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  1. images/
  2. src/
  4. METADATA.textproto

FFX Plugin for Product and Image Assembly

TODO: Document Product Assembly

Image Assembly RFC-0072.

Image Assembly is responsible for taking prebuilt artifacts and generating images that can be used to update or flash a Fuchsia device. The FFX plugin has three subcommands: create-system, create-update, and

Command Flow


Create a Fuchsia system that minimally includes a ZBI, and optionally a VBMeta and FVM images.

ffx assembly create-system                           \
  --image-assembly-config image_assembly_config.json \
  --images images_config.json                        \
  --outdir <output-directory>


--image-assembly-configImage Assembly ConfigContents of the Fuchsia system that are put into the images.
--imagesImages ConfigWhich images to generate and how.
--outdirpathDirectory to write outputs.
--gendirpath(optional; default=outdir) Directory to write intermediate files.
--base-package-namestring(optional; default=“system_image”) Name to give the Base Package. This is currently only used by OTA tests to allow publishing muliple base packages to the same amber repository without naming collisions.
--modeModes(optional; default=“standard”) Where to put the packages.


standardPackages are placed in a blobfs in a FVM that is flashed to a separate partition.
fvm_in_zbiPackages are placed in a blobfs in a FVM that is embedded into the ZBI as a ramdisk.
bootfs_onlyPackages are placed into BootFS.


packages.jsonPackage ManifestList of packages in the system.
images.jsonImages ManifestList of images generated.
fuchsia.zbiFuchsia Zircon Boot Image (ZBI).
fuchsia.vbmetaFuchsia Verified Boot Metadata (VBMeta).
fvm.blkFuchsia Volume Manager (FVM).


Create an update package for updating a running Fuchsia system.

ffx assembly create-update                    \
  --packages packages.json                    \
  --partitions partitions.json                \
  --system-a images.json                      \
  --system-r recovery_images.jso              \
  --board-name "board"                        \
  --version-file version.txt                  \
  --epoch 0                                   \
  --outdir <output-directory>


--packagesPackage ManifestList of packages in the system.
--partitionsPartitions ConfigWhere in the partition table the images are put.
--system-[a,b,r]Images ManifestThe system to place in the slot.
--board-namestringThe name of the board. Fuchsia will reject an Update Package with a different board name.
--version-filepath of file containing a.b.c.d, where each digit is u32The file containing the version of the Fuchsia system.
--epochintThe backstop OTA version. Fuchsia will reject updates with a lower epoch.
--outdirpathDirectory to write outputs.
--gendirpath(optional; default=outdir) Directory to write intermediate files.
--update-package-namestring(optional; default=“update”) Name to give the Update Package. This is currently only used by OTA tests to allow publishing multiple update packages to the same amber repository without naming collisions.


update.farFormatUpdate package.

Image Assembly Config

The image assembly config specifies the contents of the Fuchsia system that is put into the images.

  // The set of packages included when flashing or updating a device, and should
  // not be removed by the garbage collector.
  base: [ "path/to/package_manifest.json" ],

  // The set of packages included when flashing or updating a device, but can be
  // removed by the garbage collector.
  cache: [ "path/to/package_manifest.json" ],

  // The set of system-critical packages included in the "System Image"
  // (i.e. base package).
  system: [ "path/to/package_manifest.json" ],

  kernel: {

    // Path on host to the kernel ZBI.
    path: "path/to/kernel.zbi",

    // The arguments to pass to the kernel on boot.
    args: [ "arg1", "arg2" ],

  // Arguments available in the boot service for userspace programs.
  boot_args: [ "arg1", "arg2" ],

  // Files to put in BootFS.
  bootfs_files: [
      source: "path/to/file/on/host",
      destination: "path/to/file/in/bootfs",

  // Packages to put in BootFS.
  bootfs_packages: [

Images Config

The images config specifies which images to generate and how.

  images: [

<image> specifies a single image to generate, and has the following format.

  type: "<type>",
  name: "<name>",

<type> can be one of: zbi, vbmeta, or fvm.

zbi type

  type: "zbi",

  // The name to give the file: fuchsia.zbi
  name: "fuchsia",

  // The compression format for the ZBI.
  compression: "zstd.max",

  // An optional script to post-process the ZBI.
  // This is often used to prepare the ZBI for the
  postprocessing_script: <post-processing-script>,

<post-processing-script> has the following format.

  // The path to the script on host.
  // This script _musts_ take the following arguments:
  //   -z <path to ZBI>
  //   -o <output path>
  //   -B <build directory, relative to script's source directory>
  path: "path/to/script/on/",

  // Additional arguments to pass to the script after the above arguments.
  args: [ "arg1", "arg2" ],

VBMeta Type

  type: "vbmeta",

  // The name to give the file: fuchsia.vbmeta
  name: "fuchsia",

  // Path on host to the key for signing VBMeta.
  key: "path/to/key/on/host",

  // Path on host to the key metadata to add to the VBMeta.
  key_metadata: "path/to/key/metadata/on/host",

  // Optional descriptors to add to the VBMeta image.
  additional_descriptors: [

VBMeta Descriptor

<descriptor> has the following format.

