blob: cbfb953abde2bd9450c9a2f0d7bccdac7e64e562 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Definitions related to the prebuilt Linux sysroot used by Fuchsia."""
# Location of Linux sysroot in the platform build.
# Should we move this to a repository to be shared with the SDK?
_linux_sysroot = "prebuilt/third_party/sysroot/linux"
# List of all CPU architectures present in the current Linux sysroot.
# Each linux_sysroot_${arch} filegroup() should exclude those that do not
# correspond to its architecture, to avoid polluting the sandbox with
# un-necessary files.
_linux_sysroot_archs = [
def linux_sysroot(name, sysroot_arch, sysroot_path = _linux_sysroot):
"""Generates a filegroup() target that exposes a Linux sysroot for a given CPU architecture.
name: name of the generated filegroup().
sysroot_arch: target CPU architecture for the filegroup, must be
one of the values listed in _linux_sysroot_archs above.
sysroot_path: path to the top-level sysroot directory.
if sysroot_arch not in _linux_sysroot_archs:
fail("The sysroot_arch parameter must be one of: %s" % _linux_sysroot_archs)
glob_patterns = [
# This file is the dynamic linker configuration script. Not sure whether this is really required.
sysroot_path + "/etc/{arch}-linux-gnu.conf",
# This directory contains low-level system libraries related to the C library and dynamic linker
sysroot_path + "/lib/{arch}-linux-gnu/**",
# This directory contains crtbeginS.o and similar C runtime files. The 4.9 is hard-coded intentionally by Clang.
sysroot_path + "/usr/lib/gcc/{arch}-linux-gnu/4.9/**",
# This directory contains higher-level system libraries (e.g. and crt1.o / crti.o / crtn.o
sysroot_path + "/usr/lib/{arch}-linux-gnu/**",
# This directory contains system headers.
sysroot_path + "/usr/include/**",
# The location of the dynamic linker is different for x64 compared to other architectures.
if sysroot_arch == "x86_64":
glob_patterns.append(sysroot_path + "/lib64/")
glob_patterns.append(sysroot_path + "/lib/ld-linux-{arch}.so.*")
patterns = [
pattern.format(arch = sysroot_arch)
for pattern in glob_patterns
exclude = [
for arch in _linux_sysroot_archs
if arch != sysroot_arch
name = name,
srcs = native.glob(
exclude = exclude,
exclude_directories = 1,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],