blob: e0756ee1358f1882332a305af49f6edc40eb36ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{Context, Error},
component_events::{events::*, matcher::EventMatcher},
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, DiscoverableProtocolMarker},
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_component_decl as fdecl,
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fuchsia_component,
test_utils_lib::opaque_test::{OpaqueTest, OpaqueTestBuilder},
fn connect_to_root_service<P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker>(
test: &OpaqueTest,
) -> Result<P::Proxy, Error> {
let mut service_path = test.get_hub_v2_path();
service_path.extend(&["exec", "expose", P::PROTOCOL_NAME]);
pub async fn start_policy_test(
component_manager_url: &str,
root_component_url: &str,
config_path: &str,
) -> Result<(OpaqueTest, fcomponent::RealmProxy, EventStream), Error> {
let test = OpaqueTestBuilder::new(root_component_url)
let event_source = test.connect_to_event_source().await?;
let mut event_stream = event_source
.subscribe(vec![EventSubscription::new(vec![Started::NAME, Stopped::NAME])])
// Wait for the root component to be started so we can connect to its Realm service through the
// hub.
EventMatcher::ok().moniker(".").expect_match::<Started>(&mut event_stream).await;
let realm = connect_to_root_service::<fcomponent::RealmMarker>(&test)
.context("failed to connect to root component.Realm")?;
Ok((test, realm, event_stream))
pub async fn open_exposed_dir(
realm: &fcomponent::RealmProxy,
name: &str,
) -> Result<fio::DirectoryProxy, fcomponent::Error> {
let mut child_ref = fdecl::ChildRef { name: name.to_string(), collection: None };
let (exposed_dir, server_end) = create_proxy().unwrap();
.open_exposed_dir(&mut child_ref, server_end)
.expect("open_exposed_dir failed")
.map(|_| exposed_dir)