blob: 58fd3e27e22dc703b25034ac6ffe3860ba3388e0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Creates a Board Input Bundle, which provides packages and drivers to
# assembly to provide support for some piece of hardware (such as a board, or a
# peripheral used by multiple boards).
# NOTE: This template DOES NOT use GN metadata, all labels for packages must be
# the actual target that creates the package.
# Parameters
# Main Board Input Bundle
# drivers (optional)
# [list, GN scopes] A list of GN scopes that hold the driver packages to
# include. Packages listed will be included automatically in the specified
# package set.
# The scope must have the following fields:
# - `package_target` pointing to the GN target of the fuchsia_package
# - `package_set` naming the appropriate set for the package, which is one
# of the following:
# - base
# - bootfs
# - `driver_components` containing a list of relative paths to driver
# components provided by the package, e.g. "meta/"
# Example:
# {
# package_target = "//path/to/package:target"
# package_set = "base"
# driver_components = [ "meta/my_driver" ]
# }
# base_packages, bootfs_packages
# [list, GN labels] A list of GN labels of fuchsia_package targets to
# include in the base or bootfs package set (respectively).
# Note: These are direct labels for specific targets, not deps to walk for
# metadata. If the target isn't a package target, it will cause an error
# like:
# "no dependency provides the input <package_name>/package_manifest.json"
# kernel_cmdline (optional: default: [])
# [list of strings] Kernel cmdline arguments.
# configuration (optional: default: {})
# [GN scope] A scope of fields of configuration files provided by this board
# input bundle. All are optional.
# Fields:
# - cpu_manager: configuration for the cpu_manager system.
# - power_manager: configuration for the power_manager system.
# - power_metrics_recorder: configuration for power_metrics_recorder system.
# - thermal: configuration of the thermal management system.
# Outputs
# A directory structure and manifest
# manifest path:
# $target_out_dir/$target_name/board_input_bundle.json
# GN usual meanings
# testonly, visibility
template("board_input_bundle") {
labels = {
main_target = target_name
driver_packages = "${target_name}.driver_packages"
driver_packages_list = "${target_name}.driver_packages.list"
bazel_inputs = "${target_name}_bazel_inputs"
files = {
# The directory where the board input bundle contents are written to.
bundle_dir = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}"
# The "official" output
bundle_file = "${bundle_dir}/board_input_bundle.json"
# The files that we create as book-keeping between our tasks.
depfile = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}.d"
# Intermediate Files
_gen_files = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"
driver_packages_list = "${_gen_files}.driver_packages.list"
creation_deps = []
creation_inputs = []
creation_args = []
# Iterate over any provided drivers, and add them to the bundle, validating
# that they are package targets using a group_with_inputs().
if (defined(invoker.drivers) && invoker.drivers != []) {
# The list of package dependencies
_package_targets = []
# The driver manifest entries for creating the bundle with
_manifest_entries = []
# The list of package manifest files, for validating that the package
# targets are all actually package targets.
_package_manifests = []
foreach(details, invoker.drivers) {
"A target must be defined for each driver package.")
"A package set to place the driver in must be specified.")
"driver_components must be specified for driver targets")
# add the label to the list of package labels to use as dependencies
_package_targets += [ details.package_target ]
# calculate the path to the package manifest for this label
_package_out_dir =
get_label_info(details.package_target, "target_out_dir")
_package_name = get_label_info(details.package_target, "name")
_manifest_path =
_package_manifests += [ _manifest_path ]
_manifest_path_rebased = rebase_path(_manifest_path, root_build_dir)
# This needs to match the 'DriverInformation' struct defined in:
# //src/developer/ffx/plugins/assembly/src/operations/
# LINT.IfChange
_manifest_entries += [
package = _manifest_path_rebased
set = details.package_set
components = details.driver_components
# LINT.ThenChange(//src/developer/ffx/plugins/assembly/src/operations/
group_with_inputs(labels.driver_packages) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":${labels.driver_packages_list}" ]
inputs = _package_manifests
deps = _package_targets
# Generate the list of driver packages, for handing off to the board input
# bundle creator
generated_file(labels.driver_packages_list) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":${labels.main_target}" ]
deps = [ ":${labels.driver_packages}" ]
outputs = [ files.driver_packages_list ]
output_conversion = "json"
# This needs to match the 'DriversHelper' struct defined in:
# //src/developer/ffx/plugins/assembly/src/operations/
# LINT.IfChange
contents = {
drivers = _manifest_entries
# LINT.ThenChange(//src/developer/ffx/plugins/assembly/src/operations/
creation_deps += [ ":${labels.driver_packages_list}" ]
creation_inputs += [ files.driver_packages_list ]
