blob: 4d82c74a12f582af6a6f35f8b508282f43b25235 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Public Fuchsia rules.
load("//fuchsia/private:fuchsia_api_level.bzl", "fuchsia_api_level")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# Specifies all of the starlark files in this repo
name = "bzl_srcs",
srcs = [
# These are the top level public API that users should import.
# Do not use a glob here to avoid adding public files that we do not
# want to expose.
# These are the fuchsia specific files that are loaded by the top level
# files.
# External libraries that get loaded by our rules
# We cannot depend on @bazel_tools//tools:bzl_srcs since it will pull in
# rules_java which we do not want to depend on. Depend on the specific
# files instead of the filegroup for bazel_tools
# Specifies the API level to use when building a package. A user can set this
# flag on the command line to override the package level or they can set it on
# their package. If left empty, the build will fail.
# LINT.IfChange
name = "fuchsia_api_level",
# LINT.ThenChange(private/fuchsia_api_level.bzl)
build_setting_default = "",
# LINT.IfChange
name = "repository_default_fuchsia_api_level",
# LINT.ThenChange(private/fuchsia_transition.bzl)
build_setting_default = "",
# Set --@fuchsia_sdk//:assembly_developer_overrides_list=<label>
# to point to a fuchsia_assembly_developer_overrides_list() target.
name = "assembly_developer_overrides_list",
build_setting_default = ":empty_assembly_developer_overrides_list",
name = "empty_assembly_developer_overrides_list",
# Toolchain type for the Fuchsia toolchain.
name = "toolchain",