blob: 6c878a24c628fd1465eb7392cf0a3c44ffedb47b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""General table-formatting utilities.
Tables are just Sequence[Sequence[Any]], where the number of elements
in each row is required to be the same.
import sys
from typing import Any, Iterable, Sequence
def create_row(num_cols: int, init: Any = None) -> list[Any]:
"""Create and populate one row with initial values."""
# Use list comprehension instead of list replication to avoid referencing
# the same object from each cell.
return [init for _ in range(num_cols)]
def create_table(
num_rows: int, num_cols: int, init: Any = None
) -> list[list[Any]]:
"""Create and populate a sized table with initial values."""
# Use list comprehension instead of list replication to avoid referencing
# the same object from each cell.
return [create_row(num_cols, init) for _ in range(num_rows)]
def human_readable_size(
size: int, unit: str = "B", decimal_places: int = 2
) -> str:
"""Print number in human-readable notation, like KiB, MiB.
adapted from source:
size: number (any numeric type)
unit: e.g. "B" for bytes
decimal_places: precision for formatted number.
formatted number (str)
for suffix in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi"]:
if size < 1024.0 or suffix == "Pi":
size = int(size / 1024)
return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f} {suffix}{unit}"
def auto_size_column_widths(table: Sequence[Sequence[Any]]) -> Sequence[int]:
"""Given a row-major table, compute the max-width of each column.
Widths are determined using the str() representation of each cell.
You can also pass string values if you've already pre-formatted
numbers to a specific representation, e.g. using `human_readable_size()`.
Sequence of column widths.
return [
max(*[len(str(row[c])) for row in table]) for c in range(len(table[0]))
def make_table_header(columns: Sequence[str], title: str = "") -> Sequence[str]:
"""Build a table row that can be used as a table header."""
return [title, *columns]
def make_separator_row(
num_columns: int, title: str = "", fill: str = ""
) -> Sequence[str]:
"""Build a table row that can be used as a vertical separator."""
return [title] + ([fill] * num_columns)
def make_row_formatter(
alignments: Sequence[str], column_widths: Sequence[int], separator: str
) -> str:
"""Construct a format string based on desired cell alignments and widths.
alignments: '<' for left, '^' for center, '>' for right (str.format()).
A .format()-able string that expects row values as positional arguments.
Typical use: result.format(*row_or_array)
return separator.join(
f"{{{i}:{align}{width}}}" # positional index, alignment specifier, width
for i, (align, width) in enumerate(zip(alignments, column_widths))
def format_numeric_table(table: Sequence[Sequence[str]]) -> Iterable[str]:
# Format table using fitted column widths.
column_widths = auto_size_column_widths(table)
alignments = ["<"] + [">"] * (
len(column_widths) - 1
) # left, followed by rights
row_formatter = make_row_formatter(alignments, column_widths, " ")
for row in table:
yield row_formatter.format(*row)