tree: 7f88b99cb5867b0e6c1532c9b894fb5c8e95d9b5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. include/
  2. meta/
  4. buffer-impl.h
  7. cli.h
  8. core.h
  10. dump-file-mmap.h
  12. dump-file-stdio.h
  15. dump-file-zstd.h
  17. dump-file.h
  19. dump-tests.h
  29. job-archive.h
  31. live-memory-cache.h
  32. METADATA.textproto
  34. OWNERS
  39. piped-command.h
  45. rights.h
  50. test-child-dso.h
  54. test-data-holder.h
  55. test-file.h
  57. test-tool-process.h
  58. writer-tests.h

Zircon ELF Core Dump Support

This library provides support for the Zircon incarnation of traditional “core dump” support using the ELF file format. The ELF core file uses a very straightforward format to dump a flexible amount of information, but usually a very complete dump. In contrast to other dump formats such as “minidump”, core files tend to be large and complete, rather than compact and sufficient. The format allows the dump-writer some leeway in choosing how much data to include.

The library provides a flexible callback-based C++ API for controlling the various phases of collecting data for a dump. The library produces dumps in a streaming fashion, with disposition of the data left to callbacks.

A simple writer using POSIX I/O is provided to plug into the callback API to stream to a file descriptor. This works with either seekable or non-seekable file descriptors, seeking forward over gaps of zero padding when possible.

Core file format

The dump of a process is represented by an ELF file. The ELF header's class, byte-order (always 64-bit and little-endian for Fuchsia), and e_machine fields represent the machine, and e_type is ET_CORE.

According to the standard format, ET_CORE files have program headers but no section headers (not counting the PN_XNUM protocol for large numbers of program headers, which uses a special section header). Each PT_LOAD segment represents a memory mapping. One or more PT_NOTE segments give additional information about the process and (optionally) its threads.

Memory segments

The representation of memory in core dumps is standard across systems. Zircon core dumps do not deviate.

The PT_LOAD segments represent all of the address space of the process. Each uses a p_align value of page size, and both its p_vaddr and p_offset are aligned to page size. As ELF requires, PT_LOAD segments are in ascending order of address (p_vaddr) and do not overlap. Every gap not covered by the p_vaddr and p_memsz of some PT_LOAD segment should be a hole in the address space where nothing was mapped in the process.

Each PT_LOAD segment has a p_filesz that may be anywhere from zero up to its p_memsz. The p_memsz value says how much of the address space this mapping took up in the process, and is always a multiple of page size. The p_filesz value is what leading subset of that memory is included in the dump. It‘s usually a multiple of page size too, but is not required to be. If it’s zero or less than the full p_memsz value, that means the dump-writer decided to elide or truncate the contents of this memory. That could be because it would just read as zero (though the dump-writer could instead leave a sparse-file “hole” for zero pages when the filesystem supports that); or because it was memory that the writer's policy said should never be dumped, such as device memory or shared memory; or simply memory that the writer decided was too uninteresting or too big to include, such as read-only program code and data attributable to mapped files. In Zircon core dumps, the information about mappings and VMOs in the process-wide notes (below) may shed additional light on what some elided memory was or why it was not dumped.

Note segments

ET_CORE files also have PT_NOTE segments providing additional information about the process. The details of the note formats vary widely by system, though all use the ELF note container format. A segment with p_offset and nonzero p_filesz but a zero p_vaddr and zero p_memsz is recognized as a “non-allocated” segment, which holds offline data but does not correspond to the process address space. This kind of segment is used in ET_CORE files.

In Zircon core dumps, there is a single non-allocated PT_NOTE segment that appears before all the PT_LOAD segments (both in its order in the program header table and in the order of its p_offset locating data in the file). This contains several notes using different name (string) and type (integer) values to represent process and thread state. These map directly to state reported by the Zircon kernel ABI.

Process-wide notes

The first series of notes describe process-wide state.


