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  1. src/
  3. Cargo.toml

forma. The parallel CPU vector renderer

forma is a highly efficient vector content renderer and composer that makes use of all processor cores and vector units.

It currently supports:

  • non-zero or even-odd paths
  • lines, quadratic and cubic Bézier curves and their rational counterparts
  • RGB solid fills with opacity
  • correct gamma blending
  • efficient per-path transforms

The renderer achieves its performance through a few principles that are present throughout the code-base:

  • tiled renderer can render simple tiles efficiently
  • long expensive buffer operations are parallelized on multiple threads
  • partial results are stored in temporary buffers and the whole renderer runs in a multi-stage pipeline
  • tight loops are as branchless as possible and are easily auto-vectorized
  • high-quality efficient linear-to-sRGB approximation

Getting started with forma


use forma::{Buffer, BufferBuilder, Composition, LinearLayout, Fill, Point, Style};

fn main() {
    const WIDTH: usize = 256;
    const HEIGHT: usize = 256;

    let mut buffer = vec![255u8; WIDTH * HEIGHT * 4];
    let mut layout = LinearLayout::new(WIDTH, WIDTH * 4);

    let mut composition = Composition::new();

    let mut triangle_path = Path::new();
        Point::new(100.0, 100.0),
        Point::new(150.0, 200.0),
        Point::new(150.0, 200.0),
        Point::new(200.0, 100.0),
        Point::new(200.0, 100.0),
        Point::new(100.0, 100.0),

    let layer_id = composition.create_layer();

    composition.insert_in_layer(layer_id, &triangle_path).set_style(Style {
        fill: Fill::Solid([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),

    composition.render(&mut BufferBuilder::new(&mut buffer, &mut layout).build(), [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], None);
