blob: 9dee450c46921a0c7d61f7bf66801753e30e5472 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package virtual_device
import (
fvdpb ""
// qemuTargets maps a common Fuchsia CPU architecture string to its QEMU equivalent.
// This should provide a mapping for each value allowed by `isValidArch`.
var qemuTargets = map[string]qemu.Target{
"x64": qemu.TargetEnum.X86_64,
"arm64": qemu.TargetEnum.AArch64,
// QEMUCommand sets options to run Fuchsia in QEMU on the given QEMUCommandBuilder.
// This returns an error if `Validate(fvd, images)` returns an error.
// This function is hermetic; It does not lookup or set the path to the QEMU binary, or
// interact with the filesystem or environment in anyway. These actions are left to the
// caller.
// The caller is free to set additional options on the builder before calling this function
// or after this function returns.
func QEMUCommand(b *qemu.QEMUCommandBuilder, fvd *fvdpb.VirtualDevice, images build.ImageManifest) error {
if len(images) == 0 {
return errors.New("image manifest cannot be empty")
if err := Validate(fvd, images); err != nil {
return err
// Image paths. The previous call to Validate() ensures these exist in the manifest.
drive := ""
initrd := ""
kernel := ""
for _, image := range images {
switch {
case fvd.Kernel != "" && image.Name == fvd.Kernel && image.Type == "kernel":
kernel = image.Path
case image.Name == fvd.Initrd && image.Type == "zbi":
initrd = image.Path
case fvd.Drive != nil && image.Name == fvd.Drive.Image && (image.Type == "blk" || image.Type == "fxfs-blk"):
drive = image.Path
if fvd.Drive != nil {
if fvd.Drive.IsFilename {
// Drive is a path instead of an image name. Assume the caller verified it exists.
drive = fvd.Drive.Image
ID: fvd.Drive.Id,
Addr: fvd.Drive.PciAddress,
File: drive,
if kernel != "" {
if fvd.Hw.Hci != "" {
for _, drive := range fvd.Hw.Drives {
// TODO(kjharland): Refactor //tools/qemu to use a `Device` model and move this there.
switch drive.Device.Model {
case "usb-storage":
ID: drive.Id,
File: drive.Image,
Addr: drive.PciAddress,
case "virtio-blk-pci":
ID: drive.Id,
File: drive.Image,
Addr: drive.PciAddress,
return fmt.Errorf("unimplemented drive model: %q", drive.Device.Model)
ramBytes, err := parseRAMBytes(fvd.Hw.Ram)
if err != nil {
return err
// The call to Validate() above guarantees the target is in this map.
target := qemuTargets[fvd.Hw.Arch]
b.SetTarget(target, fvd.Hw.EnableKvm)
for _, d := range fvd.Hw.NetworkDevices {
// TODO(kjharland): Switch all tests to -nic, which is newer than -netdev.
netdev := qemu.Netdev{ID: d.Id}
if d.Device != nil {
netdev.Device = qemu.Device{Model: d.Device.Model}
for _, option := range d.Device.Options {
if opt := strings.SplitN(option, "=", 2); len(opt) == 2 {
netdev.Device.AddOption(opt[0], opt[1])
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid option: %q", option)
switch d.Kind {
case "user":
netdev.User = &qemu.NetdevUser{}
case "tap":
netdev.Tap = &qemu.NetdevTap{Name: d.Id}
// TODO(kjharland): Check this in Validate()
return fmt.Errorf("unimplemented network device kind: %q", d.Kind)
for _, arg := range fvd.KernelArgs {
return nil