ELF notes using the name ZirconProcessInfo contain all the types that zx_object_get_info yields on a Zircon process. The ELF note‘s 32-bit type is exactly the zx_object_info_topic_t value in zx_object_get_info. The note’s “description” (payload) has the size and layout that corresponds to that topic. All available types are usually included in the dump.


ELF notes using the name ZirconProcessProperty contain all the types that zx_object_get_property yields on a Zircon process. The ELF note‘s 32-bit type is exactly the property argument to zx_object_get_property. The note’s “description” (payload) has the size and layout that corresponds to that property. All available properties are usually included in the dump.

Note ordering

The first note is always for ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC; this has the process KOID (aka PID). (Note that the rights field indicates the rights the dump-writer had to dump the process; this does not represent any handle present in the process.) The second note is always for ZX_PROP_NAME. The set of remaining notes and their order is unspecified and subject to change. Dumps generally include all the information the kernel makes available, but a dump-writer might be configured to omit some information or might be forced to omit some information due to runtime errors from the system calls to collect data.

Per-thread notes

Additional sets of notes describe each thread in the process. These notes are not always included in the dump, at the discretion of the dump-writer. The process-wide data and memory can be collected while letting the threads continue to run. In that case, the data and/or threads may be mutually inconsistent since threads changed things while the dump was being taken. Moreover, there is no per-thread data whatsoever. Ordinarily, the dump-writer suspends the process and each thread before collecting any data. Only when all data and memory has been dumped does it allow those threads to run again. In this (usual) case, full information is dumped about each thread.

There is no formal grouping or separation between the notes for one thread and the next. All the notes for one thread appear, then all the notes for the next thread. This is in the order those threads were reported by the kernel, usually chronological order of their creation.

The first note for each thread is always for ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC; this has the thread KOID and indicates that following notes apply to that thread. (Note that the rights field indicates the rights the dump-writer had to dump the thread; this does not represent any handle present in the process.) The second note for each thread is always for ZX_PROP_NAME. The set of remaining notes and their order is unspecified and subject to change; see above.

The dump-writer normally tries to include every known per-thread note for each thread. Some types are not available because they aren't used on the current machine or because the thread was already dying when the dump started, but some might be elided just because their contents are boring. If a known type is omitted for a thread, it usually means there was no interesting data to report.


ELF notes using the name ZirconThreadInfo contain all the types that zx_object_get_info yields on a Zircon thread. The ELF note‘s 32-bit type is exactly the zx_object_info_topic_t value in zx_object_get_info. The note’s “description” (payload) has the size and layout that corresponds to that topic. As mentioned above, the ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC note comes first and provides the KOID that can be used as a unique identifier for the thread across the whole dump.


ELF notes using the name ZirconThreadProperty contain all the data that zx_object_get_property yields on a Zircon thread. The ELF note‘s 32-bit type is exactly the property argument to zx_object_get_proprety. The note’s “description” (payload) has the size and layout that corresponds to that property.


ELF notes using the name ZirconThreadState contain all the data that zx_thread_read_state yields on a Zircon thread. The ELF note‘s 32-bit type is exactly the zx_thread_state_topic_t argument to zx_thread_read_state. The note’s “description” (payload) has the size and layout that corresponds to that topic's zx_thread_state_*_t type. The types and layouts that will appear vary by machine.

Build ID Notes

Zircon ET_CORE files usually contain additional PT_NOTE program headers. These come after a PT_LOAD header and have a p_vaddr and p_memsz that locates their data inside that load segment. These additional notes locate places in the image where the dump-writer identified ELF build ID notes inside ELF images mapped into the process memory. The notes don‘t convey any new data, it’s just a small region of the process memory already in the dump. But they save a reader of the dump the trouble of scanning the memory image for ELF images and extracting build ID notes. Instead, each build ID note that the dump-writer came across appears directly as a note in the ET_CORE file when examined by normal ELF tools.

Job archives

As well as an individual process, a Zircon job can be dumped into a file called a “job archive” that represents the job itself and may include dumps for its processes and/or child jobs, at the discretion of the dump-writer.

