blob: 26a59b03c6b644817899e76a0c96f254e0a7fdd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
events::{Event, EventSource, EventSubscription, Resolved, Started},
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_component_decl as fdecl,
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
fuchsia_component::client::{connect_to_protocol, connect_to_protocol_at_dir_root},
#[fuchsia::component(logging_tags = ["resolveed_error_reporter"])]
async fn main() {
// Track all the starting child components.
let event_source = EventSource::new().unwrap();
let mut event_stream = event_source
.subscribe(vec![EventSubscription::new(vec![Resolved::NAME, Started::NAME])])
// This will trigger the resolution of the child.
let realm = connect_to_protocol::<fcomponent::RealmMarker>().unwrap();
let mut child_ref = fdecl::ChildRef { name: "child_a".to_string(), collection: None };
let (exposed_dir, server_end) =
let _ = realm
.open_exposed_dir(&mut child_ref, server_end)
.expect("failed to open exposed dir");
// Attempt to start the child component should fail.
let _resolved_event = EventMatcher::err().expect_match::<Resolved>(&mut event_stream).await;