blob: 3f6d66855d3cc378f0866aa2426356372790a86b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
A set of repository rules used by the Bazel workspace for the Fuchsia
platform build.
def _ninja_target_from_gn_label(gn_label):
"""Convert a GN label into an equivalent Ninja target name"""
# E.g.:
# //build/bazel:something(//build/toolchain/fuchsia:x64)
# --> build/bazel:something
# //build/bazel/something:something(//....)
# --> build/bazel:something
# This assumes that all labels are in the default toolchain (since
# otherwise the corresponding Ninja label is far too complex to compute).
ninja_target = gn_label.split("(")[0].removeprefix("//")
dir_name, _, target_name = ninja_target.partition(":")
if dir_name.endswith("/" + target_name):
ninja_target = dir_name.removesuffix(target_name).removesuffix("/") + ":" + target_name
return ninja_target
def _gn_label_decompose(gn_label):
"""Decompose a GN label into a directory name and a target name."""
gn_label = gn_label.split("(")[0] # Remove toolchain suffix if present.
gn_dir, colon, gn_name = gn_label.partition(":")
if colon != ":":
gn_dir = gn_label
sep = gn_label.rfind("/")
if sep < 2:
fail("Invalid GN label does not start with //: " + gn_label)
gn_name = gn_label[sep + 1:]
return gn_dir, gn_name
##### gn_targets_repository()
def _gn_targets_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
# The files generated by //build/bazel/scripts/
# Note that these attributes are strings, not labels, because the files
# will _not_ necessarily exist, due to the following contraints:
# - These files are modified by several distinct Ninja actions
# (each one corresponding to a single GN bazel_action() target), as
# such, they cannot be listed as outputs of any Ninja target, as this
# would ruin Ninja no-op checks.
# - These files may not exist in certain cases, for example, starting
# with a clean build, then doing `fx build bazel_workspace`, then
# `fx bazel query @gn_targets//:*` would force this repository rule
# to run without them.
# Using a label attribute would fail to run the repository run entirely
# because Bazel would complain about missing files. The error message
# is extremely confusing, so instead, do a soft-detect in the rule
# with a better error message.
# - This repository rule should still be run every time the content of
# this file changes, hence the need to track them, by calling
# repo_ctx.path(Label("@//:<path>")), which appends their path and
# content hash to `$OUTPUT_BASE/external/@gn_targets.marker`, the
# file used by Bazel to track such content.
# - These files are re-generated with different content by Ninja build
# actions of GN bazel_action() targets. I.e. they are mo
# - Due to this, they cannot be listed as
# These files may not exist,
# Path to the files generated by //build/bazel/scripts/
# for each bazel_action() GN target. Note that these are string attributes
# because the files may not exist when setting up the Bazel workspace!
inputs_manifest_str = repo_ctx.attr.inputs_manifest
all_licenses_spdx_json_str = repo_ctx.attr.all_licenses_spdx_json
inputs_manifest_path = repo_ctx.workspace_root.get_child(inputs_manifest_str)
all_licenses_spdx_path = repo_ctx.workspace_root.get_child(all_licenses_spdx_json_str)
# The file may not exist if this rule is run manually before any
if not inputs_manifest_path.exists:
fail("Missing generated file: %s" % inputs_manifest_path)
if not all_licenses_spdx_path.exists:
fail("Missing generated file: %s" % all_licenses_spdx_path)
# Ensure that this repository rule is re-run every time the content of
# these files changes.
repo_ctx.path(Label("@//:" + inputs_manifest_str))
repo_ctx.path(Label("@//:" + all_licenses_spdx_json_str))
# The Ninja output directory is passed by the launcher script at
# $BAZEL_TOPDIR/bazel as an environment variable.
# This is the root directory for all source entries in the manifest.
# Create a //:ninja_output symlink in the repository to point to it.
ninja_output_dir = repo_ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_FUCHSIA_NINJA_OUTPUT_DIR"]
source_prefix = ninja_output_dir + "/"
# The top-level directory that will contain symlinks to all Ninja output
# files. For example //_ninja_build_dir:obj/src/foo/
build_dir_name = "_files"
all_files = []
all_dir_links = []
# Build a { bazel_package -> { gn_target_name -> entry } } map.
package_map = {}
for entry in json.decode(
bazel_package = entry["bazel_package"]
bazel_name = entry["bazel_name"]
name_map = package_map.setdefault(bazel_package, {})