A job archive is a standard ar format archive (like .a files for linking). The archive's member files can be listed and extracted using the standard ar tool. It has the standard archive header and uses the standard long-name table special member, but does not have a symbol table special member like the archives used for static linking.

The initial portion of the job archive contains member files that describe the job itself. This subset alone is called the “stub archive”. After the stub archive, there may be additional member files containing dumps for processes or child jobs.

Stub archive

The member files of the stub archive are analogous to the notes in an ET_CORE file as described above. Rather than using ELF note format, the name of each file encodes its type.


Member files with name ZirconJobInfo.%u contain all the types that zx_object_get_info yields on a Zircon job. %u is the decimal representation of the zx_object_info_topic_t value in zx_object_get_info. The file has the size and layout that corresponds to that topic. All available types are usually included in the dump.


Member files with name ZirconJobProperty.%u contain all the types that zx_object_get_property yields on a Zircon job. %u is the decimal representation of the property argument to zx_object_get_property. The file has the size and layout that corresponds to that property. All available properties are usually included in the dump.

Process dump member files

A job archive can include the whole dumps for the processes within the job. A member file for a process dump is an ET_CORE file as described above. The name of a process dump member file doesn't matter, but it is usually core.%u where %u is the decimal representation of the process KOID (aka PID). The definitive process KOID should be discovered from the notes inside the process dump member file itself, not by parsing the member file name.

Child job dump member files

A job archive can include the whole dumps for child jobs within the job. A member file for a child job dump is itself another job archive file. The name of a child job dump member file doesn't matter, but it is usually core.%u.a where %u is the decimal representation of the job KOID. The definitive job KOID should be discovered from the information inside the job archive itself, not by parsing the member file name.

Member file ordering

Robust readers can ignore the order of member files in a job archive and recognize the stub archive members by name and others by their contents. This works with job archives unpacked and repacked using ar or similar tools. However, standard Zircon job archives are streamed out in a specific order.

All member files that form the stub archive appear before any process or child job dump member files. Usually all members in the stub archive use the long name table and additional member files for process or child job dumps have short names truncated to fit in the traditional member header.

The first member in the stub archive is for ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC; this has the job KOID. (Note that the rights field indicates the rights the dump-writer had to dump the job; this does not represent any handle present in any dumped process.) The second member is always for ZX_PROP_NAME. The set of remaining members and their order is unspecified and subject to change. Dumps generally include all the information the kernel makes available.

The order of process and/or child dump member files doesn't matter, but usually all the processes are dumped and then all the child jobs, in the order the kernel reported them as seen in the stub archive. The definitive type and KOID of each process or child dump member file should be discovered from the information inside the member file itself, not from member ordering or names.

Flattened job archives

When a job archive includes child job dumps, this can be done in two ways.

In a hierarchical job archive, there are ET_CORE member files for each process in the job and job archive member files for each child job. Each child job's member file is itself another hierarchical job archive that might contain a grandchild job archive, etc.

In a flattened job archive, the archive member file for a child job is just the stub archive that describes the job itself. That child job‘s processes appear as member files in the flattened job archive, not inside the contained job archive for the child job. Likewise, any grandchild jobs appear as member files in the flattened job archive that are themselves just stub archives, followed by the grandchild’s processes and the great-grandchildren, etc.

A hierarchical job archive preserves the job hierarchy in the structure of the files. A flattened job archive loses that structure, requiring a reader to reconstruct it from the process and child KOID lists in each stub archive.

The very simple way the traditional ar archive format works means that the hierarchical and flattened job archives for the same job tree are exactly the same size and have all the same contents in all the same places. The only difference is in the member header for a child job archive, which either says the member extends to include the following additional dump members or that it stops after just the stub archive so those members come after the child's stub archive in the outer archive.

Because the whole child job archive‘s size must be determined in advance, hierarchical job archives require holding all the processes in the child’s whole subtree suspended while dumping the whole child's job archive en masse. A flattened job archive can always be streamed out piecemeal while only one process at a time is held suspended long enough to dump it. Thus streaming out a flattened job archive will usually go more quickly than the equivalent hierarchical job archive. However, the hierarchical job archive also ensures that the state shown in the dump is synchronized across all the processes in the hierarchy since they were all kept suspended while doing all the dumping.


