blob: 46d172299c61b8a1688dbade7bc8bc78e4570452 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use argh::FromArgs;
use assembly_config_schema::BuildType;
use assembly_util::{
BlobfsCompiledPackageDestination, BootfsCompiledPackageDestination, BootfsDestination,
BootfsPackageDestination, PackageDestination,
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
/// Produce the bootfs/packages allowlist for assembly-generated files.
struct Args {
/// the path to the output packages allowlist.
static_packages: Utf8PathBuf,
/// the path to the output bootfs packages allowlist.
bootfs_packages: Utf8PathBuf,
/// the path to the output bootfs file allowlist.
bootfs_files: Utf8PathBuf,
/// build type of the product.
build_type: BuildType,
/// Used to filter destinations by if they are assembly generated or not.
trait AssemblyGenerated {
fn assembly_generated(&self) -> bool;
impl AssemblyGenerated for PackageDestination {
/// Is this destination generated by assembly ? (true)
/// Or provided to it? (false)
fn assembly_generated(&self) -> bool {
match self {
// These are all provided to assembly:
| Self::FromBoard(_)
| Self::FromProduct(_)
| Self::FromDeveloper(_)
| Self::ForTest => false,
// Everything else is assembly-generated.
_ => true,
/// This generates the static packages allowlist, based on the build-type of the
/// system being assembled. Some assembly-generated packages are only created
/// in certain build-types.
fn get_static_packages_allowlist(build_type: &BuildType) -> Vec<String> {
let mut static_packages: Vec<String> = PackageDestination::iter()
// This script only returns assembly-generated files.
// Files from AIBs or the product are collected and merged in a separate process.
if v.assembly_generated() {
match (v, build_type) {
// Shell commands are not included on user builds
(PackageDestination::ShellCommands, BuildType::User) => None,
// But are included on all others.
(a @ PackageDestination::ShellCommands, _) => Some(a.to_string()),
// All other packages created by assembly are added in all
// builds.
(a @ _, _) => Some(a.to_string()),
} else {
let mut compiled_packages: Vec<String> = BlobfsCompiledPackageDestination::iter()
.filter_map(|v| match (v, build_type) {
// Toolbox should not be included on user.
(BlobfsCompiledPackageDestination::Toolbox, BuildType::User) => None,
// But is included on all others.
(a @ BlobfsCompiledPackageDestination::Toolbox, _) => Some(a.to_string()),
// All other packages created by assembly are added in all
// builds.
(a @ _, _) => Some(a.to_string()),
static_packages.append(&mut compiled_packages);
impl AssemblyGenerated for BootfsPackageDestination {
/// Is this destination generated by assembly ? (true)
/// Or provided to it? (false)
fn assembly_generated(&self) -> bool {
match self {
// Package in bootfs that come from AIB, Boards, or are for testing
// assembly itself are not "assembly generated".
Self::FromAIB(_) | Self::FromBoard(_) | Self::FromDeveloper(_) | Self::ForTest => false,
// Everything else is assembly-generated.
_ => true,
fn get_bootfs_packages_allowlist() -> Vec<String> {
let mut bootfs_packages: Vec<String> = BootfsPackageDestination::iter()
// This script only returns assembly-generated files.
// Files from AIBs are collected and merged in a separate process.
if v.assembly_generated(){
} else {
let mut compiled_packages: Vec<String> =
BootfsCompiledPackageDestination::iter().map(|a| a.to_string()).collect();
bootfs_packages.append(&mut compiled_packages);
fn main() {
let args: Args = argh::from_env();
let static_packages = get_static_packages_allowlist(&args.build_type);
std::fs::write(args.static_packages, static_packages.join("\n"))
.expect("Writing packages allowlist");
let bootfs_packages = get_bootfs_packages_allowlist();
std::fs::write(args.bootfs_packages, bootfs_packages.join("\n"))
.expect("Writing bootfs packages allowlist");
let mut bootfs_files: Vec<String> = BootfsDestination::iter()
.filter_map(|v| match v {
// This script only returns assembly-generated files.
// Files from AIBs are collected and merged in a separate process.
| BootfsDestination::ForTest
| BootfsDestination::SshAuthorizedKeys => None,
a @ _ => Some(a.to_string()),
std::fs::write(args.bootfs_files, bootfs_files.join("\n")).expect("Writing bootfs allowlist");