blob: d8a49667c5d36aa1f384ea5f1318541a202a2d62 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Default value for `disabled` parameter for generated `boot_test()`.
# TODO( Cleanup when no longer necessary.
disable_boot_tests = false
# The test runners have no better way to determine that a boot test succeeded
# than to look for an exact string in the console log output. zbi_test()
# targets produce metadata to drive the test runners, which tells them to
# match this particular string. When booted in standalone mode, userboot
# prints this message after the initial process exits iff its return_code was
# zero, but shutting down. This string includes some random data that
# shouldn't appear elsewhere, to avoid false-positive matches.
boot_test_success_string =
# The default timeout for boot tests, which is also the bootup timeout for
# cuckoo tests.
default_boot_test_timeout_secs = 600
_all_emu_envs = [
# Helper template defining a boot test for a particular host architecture. This
# flexibility is needed as we wish to define one for emulators on $target_cpu
# hosts even when $target_cpu != $host_cpu in order to take advantage of KVM,
# HVF, etc.
# Parameters
# * output_name
# - Optional: The name of the associated test.
# - Default: target_name
# * cpu_for_host
# - Required: The host CPU to generate the test for.
# * data_deps, deps
# - Optional: The usual GN meaning.
# See boot_test() for all other parameters.
template("_boot_test") {
main_target = target_name
script_target = "_boot_test.${target_name}.create_script"
toolchain = "//build/toolchain:host_${invoker.cpu_for_host}"
test_script = "$root_out_dir/$"
timeout_secs = default_boot_test_timeout_secs
if (defined(invoker.timeout)) {
if (invoker.timeout != false) {
timeout_secs = invoker.timeout
action(script_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [ "//tools/testing/seriallistener($toolchain)" ]
inputs = [ get_label_info(deps[0], "root_out_dir") + "/seriallistener" ]
outputs = [ test_script ]
script = "//build/testing/"
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
metadata = {
test_runtime_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.metadata)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.metadata, "*")
test_runtime_deps += inputs + outputs
test_spec(main_target) {
target = get_label_info(invoker.label, "label_with_toolchain")
name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
name = invoker.output_name
path = test_script
os = host_os
cpu = invoker.cpu_for_host
isolated = true
product_bundle = name
expects_ssh = false
if ((defined(invoker.disabled) && invoker.disabled) || disable_boot_tests) {
# A disabled test is marked by an empty environments list.
environments = []
timeout_secs = timeout_secs
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$script_target" ]
if (defined(invoker.efi_disk)) {
deps += [ invoker.efi_disk ]
if (defined(invoker.qemu_kernel)) {
deps += [ invoker.qemu_kernel ]
if (defined(invoker.vbmeta)) {
deps += [ invoker.vbmeta ]
if (defined(invoker.zbi)) {
deps += [ invoker.zbi ]