  // Name of the partition.
  name: "mypart",

  // Size of the partition in bytes.
  size: 12345,

  // Custom VBMeta flags to add.
  flags: 1,

  // Minimum AVB version to add.
  min_avb_version: "1.1",

FVM Type

  type: "fvm",

  // The name to give the file: fvm.blk
  name: "fvm",

  // The size of a slice within the FVM.
  slice_size: 0,

  // The list of filesystems to generate that can be added to the outputs.
  filesystems: [

  // The FVM images to generate.
  outputs: [


<filesystem> can be one of the following.

  type: "blobfs",

  // The name of the volume in the FVM.
  name: "blob",

  // Optionally compress the volume file.
  compress: true,

  // Optional deprecated layout.
  layout: "deprecated-padded",

  // Reserve |minimum_data_bytes| and |minimum_inodes| in the FVM, and ensure
  // that the final reserved size does not exceed |maximum_bytes|.
  maximum_bytes: 0,
  minimum_data_bytes: 0,
  minimum_inodes: 0,
  type: "empty-data",

  // The name of the volume in the FVM.
  name: "empty-data",
  type: "reserved",

  // The name of the volume in the FVM.
  name: "internal",

  // The number of slices to reserve.
  slices: 1000,

FVM Output

<fvm-output> can be one of the following.

  type: "standard",

  // The name to give the file: fvm.blk.
  name: "fvm",

  // The filesystems to include in the FVM.
  filesystems: [

  // Whether to compress the FVM.
  compress: true,

  // Shrink the FVM to fit exactly the contents.
  resize_image_file_to_fit: true,

  // After the optional resize, truncate the file to this length.
  truncate_to_length: 0,
  type: "sparse",

  // The name to give the file: fvm.sparse.blk.
  name: "fvm.sparse",

  // The filesystems to include in the FVM.
  filesystems: [

  // Whether to compress the FVM.
  compress: true,

  // The maximum size the FVM can expand to at runtime.
  // This sets the amount of slice metadata to allocate during construction,
  // which cannot be modified at runtime.
  max_disk_size: 0,
  type: "nand",

  // The name to give the file: fvm.nand.blk.
  name: "fvm.nand",

  // The filesystems to include in the FVM.
  filesystems: [

  // Whether to compress the FVM.
  compress: true,

  // The maximum size the FVM can expand to at runtime.
  // This sets the amount of slice metadata to allocate during construction,
  // which cannot be modified at runtime.
  max_disk_size: 0,
  block_count: 0,
  oob_size: 0,
  page_size: 0,
  pages_per_block: 0,


  images: [
      type: "zbi",
      name: "fuchsia",
      type: "vbmeta",
      name: "fuchsia",
      key: "path/to/key",
      key_metadata: "path/to/key/metadata",
      type: "fvm",
      name: "fvm",
      slice_size: 0,
      filesystems: [
          type: "blobfs",
          name: "blob",
          compress: true,
          maximum_bytes: 65536,
          minimum_data_bytes: 0,
          minimum_inodes: 4096,
      outputs: [
          type: "standard",
          name: "fvm",
          filesystems: [
          type: "sparse",
          name: "fvm.sparse",
          filesystems: [
          compress: true,
          max_disk_size: 65536,

Images Manifest



<image> has the following format.

  name: "zircon-a",
  path: "path/on/host/to/image",
  type: <image-type>,

<image-type> must be one of: zbi, vbmeta, base-package, blob, storage-full, storage-sparse, storage-sparse-blob, or fvm.fastboot.


    name: "zircon-a",
    path: "path/to/fuchsia.zbi",
    type: "zbi",
    name: "zircon-a",
    path: "path/to/fuchsia.vbmeta",
    type: "vbmeta",

Partitions Config


  // The list of bootloader partitions that are not slot-specific.
  booloader_partitions: [

  // The list of non-bootloader partitions that are slot-specific.
  partitions: [

Bootloader Partition

<bootloader-partition> has the following format.

  // The name of the partition known to fastboot.
  name: "bootloader",

  // The firmware type provided to the update system.
  // See documentation here:
  type: "tpl",

  // Path on host to the image.
  image: "path/on/host/to/image",


<partition> has the following format.

  // The name of the partition known to fastboot.
  name: "zircon_a",
  type: "<partition-type>",
  slot: "<partition-slot>",

<partition-type> can be one of: ZBI, VBMeta, FVM. <partition-slot> can be one of: A, B, R.


  booloader_partitions: [
      name: "bootloader",
      type: "tpl",
      image: "path/to/bootloader.tpl",
  partitions: [
      name: "zircon_a",
      type: "ZBI",
      slot: "A",
      name: "vbmeta_a",
      type: "VBMeta",
      slot: "A",
      name: "zircon_b",
      type: "ZBI",
      slot: "B",
      name: "vbmeta_b",
      type: "VBMeta",
      slot: "B",
      name: "fvm",
      type: "FVM",
      slot: "A",