name_map[bazel_name] = entry
# Create the //targets/{gn_dir}/BUILD.bazel file for each GN directory.
# Every target defined in {gn_dir}/ that is part of the manifest
# will have its own filegroup() entry with the corresponding target name.
for bazel_package, name_map in package_map.items():
default_applicable_licenses = ["//:all_licenses_spdx_json"],
default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
dir_names = []
for bazel_name, entry in name_map.items():
file_links = entry.get("output_files", [])
for file in file_links:
target_path = source_prefix + file
link_path = "%s/%s" % (build_dir_name, file)
# Create //_files/{ninja_path} as a symlink to the Ninja output location.
repo_ctx.symlink(target_path, link_path)
content += '''
# From GN target: {label}
name = "{name}",
srcs = '''.format(label = entry["generator_label"], name = bazel_name)
if len(file_links) == 1:
content += '["_files/%s"],\n' % file_links[0]
content += "[\n"
for file in file_links:
content += ' "_files/%s",\n' % file
content += " ],\n"
content += ")\n"
dir_link = entry.get("output_directory", "")
if dir_link:
target_path = source_prefix + dir_link
link_path = "%s/%s" % (build_dir_name, dir_link)
content += '''
# From GN target: {label}
name = "{name}",
srcs = glob(["{ninja_path}/**"], exclude_directories=1),
'''.format(label = entry["generator_label"], name = bazel_name, ninja_path = link_path)
# Create //_files/{ninja_path} as a symlink to the real path.
repo_ctx.symlink(target_path, link_path)
# Create //{gn_dir}/{bazel_name}.directory as a symlink to //_files/{ninja_path}
repo_ctx.symlink(link_path, "%s/" % (bazel_package, bazel_name))
dir_names.append(bazel_name + ".directory")
if dir_names:
content += "exports_files([\n"
for dir in dir_names:
content += " \"%s\",\n" % dir
content += "])\n"
repo_ctx.file("%s/BUILD.bazel" % bazel_package, content, executable = False)
repo_ctx.symlink(build_dir_name, "%s/_files" % bazel_package)
# The symlink for the special all_licenses_spdx.json file.
# IMPORTANT: This must end in `.spdx.json` for license classification to work correctly!
repo_ctx.symlink(all_licenses_spdx_path, "all_licenses.spdx.json")
# The content of BUILD.bazel
build_content = '''# AUTO-GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT
load("@rules_license//rules:license.bzl", "license")
# This contains information about all the licenses of all
# Ninja outputs exposed in this repository.
# IMPORTANT: package_name *must* be "Legacy Ninja Build Outputs"
# as several license pipeline exception files hard-code this under //vendor/...
name = "all_licenses_spdx_json",
package_name = "Legacy Ninja Build Outputs",
license_text = "all_licenses.spdx.json",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
repo_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_content)
# Workspace declaration (required but unused in practice)
repo_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", 'workspace(name = "{name}\n")'.format(name =
repo_ctx.file("MODULE.bazel", 'module(name = "{name}", version = "1"),\n'.format(name =
gn_targets_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _gn_targets_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository exposing Ninja outputs with Bazel filegroups.",
attrs = {
"inputs_manifest": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Path to input manifest file, relative to workspace root.",
"all_licenses_spdx_json": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Path to SPDX file containing all license information, relative to workspace root.",
##### googletest_repository()
def _googletest_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
"""Create a @com_google_googletest repository that supports Fuchsia."""
workspace_dir = str(repo_ctx.workspace_root)
# IMPORTANT: keep this function in sync with the computation of
# generated_repository_inputs['com_google_googletest'] in
# //build/bazel/
if hasattr(repo_ctx.attr, "content_hash_file"):
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/" + repo_ctx.attr.content_hash_file)
# This uses a git bundle to ensure that we can always work from a
# Jiri-managed clone of //third_party/googletest/src/. This is more reliable
# than the previous approach that relied on patching.
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/scripts/"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/third_party/googletest/src"),
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/patches/googletest/fuchsia-support.bundle"),
quiet = False, # False for debugging.
