blob: c9208ae95b74ba2c48dc6c765bcf83d12595c100 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Defines the default value of `kernel_zbi_test()` template `generate_cuckoo` parameters.
# When true, all instances of `kernel_zbi_tests()` will default to generating a `cuckoo_zbi_test()`
# which is a full system image generated for exfiltrating instrumentation data from a target system.
generate_cuckoo_tests = false
# Default value for `disabled` parameter for generated `cuckoo_test()`.
# TODO( Cleanup when no longer necessary.
disable_cuckoo_tests = false
cuckoo_kernel_zbi_test_params = {
# List of assembly input groups that the kernel cuckoo zbi will use. Each one may provide
# packages, core realm shards, etc.
input_groups = [
template("_cuckoo_product_bundle") {
assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain)
main_target = target_name
assembled_system_target = "${target_name}.assembled_system"
stub_test_target = "${target_name}.test"
assembled_system_namespace = assembled_system_target
# This creates the target test to run against the cuckoo images, the purpose of
# this test is to trigger coverage collection.
fuchsia_unittest_package(stub_test_target) {
deps = [
test_specs = {
if ((defined(invoker.disabled) && invoker.disabled) ||
disable_cuckoo_tests) {
# A disabled test is marked by an empty environments list.
environments = []
} else {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "environments" ])
isolated = true
product_bundle = main_target
bootup_timeout_secs = default_boot_test_timeout_secs
if (defined(invoker.timeout)) {
bootup_timeout_secs = invoker.timeout
# Generate the assembled system with the provided kernel_zbi.
assembly_kernel_zbi = invoker.kernel_zbi
assembly_kernel_image_name = get_label_info(assembly_kernel_zbi, "name")
if (defined(invoker.kernel_image_name)) {
assembly_kernel_image_name = invoker.kernel_image_name
assembly_input = {
testonly = true
namespace = assembled_system_namespace
image_name = "fuchsia"
kernel_zbi = assembly_kernel_zbi
kernel_image_name = assembly_kernel_image_name
bootfs_labels = board_bootfs_labels
base_packages =
board_package_labels + board_driver_package_labels + [
# This package is needed to provide a fake intl_services
# so that snapshot won't time out trying to collect
# locale and timezone annotations.
cmdline_deps = []
core_realm_definition = "//build/testing:cuckoo-core-realm"
board_config_label = board_configuration_label
allow_eng_platform_bundle_use = true
if (fxfs_blob) {
product_assembly_config_label =
generate_fxfs = true
} else {
if (data_filesystem_format == "fxfs") {
product_assembly_config_label =
} else {
product_assembly_config_label =
generate_fvm = true
generate_fvm_fastboot = generate_fvm && assembly_generate_fvm_fastboot
generate_fvm_nand = generate_fvm && assembly_generate_fvm_nand
generate_vbmeta = use_vbmeta
foreach(input_group, cuckoo_kernel_zbi_test_params.input_groups) {
input_group_label = "//bundles/assembly_input_groups:${input_group}"
assembly_input.base_packages += [ "${input_group_label}.base_packages" ]
assembly_input.cmdline_deps += [ "${input_group_label}.cmdline_deps" ]
assembled_system(assembled_system_target) {
forward_variables_from(assembly_input, "*")
# The following logic to determine the product bundle's partition information
# (including the location of the assembly manifest of the system A contents)
# is a standard dance with product bundles and is replicated from
# similar logic in `boot_test()`.
_partition_config_label = "//boards/partitions:default($default_toolchain)"
if (has_board) {
assert(partitions_config_label != false,
"Need to define partitions_config_label")
_partition_config_label = partitions_config_label
product_bundle(main_target) {
testonly = true
name = main_target
system_a = "${target_out_dir}/${assembled_system_namespace}/images.json"
partitions = get_label_info(_partition_config_label, "target_out_dir") +
"/" + get_label_info(_partition_config_label, "name") +
deps = [
# While it is already a transitive dependency of the assembled system,
# that dependency is subject to package metadata barrier. Accordingly, we
# also depend directly the stub test package so it ends up in main
# repository.
# Composes a bootable kernel zbi test. That is, a zircon kernel that will launch
# a custom user space process instead of component manager.
# Subtargets
# * `${target_name}.cuckoo.assembled_system`
# Specifies a "cuckoo assembled system": an `assembled_system()` that
# contains a test package with a stub test component, and which boots the
# associated ZBI to a full Fuchsia system. This subtarget is only emitted
# if `generate_cuckoo = true`.
# Parameters
# * generate_cuckoo
# - Optional: Whether to generate a cuckoo assembled system and emit the
# `.cuckoo.assembled_system` subtarget (see above).
# - Type: boolean
# - Default: `kernel_zbi_test_generates_cuckoo`
# See zbi_test() for additional parameters.
template("kernel_zbi_test") {
generate_cuckoo = generate_cuckoo_tests
if (defined(invoker.generate_cuckoo)) {
generate_cuckoo = invoker.generate_cuckoo
main_target = target_name
cuckoo_deps = []
if (generate_cuckoo) {
cuckoo_target_name = "${target_name}.cuckoo"
if (default_toolchain == current_toolchain) {
_cuckoo_product_bundle(cuckoo_target_name) {
kernel_zbi = ":$main_target.zbi"
kernel_image_name = "$main_target"
} else {
group(cuckoo_target_name) {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":$cuckoo_target_name($default_toolchain)" ]
cuckoo_deps = [ ":$cuckoo_target_name($default_toolchain)" ]
zbi_test(main_target) {
assert(current_cpu != "")
deps = []
data_deps = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "generate_cuckoo" ])
data_deps += cuckoo_deps
deps += [ "//zircon/kernel" ]