The dump-writer may choose to include system-wide information in dumps. This is information collected on the system at the time the dump is taken that may be specific to the particular hardware or instance of the system but is not specific to any single process or job on the system. It can be included in a job archive, or in an ET_CORE file, or both. When system-wide information is included in a job archive, then any child job or process dumps within the archive might contain a copy of the same information, or they might omit it since it is always the same across the whole job hierarchy.

The system-wide information is encoded in UTF-8 JSON text. In a job archive, it‘s found in a member file called ZirconSystem.json. In an ET_CORE file, it’s found in the ELF note with name ZirconSystem.json and n_type of zero.

The JSON schema is subject to future extension, but it's a JSON object (i.e. key/value dictionary) with a simple mapping to the zx::system kernel interfaces, e.g. "version_string" maps to a JSON string value that zx_system_get_version_string() returned, and "num_cpus" maps to a JSON integer value that zx_system_get_num_cpus() returned.


The dump-writer may choose to include privileged kernel information in dumps. This is information collected on the system at the time the dump is taken that contains details about system-wide privileged kernel state. Like the public system-wide information in ZirconSystem.json notes, this data is not specific to any single process or job on the system. Unlike that information, this is data that actively changes while the system runs. It can be included in a job archive, or in an ET_CORE file, or both. When kernel information is included in a job archive, then any child job or process dumps within the archive might contain a copy of the same information, or they might omit it since it is always the same across the whole job hierarchy (unless collected at different times).

In job archives, member files with name ZirconKernelInfo.%u contain kernel information that zx_object_get_info yields on Zircon “resource” objects. %u is the decimal representation of the zx_object_info_topic_t value in zx_object_get_info. The file has the size and layout that corresponds to that topic. All available types are usually included in the dump.

In ET_CORE files, ELF notes using the name ZirconKernelInfo contain the same information. The ELF note‘s 32-bit type is exactly the zx_object_info_topic_t value in zx_object_get_info. The note’s “description” (payload) has the size and layout that corresponds to that topic.

Dump timestamps

The dump-writer may choose to include a timestamp indicating when a dump was taken. In job archives, each archive member file records a date; ar tv on an archive file will display each member‘s date. Timestamps the dump-writer chose to elide appear as zero (i.e. 1970-1-1T0:00 UTC). The dump-writer usually samples the UTC clock just before collecting each job’s job-wide information and makes that the date of each member file in the “stub archive”. It samples the clock again just before collecting each process, and makes that the date of the process dump member file. Hence, by convention the “dump date” indicates the earliest time any data was collected, though some of the data collected may reflect state changed by processes doing more work after collection began.

The dump-writer may also choose to include the timestamp in an ET_CORE file. This is represented by the ELF note with name ZirconDumpDate and n_type of zero. It contains a 64-bit POSIX time_t “seconds since Epoch” value. This note does not appear at all if the dump-writer chose to elide the timestamp.

Dump remarks

A dump can include arbitrary additional data provided to the dump-writer. These are called “dump remarks”. This is additional information whose format and meaning is not specified by the overall dump format, nor necessarily known to the dump-writer. Dump remarks can be included in a job archive, or in an ET_CORE file, or both. When a job archive includes dump remarks, those may be meant to apply to all dumps in the archive, or only to the specific job.

In a job archive, any member file whose name begins with ZirconDump. holds dump remarks. In an ET_CORE file, dump remarks are found in ELF notes with names that begin with ZirconDump. and n_type of zero. The exact name must have some suffix after ZirconDump.. The exact format and meaning of dump remarks is set only by convention based on that full name. By convention, remarks with names ending in .json are encoded as UTF-8 JSON text and remarks with names ending in .txt are UTF-8 plain text. It's recommended that other dump remarks use names that similarly end in something that looks like a filename extension appropriate for their format (e.g. a custom non-text format without a canonical filename extension might use ZirconDump.something.bin).