googletest_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _googletest_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository rule used to create a googletest repository that " +
"properly supports Fuchsia through local patching.",
attrs = {
"content_hash_file": attr.string(
doc = "Path to content hash file for this repository, relative to workspace root.",
mandatory = False,
##### boringssl_repository()
def _boringssl_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
"""Create a @boringssl repository."""
workspace_dir = str(repo_ctx.workspace_root)
dest_dir = repo_ctx.path(".")
src_dir = repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/third_party/boringssl")
# IMPORTANT: keep this function in sync with the computation of
# generated_repository_inputs['boringssl'] in
# //build/bazel/
if hasattr(repo_ctx.attr, "content_hash_file"):
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/" + repo_ctx.attr.content_hash_file)
# Link the contents of the repo into the bazel sandbox. We cannot use a
# local_repository here because we need to execute the python script below
# which generates the build file contents.
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/scripts/"),
quiet = False, # False for debugging.
# Copy the generated files into the workspace root
generated_files = [
for generated_file in generated_files:
content =
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/third_party/boringssl/" + generated_file),
content = content,
executable = False,
# Add a BUILD file which exposes the cc_library target.
repo_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", content =
repo_ctx.path(workspace_dir + "/build/bazel/local_repositories/boringssl/BUILD.boringssl"),
), executable = False)
boringssl_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _boringssl_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository rule used to create a boringssl repository that " +
"has build files generated for Bazel.",
attrs = {
"content_hash_file": attr.string(
doc = "Path to content hash file for this repository, relative to workspace root.",
mandatory = False,
##### fuchsia_build_info_repository()
def _fuchsia_build_info_repository_impl(repo_ctx):
# Extract labels as soon as possible.
file_path = repo_ctx.path(repo_ctx.attr._gn_build_args_txt)
args_json_path = repo_ctx.path(repo_ctx.attr.args)
# Read args.json
args = json.decode(
# Parse the list file to generate the content of args.bzl
args_contents = """# AUTO-GENERATED BY fuchsia_build_info_repository() RULE - DO NOT EDIT
# Avoid Gerrit warnings by constructing the linting prefixes with string concatenation.
lint_change_if_prefix = "LINT." + "IfChange("
lint_change_then_prefix = "LINT." + "ThenChange("
lint_change_if_start_line = -1
pending_lines = ""
line_count = 0
for line in
line_count += 1
line = line.strip()
if not line: # Ignore empty lines
if line[0] == "#":
comment = line[1:].lstrip()
if comment.startswith(lint_change_if_prefix):
if pending_lines:
fail("{}:{}: Previous {} at line {} was never closed!".format(
lint_change_if_start_line = line_count
if comment.startswith(lint_change_then_prefix):
source_start = len(lint_change_then_prefix)
source_end = comment.find(")", source_start)
if source_end < 0:
fail("{}:{}: Unterminated {} line: {}".format(
source_path = comment[source_start:source_end]
args_contents += "# From {}\n".format(source_path) + pending_lines + "\n"
pending_lines = ""
# Skip other comment lines.
name_end = line.find(":")
if name_end < 0:
fail("{}:{}: Missing colon separator: {}".format(file_path, line_count, line))
varname = line[0:name_end]
vartype = line[name_end + 1:].strip()
if vartype == "bool":
value = args.get(varname, False)
pending_lines += "{} = {}\n".format(varname, value)
elif vartype == "string":
value = args.get(varname, "")
pending_lines += "{} = \"{}\"\n".format(varname, value)
elif vartype == "string_or_false":
if not args.get(varname):
value = ""
value = args[varname]
pending_lines += "{} = \"{}\"\n".format(varname, value)
fail("{}:{}: Unknown type name '{}': {}".format(
if pending_lines:
fail("{}:{}: {} statement was never closed!".format(
repo_ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", "workspace(name = {})\n".format(
repo_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", "")
repo_ctx.file("args.bzl", args_contents)
fuchsia_build_info_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_build_info_repository_impl,
doc = "A repository holding information about the current Fuchsia build configuration.",
attrs = {
"args": attr.label(
doc = "args.json source file label.",
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
"_gn_build_args_txt": attr.label(
doc = "Input file used to list all imported GN build arguments.",
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//:build/bazel/gn_build_args.txt",