blob: 62308bd18a8e4b5e80128efdaea2c234218f966a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Path to the file containing the authorized keys that are able to connect via
# ssh. This is in the format used by Bazel, and by GN's labels, but not by
# GN's file path syntax:
# authorized_ssh_keys_label = "//path/to/folder:file_name"
# To GN, this path _should_ be:
# "//path/to/folder/file_name"
# But to pass it as a file to the Bazel build, we need to use the "label"
# syntax, which is going to be fixed up below.
# LINT.IfChange
authorized_ssh_keys_label = false
# LINT.ThenChange(//build/bazel/gn_build_args.txt)
# Set the default value for the path to the file.
authorized_ssh_keys_path = false
# Convert the "label" syntax into a file-path syntax if a value was set.
if (authorized_ssh_keys_label != false) {
_authorized_keys_dir = get_label_info(authorized_ssh_keys_label, "dir")
_authorized_keys_file = get_label_info(authorized_ssh_keys_label, "name")
authorized_ssh_keys_path = "${_authorized_keys_dir}/${_authorized_keys_file}"