Reader API

The zxdump C++ library provides an API for reading dumps as well as one for creating them. As described above, dumps can contain all the kinds of information the Zircon kernel reports about processes, threads, and jobs, using the kernel API's own formats. So the library interface for reading information from core dumps and job archives has striking parallels with the Zircon system call interface. In fact, most of the interface is what a read-only subset of the Zircon API might look like in a new style of C++ language binding. However, this is an API available on all host platforms as well as on Fuchsia.


The <lib/zxdump/task.h> header describes this API in detail. The zxdump::TaskHolder object is the root container used to represent dump data in memory. As the name implies, it holds a set of related “task” objects, that is zxdump::Job, zxdump::Process, and zxdump::Thread objects. The holder can be fed dump files, either ET_CORE files with single process dumps or job archives that can contain multiple dumps. This is done with the Insert method to “insert” a dump into the holder by file descriptor.

Job, Process, & Thread Objects

Each Zircon kernel object read from dumps is represented by a C++ object. All these objects are owned by the zxdump::TaskHolder object and are always used by reference. The API mirrors the Zircon system call API for the same kernel object types. zxdump::Job, zxdump::Process, and zxdump::Thread classes are derived from a common base class zxdump::Task.

Each has an object type and a KOID (aka PID in the case of processes) exactly reflecting the Zircon kernel objects in the snapshot of the running system taken by the dump. The get_info and get_property methods return all the object-type-specific information captured in the snapshot, using the Zircon system call API's own data structures. zxdump::Thread objects also have read_state methods. The preferred form of each of these uses strong typing via a template parameter selecting the topic, property, or state kind to avoid the hassles and unsafety of the raw buffer and size in the C system call API.

As in the live system's API, the various “KOID list” topics from get_info can be used with the get_child method to navigate the task hierarchy, from job to child job, from job to process, and from process to thread. A more convenient and efficient find method is also provided to look up a descendent task by KOID from any job or process above it in the hierarchy. zxdump::Job and zxdump::Process objects also have convenience methods that return std::map<zx_koid_t, zxdump::...> for the children, processes, and threads lists for doing full enumeration.

Task Hierarchy & Reading Multiple Dumps

A single ELF core dump file describes only one process (with all its threads). A job archive can describe any number of jobs and processes. Any particular dump file, whether a single-process dump or a job archive, might be only one slice of the picture that needs to be reassembled for post-mortem analysis.

The zxdump::TaskHolder API supports reading multiple dump files into a single, unified view of the data. As each dump is inserted, new job and process objects are collated by matching up task KOIDs with children and process KOID lists. The tasks thus “self-assemble” into a task hierarchy replicating a partial view of the live system's task hierarchy.

Root Job & The Super-Root

Navigating the task hierarchy of a zxdump::TaskHolder works just like in the Zircon system call API: start with the root job, and enumerate children. In the zxdump case, the zxdump::TaskHolder::root_job() method simply returns the root job object.

It‘s possible that a single job archive, or a collection of job archives together, actually represent the root job of a system instance and all its descendent tasks. More often, the reader API is only looking at a partial view of some subset of the tree. This might be a strict subtree with a single parent job that can be considered the “local root job”. But it could also be just a collection of jobs that don’t all share ancestry that's visible in the dump data. It may well be only a collection of individual process dumps and no job information at all to indicate any kind of hierarchy above the threads within each process. The reader API handles all these cases.

When job archives provide a coherent view that assembles into a single tree with one root job, then the zxdump::Job object returned by root_job() is just this job, with all its job-specific information as well as its children and process lists.

In other cases, root_job() is actually a special placeholder zxdump::Job object called the “super-root”. This object doesn‘t correspond to any real Zircon kernel object from the dumped system. It serves only to provide the child job and process lists that a real root job would provide. The placeholder object has KOID of zero and no other job information to report. All it does have is a children list and a processes list, which appear like the normal job get_info topics for those KOID lists even though no other topics are available. Every “orphaned” job or process whose parent job wasn’t described in any dump file will appear to be a child job or process of the super-root. (When the only task without a known parent is a job, then that job becomes the “real” root job instead and there is no “super-root”.)