# Specifies a boot test.
# A boot test is a general category of test defined by booting select images on
# a device and declaring success if a certain magic string is written by the
# booted system. This set-up allows us to execute test logic in constrained
# environments (e.g., in physical memory or UEFI) that lack finer command-control
# options for driving testing from the outside or a robust means of exfiltrating
# test results for later analysis.
# While this template does define host-side test target(s) for listening on
# serial for the success string, the contained logic expects to already be run
# after the associated system has been booted as a 'host-target interaction'
# test, specifically with the environment variables of `$FUCHSIA_SERIAL_SOCKET`
# and `$FUCHSIA_DEVICE_TYPE` set, specifying a Unix socket path from which
# serial can be read and a device type (as spelled in
# //build/testing/environments.gni). This eventually define a test that is
# less geared towards automation, but for now boot tests can be discovered and
# run locally with `fx run-boot-test`.
# Subtargets
# * $target_name.product_bundle
# - The associated product_bundle() target, creating a testing product
# bundle based on the images comprising the boot test.
# Parameters:
# * environments
# - Required: A list of environments from those defined as `*_env` variables
# in //build/testing/environments.gni.
# - Type: list of strings
# * zbi, qemu_kernel, vbmeta, efi_disk
# - Optional: A label specifying a ZBI, QEMU kernel, VBMeta, UEFI
# executable, or a bootable UEFI filesystem or disk image, respectively.
# At least one of these parameters must be set, but each on their own is
# optional.
# - Type: label
# * timeout
# - Optional: The test's timeout, in seconds.
# TODO(ihuh): Once we have more data, we can override this with a more
# sensible timeout for each test.
# - Type: int
# - Default: 600 (10 minutes)
# * disabled
# - Optional: When true, the generated image is considered disabled, that
# is any associated test should not be run automatically. Useful for
# generating build artifacts.
# - Type: boolean
# - Default: `disable_boot_tests`
# * assert_no_deps, data_deps, metadata, visibility
# - Optional: Usual GN meanings.
template("boot_test") {
"boot_test(\"$target_name\") must define `environments`")
defined(invoker.zbi) || defined(invoker.qemu_kernel) ||
defined(invoker.vbmeta) || defined(invoker.efi_disk),
"boot_test(\"$target_name\") must define at least one of `zbi`, `qemu_kernel`, `vbmeta`, `efi_disk`")
main_target = target_name
image_manifest_target = "_boot_test.${target_name}.image_manifest"
rebased_image_manifest_target =
product_bundle_target = "$target_name.product_bundle"
image_manifest = "${target_gen_dir}/${main_target}.images.json"
generated_file(image_manifest_target) {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "images" ]
walk_keys = [ "images_barrier" ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = []
if (defined(zbi)) {
deps += [ zbi ]
if (defined(vbmeta)) {
deps += [ vbmeta ]
# For general QEMU support it is convenient to include the default QEMU boot
# shim when one is not explicitly specified, unless we expect to boot an EFI
# disk image.
if (defined(qemu_kernel)) {
deps += [ qemu_kernel ]
} else if (!defined(invoker.efi_disk)) {
deps += qemu_boot_shim.deps
outputs = [ image_manifest ]
# The above generated_file() contains path fields that are relative to the
# build directory. `ffx product create`, however, expects these paths to be
# relative to the manifest itself. To account for the mismatch we run the
# metadata through some simple post-processing.
rebased_image_manifest = "${target_out_dir}/${main_target}.images.json"
action(rebased_image_manifest_target) {
testonly = true
sources = [ image_manifest ]
outputs = [ rebased_image_manifest ]
script = "//build/testing/boot_tests/"
args = [
rebase_path(get_path_info(outputs[0], "dir"), root_build_dir),
rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
deps = [ ":$image_manifest_target" ]
# If the boot test specifies an EFI disk image, then this should be regarded
# as the contents of a bootloader partition. Otherwise, default to the
# board-specific partition contents.
if (defined(invoker.efi_disk)) {
efi_disk_manifest_target = "_boot_test.${target_name}.efi_disk_manifest"
efi_disk_manifest = "${target_gen_dir}/${main_target}.efi_disks.json"
generated_file(efi_disk_manifest_target) {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "images" ]
walk_keys = [ "images_barrier" ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ invoker.efi_disk ]
outputs = [ efi_disk_manifest ]
partition_config_intermediate_path =
partition_config_intermediate_target =
action(partition_config_intermediate_target) {
testonly = true
sources = [ efi_disk_manifest ]
outputs = [ partition_config_intermediate_path ]
script = "//build/testing/boot_tests/"
args = [
rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
deps = [ ":$efi_disk_manifest_target" ]
partition_config_base_path =
partition_config_path = "$partition_config_base_path/partitions_config.json"
partition_config_target =
python_action(partition_config_target) {
testonly = true
binary_label = "//build/assembly/scripts:collect_partitions_config"
depfile_path = "$target_out_dir/$partition_config_target.depfile"
depfile = depfile_path
outputs = [
inputs = [ partition_config_intermediate_path ]
args = [
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile_path, root_build_dir),
deps = [ ":$partition_config_intermediate_target" ]
_partition_config_label = ":$partition_config_target"
} else {
_partition_config_label = "//boards/partitions:default($default_toolchain)"
if (has_board) {
assert(partitions_config_label != false,
"Need to define partitions_config_label")
_partition_config_label = partitions_config_label
partition_config_path =
get_label_info(_partition_config_label, "target_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(_partition_config_label, "name") +
product_bundle(product_bundle_target) {
testonly = true
name = main_target
system_a = rebased_image_manifest
partitions = partition_config_path
deps = [
# If host_cpu != target_cpu, then we make sure to define a separate boot
# test for a target_cpu host in order to take advantage of KVM, HVF, etc.
# TODO(mcgrathr): No riscv64 hosts are available yet.
if (host_cpu != target_cpu && target_cpu != "riscv64") {
hw_envs = invoker.environments + _all_emu_envs - _all_emu_envs
emu_envs = invoker.environments - hw_envs
common_params = {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
output_name = main_target
label = ":$main_target"
deps = [ ":$product_bundle_target" ]
_boot_test("$main_target.emu") {
cpu_for_host = target_cpu
environments = emu_envs
forward_variables_from(common_params, "*")
_boot_test("$main_target.hw") {
cpu_for_host = host_cpu
environments = hw_envs
forward_variables_from(common_params, "*")
group(main_target) {
testonly = true
deps = [
} else {
_boot_test(main_target) {
label = ":$main_target"
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
cpu_for_host = host_cpu
deps = [ ":$product_bundle_target" ]