blob: 79713ed9bf95570f92096859449ee67065c66e5e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Note that all of the Rust targets in this module pass quiet_clippy=true. This prevents the lints
# produced by these targets from failing the build when deny_warnings=true or from being printed
# when deny_warnings=false.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":clippy_test($host_toolchain)" ]
# The dep chain A->B->C will exercise the functionality of both direct and
# transitive deps for A
rustc_binary("a") {
edition = "2021"
name = "a"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [ ":b" ]
source_root = "a/"
sources = [
quiet_clippy = true
rustc_library("b") {
edition = "2021"
name = "b"
deps = [ ":c" ]
source_root = "b/"
sources = [ "b/" ]
quiet_clippy = true
disable_rustdoc = true
rustc_library("c") {
edition = "2021"
name = "c"
source_root = "c/"
sources = [ "c/" ]
quiet_clippy = true
disable_rustdoc = true
if (is_host) {
rustc_library("d") {
edition = "2021"
name = "d"
source_root = "d/"
sources = [ "d/" ]
quiet_clippy = true
disable_rustdoc = true
gen_dir = "gen/build/rust/tests"
host = "host_${host_cpu}"
python_host_test("clippy_test") {
enable_mypy = true
main_source = ""
extra_args = [ host ]
deps = [
metadata = {
# Exclude the test universe crates from the global
# clippy_target_mapping.json since they have intentional errors.
clippy_barrier = []
host_test_data("copy_clippy") {
sources = [
deps = [
# explicit dependency on "a" is required so that the metadata walk finds
# it and its deps even though we never need to build them
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/out/default/$gen_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
host_test_data("copy_other_toolchain") {
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/$host/$gen_dir/d.clippy" ]
deps = [
# "d" dep necessary for metadata collection
outputs =
[ "$target_gen_dir/out/default/$host/$gen_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
host_test_data("copy_script") {
sources = [
outputs = [
host_test_data("copy_default_toolchain") {
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/default_toolchain_name.txt" ]
deps = [ "//:default_toolchain_name.txt($default_toolchain)" ]
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/out/default/{{source_file_part}}" ]
_clippy_target_mapping = "$target_gen_dir/clippy_target_mapping.json"
host_test_data("copy_clippy_target_mapping") {
sources = [ _clippy_target_mapping ]
deps = [ ":gen_clippy_target_mapping" ]
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/out/default/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# Create a version of //${build_dir}/clippy_target_mapping.json which has
# this test's "universe", which consists of only the crates defined here.
generated_file("gen_clippy_target_mapping") {
outputs = [ _clippy_target_mapping ]
output_conversion = "json"
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "rust_source_map" ]
walk_keys = [ "clippy_barrier" ]
deps = [