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  2. src/


Example player is a fake media player that publishes its media session with

Use fx set to create a core version of Fuchsia that includes the targets and shards needed to run the example player with the mediasession cli tool:

fx set core.x64 \
    --with "//src/media" \
    --args='core_realm_shards += [ "//src/media/sessions:mediasession_core_shard" ]';

Build Fuchsia and (re)start the target emulator with this configuration. See these configuration instructions for more details.


To create and start and example player, use ffx component. The mediasession_core_shard added above installs a mediasession-examples collection into the /core realm to run example player components under.

The basic workflow is:

  1. ffx component create /core/mediasession-examples:player fuchsia-pkg://
  2. ffx component start /core/mediasession-examples:player

Note that mediasession-players is the collection name and must be a part of the moniker of the created component. However, the name of the component, player above, can be user-defined when invoking ffx component create.

It is possible to create and start multiple example players as long as they have a different component name (e.g player1, player2).

You can see the created components with ffx component list:

> fx ffx component list | grep mediasession-examples

Then run fx shell mediasession_cli_tool to control and monitor the example players' state by session-id. For example:

> fx shell mediasession_cli_tool ls
[53106] State: None
[48966] State: None
[53106] State: Some(Playing)
[48966] State: Some(Playing)
[48966] State: Some(Paused)