by running both and comparing results.
rust_rbe_check = "none"
# Controls whether or not to download (often large) unstripped Rust
# binaries. When downloading is disabled, the build produces stubs
# that be used to retrieve remote artifacts later using build/rbe/
# TODO(b/284994230): This option is only available to developers,
# and not restricted environments that lack direct network access.
rust_rbe_download_unstripped_binaries =
# Set to true to emit additional .rmeta files when compiling Rust rlibs.
# The .rmeta metadata files can be used by downstream build actions
# to quickly evaluate transitive dependencies (and remote inputs).
# This is required to support skipping downloads of rlibs.
rust_emit_rmeta = true
# TODO(b/42084033): Controls whether or not to download (intermediate)
# rlibs from remote Rust build actions.
rust_rbe_download_rlibs = true
### C++ RBE controls ###
# Set to true to enable distributed compilation of C++ using RBE.
# Enabling this takes precedence over `use_goma`.
cxx_rbe_enable = rbe_settings.cxx_enable
# Set to true to use a fast, minimalist wrapper, that lacks features
# of the python-based wrapper. Use with caution.
# This flag is only meaningful when `cxx_rbe_enable` is true.
cxx_rbe_minimalist_wrapper = true
# One of:
# * "remote": Execute action remotely on cache miss.
# The remote cache is always updated with this result.
# * "local": Lookup action in the remote cache, but execute action
# locally on cache miss. The locally produced result is
# not uploaded to the remote cache.
# * "remote_local_fallback": Execute action remotely first.
# If that fails, run locally instead. The locally produced
# results are not uploaded to the remote cache.
# * "racing": Race local vs. remote execution, take the first to finish.
# (There are other rewrapper options that are not exposed.)
cxx_rbe_exec_strategy = rbe_settings.cxx_exec_strategy
# Run one of the more expensive checks, intended for CI.
# All of these require cxx_rbe_enable=true.
# One of:
# * "none": No additional check.
# * "determinism":
# Check of determinism of C++ targets by running locally twice
# and comparing outputs, failing if any differences are found.
# Even though this check doesn't involve RBE, it uses the same
# wrapper script, which knows what output files to expect and
# compare.
# Build outputs that depend on time are discouraged because they
# impact caching. Known bad preprocessing macros include
# __DATE__ and __TIME__.
# * "consistency":
# Check consistency between local and remote C++ compiles,
# by running both and comparing results.
cxx_rbe_check = "none"
# When any of the {Rust,C++} {determinism,consistency} checks fail,
# copy the artifacts' difference-pairs to this directory for exporting
# from infra builds, and later inspection.
comparison_diagnostics_dir = "$root_build_dir/comparison-reports"
# Controls whether or not to download intermediate .o files.
# When downloading is disabled, the build produces stubs
# that be used to retrieve remote artifacts later using build/rbe/
# TODO(b/284994230): This option is only available to developers,
# and not restricted environments that lack direct network access.
cxx_rbe_download_obj_files = true
### Linking RBE controls ###
# Set to true to enable remote linking using RBE.
# This covers actions that use `ar`, or use `clang` to drive
# linkers like `lld`.
link_rbe_enable = rbe_settings.link_enable
# One of:
# * "remote": Execute action remotely on cache miss.
# The remote cache is always updated with this result.
# * "local": Lookup action in the remote cache, but execute action
# locally on cache miss. The locally produced result is
# not uploaded to the remote cache.
# * "remote_local_fallback": Execute action remotely first.
# If that fails, run locally instead. The locally produced
# results are not uploaded to the remote cache.
# * "racing": Race local vs. remote execution, take the first to finish.
# (There are other rewrapper options that are not exposed.)
link_rbe_exec_strategy = rbe_settings.link_exec_strategy
# Run one of the more expensive checks, intended for CI.
# All of these require link_rbe_enable=true.
# One of:
# * "none": No additional check.
# * "determinism":
# Check of determinism of linking by running locally twice
# and comparing outputs, failing if any differences are found.
# Even though this check doesn't involve RBE, it uses the same
# wrapper script, which knows what output files to expect and
# compare.
# * "consistency":
# Check consistency between local and remote link actions,
# by running both and comparing results.
link_rbe_check = "none"
# Controls whether or not to download (often large) unstripped linker
# outputs. When downloading is disabled, the build produces stubs
# that be used to retrieve remote artifacts later using build/rbe/
link_rbe_download_unstripped_outputs =
remote = [ "--exec_strategy=remote" ]
remote_local_fallback = [ "--exec_strategy=remote_local_fallback" ]
local = [
racing = [ "--exec_strategy=racing" ]
# Dependencies for all RBE-enabled C++ actions.
if (cxx_rbe_minimalist_wrapper) {
cxx_rbe_deps =
rbe_common_tools + rbe_common_scripts + [ cxx_remote_wrapper_minimalist ]
} else {
cxx_rbe_deps =
rbe_common_tools + rbe_common_scripts + rbe_common_py_scripts + [
cxx_link_rbe_deps =
rbe_common_tools + rbe_common_scripts + rbe_common_py_scripts + [
rust_rbe_exec_strategy == "remote" ||
rust_rbe_exec_strategy == "remote_local_fallback" ||
rust_rbe_exec_strategy == "local" || rust_rbe_exec_strategy == "racing",
"Unsupported RBE exec_strategy: \"$rust_rbe_exec_strategy\".")
rust_rbe_check == "none" || rust_rbe_check == "consistency" ||
rust_rbe_check == "determinism",
"rust_rbe_check must be one of {none,consistency,determinism}, but got: ${rust_rbe_check}.")
assert(rust_rbe_download_rlibs || rust_emit_rmeta,
"rust_rbe_download_rlibs=false requires rust_emit_rmeta=true")
assert(cxx_rbe_exec_strategy == "remote" || cxx_rbe_exec_strategy == "local" ||
cxx_rbe_exec_strategy == "remote_local_fallback" ||
cxx_rbe_exec_strategy == "racing",
"Unsupported RBE exec_strategy: \"$cxx_rbe_exec_strategy\".")
cxx_rbe_check == "none" || cxx_rbe_check == "consistency" ||
cxx_rbe_check == "determinism",
"cxx_rbe_check must be one of {none,consistency,determinism}, but got: ${cxx_rbe_check}.")
cxx_rbe_download_obj_files || !cxx_rbe_minimalist_wrapper,
"Skipping downloading .o files is only available with the non-minimalist wrapper.")
link_rbe_check == "none" || link_rbe_check == "consistency" ||
link_rbe_check == "determinism",
"link_rbe_check must be one of {none,consistency,determinism}, but got: ${link_rbe_check}.")