creation_args += [
rebase_path(files.driver_packages_list, root_build_dir),
]) {
if (defined(invoker[package_set])) {
# The list of package manifest files, for validating that the package
# targets are all actually package targets.
_package_manifests = []
# Calculate the path to the package manifest for each label
foreach(package, invoker[package_set]) {
_package_out_dir = get_label_info(package, "target_out_dir")
_package_name = get_label_info(package, "name")
_manifest_path =
_package_manifests += [ _manifest_path ]
# Create a group that depends on each package-creating label, and lists
# each computed package manifest path as an input file. This allows the
# template to enforce that the labels used are instantiations of the
# `fuchsia_package()` template.
group_with_inputs("${target_name}.${package_set}") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":${labels.main_target}" ]
deps = invoker[package_set]
inputs = _package_manifests
# Add the group to the deps of the bundle.
creation_deps += [ ":${target_name}.${package_set}" ]
# Add all the package manifests to the creation args.
foreach(_package_manifest, _package_manifests) {
creation_args += [
string_replace("--${package_set}", "_", "-"),
rebase_path(_package_manifest, root_build_dir),
# Because of a bug in GN, where using `invoker[package_set]` doesn't mark
# invoker.base_packages (etc.) as having been used...
not_needed(invoker, [ package_set ])
# Add any kernel boot arguments that the input bundle needs to pass to
# configure the drivers being used.
if (defined(invoker.kernel_cmdline)) {
foreach(kernel_arg, invoker.kernel_cmdline) {
creation_args += [
# If configuration files for platform subsystems have been provided, then
# add them to the creation inputs and args.
if (defined(invoker.configuration)) {
configuration = invoker.configuration
if (defined(configuration.cpu_manager)) {
creation_inputs += [ configuration.cpu_manager ]
creation_args += [
if (defined(configuration.power_manager)) {
creation_inputs += [ configuration.power_manager ]
creation_args += [
if (defined(configuration.power_metrics_recorder)) {
creation_inputs += [ configuration.power_metrics_recorder ]
creation_args += [
if (defined(configuration.thermal)) {
creation_inputs += [ configuration.thermal ]
creation_args += [
ffx_action(labels.main_target) {
ffx_tool = "//src/developer/ffx/plugins/assembly:ffx_assembly_tool"
ffx_tool_output_name = "ffx-assembly"
# The contents of these folders are dynamic, and managed entirely by this
# action. Further, this action will need to delete items from these
# directories that are not added back (on an incremental build, if an item
# is removed from one of these sets)
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes = [
inputs = creation_inputs
outputs = [ files.bundle_file ]
depfile = files.depfile
deps = creation_deps
args = [
rebase_path(files.bundle_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(files.depfile, root_build_dir),
] + creation_args
metadata = {
board_input_bundles = [
label =
get_label_info(":${labels.main_target}", "label_with_toolchain")
outdir = rebase_path(files.bundle_dir, root_build_dir)
board_assembly_artifacts = [
source = rebase_path(files.bundle_dir, root_build_dir)
destination = "built/artifacts/$source"
# Make board configuration and board input bundle available to Bazel
bazel_input_resource_directory("${target_name}.bazel_input") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
source_dir = files.bundle_dir
dest_dir = rebase_path(files.bundle_dir, root_out_dir)
deps = [ ":${labels.main_target}" ]