When displaying information from a dump, a nonzero KOID for the root job identifies a real, rooted job tree that can be displayed whole. The zero KOID of the super-root indicates that instead it's really just a collection of unrelated “top-level” jobs and/or processes.

Resource Objects & Kernel Information

The zxdump::Task base class is itself derived from zxdump::Object. As in the Zircon system call API, get_info et al are actually provided generically for all kinds of kernel objects. Zircon's resource objects are represented by the zxdump::Resource class, which is also derived from zxdump::Object.

In dump files, the only resource object that ever exists is the root resource. zxdump::TaskHolder provides a simple root_resource() method similar to root_job(). If a dump includes the privileged kernel information, then it will be available via get_info calls on the root resource. If that data is omitted, then root_resource() will be a placeholder object that returns a zero KOID.

Memory-Mapped & Streaming Input

The reader code uses file descriptors to read dump files. When possible, it will use mmap to map an ELF or archive file into read-only memory and use its contents without requiring copies in memory. But the reader will also generally work with pipes as input, and will read in a streaming fashion with some caveats.

The reader first reads all the file headers and the “notes” and caches them in memory. This contains all get_info, get_property, and read_state data items. What remains in the dump file is the contents of process memory, which is read from files only on demand as needed for read_memory calls. This has some ramifications:

  • When the reader can't use memory-mapped files, it has to hold onto the file descriptor so it can seek and read for later read_memory calls.

  • When the input file descriptor is not seekable (such as streaming input from a pipe or socket), then read_memory calls only work when they match the order of the data in the input dump file's layout.

Recall from the ordering sections in the format description above that dump file layout is quite flexible. The reader can cope with any valid layout. But the streaming input support is optimized for the canonical layout with all the headers and note data first, followed by memory data with file order correlated to ascending address order. If the reader has to seek past memory data to get to all the note data, this may be inefficient; and no read_memory calls will succeed later, even in ascending address order.

Many particular uses of dump-reading are not concerned with reading memory. So the zxdump::TaskHolder::Insert method takes an optional flag argument to say that read_memory isn't expected to be used later. In this case, the reader will clean up and close the file descriptors immediately after inserting the dump. Any later attempts to use read_memory on a zxdump::Process whose data came from that dump will fail with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.

When full access to process memory via read_memory is required from a dump file coming from a streaming input source, it's probably best to just write the whole dump stream into a file and then use the memory-mapped reading mode. In other cases, it works very well to feed the reader a dump stream piped from a network connection or decompression process, etc.

Partial Dumps & Missing Data

The dump format in theory represents every type of information about each job, process, and thread it describes. However, the dump-writer has wide discretion to omit some pieces of information for any reason. Particular get_info, get_property, or read_state items might be elided because the task died while being dumped; because the kernel or hardware didn't support a particular kind of information; to save space in the dump; to redact sensitive data; or simply by the whim of the user. The dump reader can also often successfully read a dump that has been truncated, and will then present it just the same as a dump where specific information was elided intentionally. In all these cases, particular task API calls will fail with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED when the specific data requested is missing, even where their Zircon system call counterparts might never get that error.

The zxdump::Process::read_memory distinguishes more cases:

  • ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY is the same error the kernel returns for a memory range that simply isn't all mapped to anything in the process.

  • ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND indicates that the dump described the memory region as present in the process, but intentionally omitted these actual memory contents. The core file has a PT_LOAD segment covering the region, and may include ZX_INFO_PROCESS_MAPS data that gives more details, but the contents were not included in the dump.

  • ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE indicates that the memory was included in the dump, but can't be read because the dump was truncated. This is also the result when trying to read memory from a non-seekable dump stream where the needed portion of the file has already been passed.

  • ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED specifically means that the dump file containing this process was inserted by a zxdump::TaskHolder::Insert call with false passed for the optional read_memory flag argument.

Live Task API

As described above, the zxdump C++ library‘s API for reading information out of dumps looks very much like a subset of the Zircon system call API for getting the same information on a live system from running Zircon jobs and processes. So it’s natural that when using this API on Fuchsia, you can use the same API to handle information either from a dump or from a live system.

When the <lib/zxdump/task.h> API is used on Fuchsia systems, an additional signature for the Insert method is available on zxdump::TaskHolder objects. Rather than taking a file descriptor to a core file or job archive to read the dump of a process or job (aka a task), this takes a Zircon handle to a process or job using the C++ lib/zx API‘s zx::handle family of types. This “inserts” that live task into the holder in the same way: it “self-assembles” with the other tasks already in the holder to form a job tree, presenting a “super-root” if unrelated tasks go into the same holder. (It’s not possible to insert a zx::thread directly, only the zx::process containing it.)

The biggest difference between inserting a dump and inserting a live task is that the live task‘s information is not immediately collected. Instead, when get_info, get_property, and read_state calls are made on a zxdump::Task family object that actually represents a live task, the information is collected on demand. Each topic, property, and state kind is fetched only once and then cached, but none is fetched until it’s requested. (The one exception is the “basic” information, so the type and KOID are always on hand.) This means that it's efficient to use this API purely as a nicer API front-end for get_info et al, while also making it easy to write code that makes use of the information in exactly the same way for either a live case or a post mortem case. But the API is designed for the post mortem style, which is to say, examining the state just once rather than fetching fresh information as it changes over time.

Once a live task has been inserted, all the same API conveniences are available, including the find methods as well as direct get_child lookups. Once a live job has been inserted, its child jobs and processes are implicitly inserted on demand as they are found by KOID via get_child or find from the job tree already inserted. As with dumps, when disconnected processes or job trees are inserted, there will be a super-root presented as the fake root job in the zxdump::TaskHolder object. But if the actual root job handle of the running system is inserted as a live task, then root_job().find(KOID) efficiently finds any job or process on the system by KOID.

It‘s even possible to comingle live tasks and dump data in a single zxdump::TaskHolder object. Just like with inserting multiple dumps, whatever KOIDs are made visible in the holder by inserting a process or job tree all self-assemble by KOID and become accessible under the root job tree. So it can work to insert a post mortem dump of jobs and processes, that are now dead but came from the currently running system and exist in the same KOID space, alongside the current root job. The result is a combined picture of the whole system’s job tree that includes current jobs and processes in their active state intermingled with their deceased relatives each in their last known state. (Inserting a live task with the same KOID as a task already read from a dump may have confusing results. The information from the dump will be used as the cached information, but any information not present in the dump that's requested later might be filled in from the live task.)

Code that can work equally well with dumps or with live tasks can be built for Fuchsia or for other host operating systems. To reduce the need for conditional compilation, the zxdump::LiveTask type is provided as an alias for zx::handle on Fuchsia that is also available as a placeholder API on other systems. When not on Fuchsia, the only zxdump::LiveTask objects that exist are default-constructed “invalid handle” objects. All the same APIs are available, but they'll always fail because the handle passed will always be invalid.

For convenience, the zxdump::GetRootJob() function is provided to fetch the live root job handle via the fuchsia.kernel.RootJob FIDL protocol. This returns failure if the current process‘s component sandbox doesn’t have access to that privileged protocol. (Even this is also available on non-Fuchsia systems in a version that always returns failure, so no conditional compilation is required.) A tool or service can insert one or more dump files, or it can insert the live root job; and then look up tasks by KOID and interrogate them with identical code either way.

Similarly, the zxdump::GetRootResource() function is provided to fetch the live system's root resource handle via the fuchsia.boot.RootResource FIDL protocol. This handle can be passed to zxdump::TaskHolder::Insert to make live kernel data available via root_resource() as from a dump. (Resource objects other than the root resource cannot be inserted.)